Well, I guess I will start posting here from now on. My GI prescribed Humira yesterday and my first loading is on Friday. Being Greek and having universal health care here I dont have to approve anything, I just go to the Farmacy, give my prescription and get my drug. I had the option to choose between Remi and Humira and I chose Humira, cause I am in a very stresfull period of my life work wise. The company I work for is cutting out on staff and I want to prove that I can give my 100% at work. That means no sick days for a while.
I am scared to death about the drug, what should I expect?
Hi Scifimom, I can understand you're scared I was too as I had failed all the previous drugs, one quite spectacularly, and it felt this is the last one. But really, as these things go, it's not bad. And the good that it can do is, well in my experience, miraculous. It's well worth giving it a try. Have you been screened for TB, or Hepatitis? Do you have a specialist nurse you can talk to about your fears?
I was TERRIFIED of Humira before I started.
Now, 5 months in, I feel great and have had no adverse reactions or symptoms.
I too have stenosis in the small bowel. I am asthmatic and have allergies.
If you start Humira, and feel as good as I do, then like myself and a lot of Humies, I think you will forget about all the "possibilities" and continue on to a much more stress free and productive life.
Relax. The warnings on Tylenol are just as extensive as on the Humira box.
One must be more diligent in regard to avoiding infections and people whom are sick.
My hands have never been so clean. Lots of anti-bacterial hand sanitizer Learn to avoid hand to mouth/eye contact.
PS - Beth is right, and she was on of those great gals on this board that helped an old guy like me through my fears!!
I see you've experience the love fistula, did the Humira help heal that as well?
Kewl! You'll do fine. I think the hospital visit is common more to teach you how to do the jabs and make sure you understand what you are doing, than the allergic reaction risk.
I've had a fistula as well, and although it was fixed with surgery - fibrin glue and an internal stitch much to the surgeons surprise, before I went on Humira. I haven't had any re-occurrence <crosses fingers toes, touches wood>.
My understanding is that it should because it slows and hopefully halts the inflammation process that caused the abscess/ulceration in the first place.
40 mg every other week. I just had my first single injection last Thursday. Maybe I'll switch to every week when I tell my GI it's not working.Poppysocks how oftern are you taking the injections? It wasn't working well for me so they increased it to a weekly injection. Much better on weekly inj's. for me.
Yes and yes, I was screened for TB, herpes, hepatitis, toxoplasmosis, Epstein Barr and cmv. All negative. .
Reading this just worried me. I'm not on Humira, but take the similar drug, Cimzia. Before my first injections, I had to be tested for TB. I never thought about Toxoplasmosis. I had it as a child (about 5 or 6) and it even caused scarring on the inside of my eye. But it went into remission and I have had no issues with it in over 30 years.
Has anyone else been tested for this before taking a biologic? Perhaps I should ask my doctor even though I've been on Cimzia since March with no ill effects...so far.
Eek! :eek2:
Hello everyone,
I am new to this site.
My daughter has been on Humira for a week now with some side affects not listed on the doctors lists, just wondering if anyone else has had anything similar.
My daughter is severly disabled and doesn't walk or talk so it is difficult to tell how she is feeling, but below is how we think she is feeling.
Severe aggitation, almost like she can't calm down and like she wants to crawl out of her own skin.
Anyone who has had similar side affects please let me know because it feels like the doctors don't believe us.
:ghug::ghugoppysocks you hang in there. I hope you find the right meds to help you. Humira has helped me, but I know everyone is different. Don't let it get you down things will get better.
I've been on humira for about a year and a half and have only jut recently got it working, I injected in the legs and it didn't work, I then got my girlfriend to inject me in the arms, a little improvement, and now I inject myself in the stomach which seems to be doing the job better than before
The reason I was tested for toxoplasmosis is cause I was infected when I was 18 when I was bitten by a hamster. Thats why I started with humira also. My GI thinks I have more chances to develop an allergic reaction from Remicade. So yes talk to your doctor about it.
Well, mention it all to your consultant tomorrow. I'm wondering if you get cold sores - ie have Herpes Simplex virus, which may previously be knocked back by your immune system.
Otherwise it does sound like the Humira is taking effect. It wont be an overnight miracle but hopefully over time it'll really get the crohn's under control.
Hi Everyone,
Has anyone had elevated liver enzymes as result of Humira?
Anyone developed acne from it?
Elise - I wouldn't worry too much about this. I had this happened a couple months in. I'm not sure if it was a misfired pen or I did something weird, but almost half my medicine ended up seeping out and the rest sat right underneath my skin kind of in a bubble.
I worried that I didn't get enough medicine, but my GI nurse assured me that I probably had injected enough to be alright and there was no need to inject another pen. The rest of the medicine eventually was absorbed by my body over night.
I would say just be mindful of what you eat until the next shot. The only "adverse" reaction to my weirdo injection was that I felt a little more gurgly than usual. So, stick to safe foods just in case.
How common is it for us Humi's to have battles with the insurance companies to cover Humira? Insurance company is wanting a prior authorization. My doctor's office is telling me that they are waiting for the insurance company to send them a form and then they will send in the application to the insurance. (I think the doctor's office messed up and did not get the ball rolling untial I called them today.)
I started Humira around March of this year. I've decided to stop taking it about a month ago.