Hey people, here´s an update of how things have turned out since my previous(and first) post last summer.
1 day or so after the first injection I got at small red petechiae on my shin. It didn´t bother me that much at the time although I did tell my doctors about it(who in turn didn´t seem to worry about it that much either). My rheumy just said that it was something that would probably disappear over time, so I continued with humira.
The effect kicked in really fast on the SI - pain (which decreased from 8/10 to 0/10 in about 2 days). The stomach also improved and after 2 or 3 months or so I managed to drop the budesonide enemas for the first time ever! (had been taking them for 2 years in a row every single night so I was so incredibly tired of them).
My private life improved as well in parallell with the new drug: got a new girlfriend and we just celebrated our 6 months anniversary the other week

(As you probably understand it was so wonderful not having to take an enema every night when dating her, which was one of the main reasons that I decided to try humira in the first place)
So what happened with the petechiae: They just got worse, and spread out over both arms, feet and legs during the months following. I realised that something wasn´t the way it should be and again talked to my rheumy. He adviced me to take a skin biopsy which I did. It didn´t give anything, probably because of the steroid cream that I used to get rid of them. So in late February I realised, after reading more about leukocytoclastic vasculitis, that this was probably what I had developed and stopped taking humira.
The Petechiae then went away(with the help of the steroid - creams, of course). The petechiae then came back some weeks later despite that I was no longer on humira. I therefore convinced my rheumy that all necessary tests should be taken, to investigate whether I have internal organ involvement as well(renal, lung, heart etc). I will leave blood samples this coming friday. Now I have a period with petechiae for the 3rd time since cessation of humira, which of corse scares the hell out of me.
As far as I have understood by reading published articles regarding this it might be necessary to take high dosage prednisone and/or metotrexate if skin symtoms does not improve by cessation of anti TNF - therapy which sucks since my bone density is low already and I fear diabetes because of previous high - dosage prednisone treatments. Then again, I do realise that it is worth it if it saves my kindeys(if they are affected)...
So what is the message I want to spread here: If I could turne back time I wouldn´t have started on humira. I would have saved it for a situation where I was critically ill and the only alternative was a stoma. This was not the situation I was in when I first began treatment.
I´m just crossing my fingers for this vasculitis to go away permanently, and I would appreciate if anyone of you know a forum or thread where anyone who has been in my situation has said anything.
Take care.