My daughter didn't have any negative affects on Humira except for fatigue & headaches. They were manageable. We scheduled Humira before bed and it seemed to help. No additional illnesses, a couple of colds last year but no biggie. Hope it goes well for you!
Ja ja, how are you today? Any better? Could you have the flu or something unrelated to Humira? Crossing my fingers you bounce back quickly.
My stomach is rumbling really loud after starting Humira. No pain so it doesn't bother me that much. I had (or still have) staph infection on skin before starting but it has stayed in control. In fact it has been getting better after starting humira. No need for antibiotic creams or local cortisone creams.
Hello! Thursday I will be on Humira for 18 weeks. I am happy to report much improved in the pain and diarrhea department- took I would say, 12 wks.
As far as side effects: something weird is happening to skin on my legs, but not severe (psoriasis?) also I DO have fatigue the day after the dose. Does anyone feel crushing fatigue just BEFORE the dose like I do today?
Could it be Crohns fatigue because I need the shot?
All in all I am glad I gave it a chance those 12 weeks!![]()
Thanks Napali Coast. I have requested your message moved to its own thread so more people see the webinar info as not everyone looks at this thread.
Thank you for sharing.
I've been on it about 4 months, they just upped my dose to once a week and after I took it a week apart I nearly couldn't walk.
I've never had the joint pain before this so I'm thinking it is likely the drugs rather than the Crohn's
Hi everyone,I've been on humara for 4 months and I'm losing hope,diagnosed with crohn's one year ago,humara took away the spasms but still have daily pain,thinking about surgery,any suggestions!
Hi everyone,I've been on humara for 4 months and I'm losing hope,diagnosed with crohn's one year ago,humara took away the spasms but still have daily pain,thinking about surgery,any suggestions!
How are you feeling?
I have not yet started on Hmira. I'm still in the process of being diagnosed. But my GI doc mentioned starting on a biologic once it was diagnosed and Humira is the one that is covered by my insurance plan. I assume I'll start on that.
I've read a lot about people saying the loading doses are the worst. What's so bad about them as compared to the other times?
Also...does anyone know if the shots compare to allergy shots? I get those monthly and was curious if the pain was similar to those.
I am a very petite and thin person naturally and probably could be considered underweight right now since I lost about 7 pounds in the hospital. I worry I won't be able to find a "fatty" enough spot to inject the shots. The idea of injections in the arm sound more appealing than the leg or the stomach, perhaps because I am used to it already.
I know my worry is premature since I am not even slated to start Humira yet, but was just looking to gain more knowledge about it. Thanks![]()
Oh be careful maggiel31, once you start down the surgery route its odds on that you will have more. Try & stick with it before you opt for surgery. 4mths isn't that long as such & there are other things that can be tried like a short burst of Budesonide or if its really bad Remicade.
Hope this helps & good luck
Does Quebec have a program that will help to offset the cost of your medication? Ontario has a program that you can enroll in which simply takes your income and then covers your medication costs at the cost of 5% of your income. You pay that 5% in quarterly amounts. With a med that costs tens of thousands per year, it is a big help for most middle income earners.
Maybe worth looking into if there is a similar program in your province.
There is a public drug insurance in Quebec, if you don't have a private one.
The maximum annual contribution is ~1000$ (
But I'm on a private insurance, so I just have to pay 500$ max / year
Hello everyone! I'm new to the forums. I was diagnosed in April 2013 with Crohn's Disease and I have tried many medications that didn't seem to do much of anything. Anyways, I just took my loading dose of Humira last night... all 4 of those suckers! They hurt! I am a bit of a baby when it comes to needles, but I am looking for any help anyone can provide as far as tips to help with the pain. I tried icing the area and leaving the medicine out for at least 30 minutes to let it warm up to room temp. I even tried orajel. I think the burn of the medicine was what hurt the most. The needle didn't even really hurt. The one we did in my leg was HORRIBLE. I have to do the follow-up 2 pens in 2 weeks and I want to try and be prepared if I can. Not looking forward to that at all!
Thanks in advance!
That's a good situation, in either instance! We have private insurance but were denied coverage for Humira based on her age (she is below the age of 13 which is where Health Canada gives it's approval). Obviously, you don't have that problem.:biggrin:
I find it interesting to learn about the differences in the health care systems between the provinces, and other provincial programs. Thank you for sharing that info.