Humiria users....does anyone break out with Humiria? My husband took his 40mg Humiria a week Sunday he had small red splotches on his legs, no itching. Today he has a awful rash under his arm..only under one arm. Does anyone know if this is related to his Humiria?
Humiria users....does anyone break out with Humiria? My husband took his 40mg Humiria a week Sunday he had small red splotches on his legs, no itching. Today he has a awful rash under his arm..only under one arm. Does anyone know if this is related to his Humiria?
Hey there guys and gals, I am new to the forum but not new to Crohn's. I was diagnosed in 1986 and have been on all conventional treatments and have tried Remicade, which worked fantastic for about 2 years until i became sensitized to it. I just got out of the hospital last month after i had an enteroenterostomy because i had severe stricutres that caused an obstruction. I tried Humira after remicade but i only took the loading dose and 2 more shots after that (every other week). I didn't think it was working so i quit. I went to the University of Chicago Hospital this past weekend (awesome GIs up there) and they don't think i gave Humira enough time to work. Anyone else have any information on how long it took Humira to work for them?
Well, scratch that. Insurance denied Humira for me. Just a tad frustrated!! Meeting with my GI later this afternoon to see what options are left for me.
It will be 6 weeks for me with this next shot on Sat. I am still waiting and hoping to see some results. Lately I have felt the tiredness, joint pain, feeling like I have a low grade temp that I had before I was diagnosed; just not the stomach pain which is great. I am currently off pred.
I had my injection yesterday(I have a nurse give it to me) and right after it felt a lot more sore than usual. Actually I don't recall it ever being too sore right after the shot?
Well. today there is a small but VERY red circle with a visible needle hole at the top of the circle.
I know people say they get circles around it sometimes but I thought it would only be light red and bigger, more like the size of a finger tip?
I'm hoping it's just a bruise from the needle and not some kind of reaction?
I think my Humira is starting to take effect:smile: Am six weeks in and has been touch and go with strictures the past couple of weeks. Am on very low residue diet and have had three partial obstructions, but fingers crossed, I think I may be seeing improvements!!!
I have been on Humira for four years and was wondering if anyone had symptoms of severe muscle weakness and fatigue from this drug. My doc seems to think it is from the Humira.
I have been on Humira since May 26, 2013. I had fatigue before the Humira, but seem to be a little worse after the injection. I am on single injections fortnightly now.
I'll raise you Doug, asthma, diabetics, arthritis spine and hip, reflux disease, endometriosis, over active bladder, polycyistic ovaries syndrome oh and crohns
I say to people, "some people collect stamps, I collect 'ologists"
Lost Kitten.
Why do you want the/syringes? Just wondering.....
I say to people, "some people collect stamps, I collect 'ologists"
Serum sickness
Last reviewed: May 30, 2012.
Serum sickness is a reaction that is similar to an allergy. The immune system reacts to medications that contain injected proteins used to treat immune conditions. Or it can react to antiserum, the liquid part of blood that contains antibodies given to a person to help protect them against germs or poisonous substances.
See also: Immune response
Causes, incidence, and risk factors
Plasma is the clear fluid portion of blood. It does not contain blood cells. However, it does contain many proteins, including antibodies, which are formed as part of the immune response to protect against infection.
Antiserum is produced from the plasma of a person or animal that has immunity against an infection or poisonous substance. Antiserum may be used to protect a person who has been exposed to a germ he or she has not been vaccinated again.
For example, you may receive a certain type of antiserum injection if you have been exposed to tetanus or rabies. This is called passive immunization. It gives you immediate, but temporary, protection while your body develops an active immune response against the toxin or germ.
During serum sickness, the immune system falsely identifies a protein in antiserum as a potentially harmful substance (antigen). The result is an immune system response that attacks the antiserum. Immune system elements and the antiserum combine to form immune complexes, which cause the inflammation and other symptoms of serum sickness.
Certain medications (such as penicillin, cefaclor, and sulfa) can cause a similar reaction. Unlike other drug allergies, which occur very soon after receiving the medication, serum sickness develops 7 - 21 days after the first exposure to a medication.
Injected proteins such as antithymocyte globulin (used to treat organ transplant rejection) and rituximab (used to treat immune disorders and cancers) can cause serum sickness reactions.
Blood products may also cause serum sickness.
Thanks I went to my family dr today and she said that these were common side effects or it could even be part of the Crohn's I did call the GI today and he didn't seem to alarmed about it. i just wish that I had more good days then bad.
Hi Everyone!!
Last night I took the last 2 shots from the Starter pack. Today I'm so tired muscles aches and dizzy a little headache is this normal I didn't have it when I took the 1st 4 shots!!
Also yesterday 22 trips to the bathroom today 1 and it was semi normal which is scary lol!!!!
Is this normal??
Hi everyone I am new here and I have a couple of question that maybe you can answer. I have crohns for about three years and I am finally starting on humira, since nothing else seemed to help. Since I have had crohns I can't put on any weight. I am usually at 125 pounds and I am now weighing 113 pounds, my question is after you started humira where you able to gain weigh again and if it helps with diarrhea? Sorry this is so long.
Thanks I went to my family dr today and she said that these were common side effects or it could even be part of the Crohn's I did call the GI today and he didn't seem to alarmed about it. i just wish that I had more good days then bad.