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I think Humira has officially kicked in for me and I'm feeling normal! I'm testing out different foods, eating almost anything I want and feeling great. I've even had a few beers the past couple of nights (my parents had the kids, we went on a few dates) and haven't even felt so much as bloated. I was trying to cut wheat & corn but they aren't seeming to bother me anyway. I will continue to proceed with caution and likely still limit grains but not exclude. Yay!!
Well, I was going to go to the doc's office today, but I came down with a sore throat and decided to wait until Monday at least. Don't want to start the medication and end up with an infection I can't fight off...
I think Humira has officially kicked in for me and I'm feeling normal! I'm testing out different foods, eating almost anything I want and feeling great. I've even had a few beers the past couple of nights (my parents had the kids, we went on a few dates) and haven't even felt so much as bloated. I was trying to cut wheat & corn but they aren't seeming to bother me anyway. I will continue to proceed with caution and likely still limit grains but not exclude. Yay!!

how long have you been on humira??
We are so much alike! Lol! I am just tapering off prednisone. And I have sciatic nerve issues aswell!
What do u do for your sciatic nerve?

Lam, So glad to get of the prednison, it might work good on the inflammation, but not on my person!
for the sciatic nerve, I get fysio, do my exercises and use tramadol at night and use paracetamol/tylenol during the day.
oh and I use icepacks both on the spine and lower on the nerve (calf) to calm it down.
Quite a bummer not being able to use nsaids with Crohns....
I love how when a flare sneaks up on you, my first question is what did I eat? But from experience I know its usually my stress levels :) still waiting on approval for humira :(
yeah im back to fish and rice. it wsa cool whip and a fruit smoothie.....dang didnt know to avoid fructose.
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Does anyone else on Humira get aching gums? Every once in a while my gums will throb, feeling like when there's a kernel or something stuck in them even though there isn't. Eventually it subsides, but it's weird. Sometimes it happens within a day or so of my injection, and sometimes it just happens out of the blue, like today--I'm due for my next pen on Tuesday (biweekly). Does anyone else experience this?
Does anyone experience aching gums with Humira? I occasionally have a throbbing pain in my gums similar to what it would feel like to have a corn kernel or something stuck in them, but it occurs without my eating anything. It doesn't seem to follow a pattern; sometimes it happens after my injection (biweekly), sometimes not, and sometimes it just randomly happens, like today. Has anyone else had this happen?
I'm very lucky not to be bothered by the self-injecting but I often use my iPod to motivate me etc and it might work in this situation. Perhaps you could listen to a song you really love while you do it to drown out the sound of the click.
Question for you all i'm kind of freaking out. I have been on humira for about 6 months and now have sore muscles in the legs, the left side of my neck and shoulder. Numbness in my hand if I carry anything. The other day was a sore throat and today I lost the vision for 5 min or so in my left eye. Has anyone ever had any side effects like this? Should I be heading to the hospital?

Just giving you all an update. I have been taken off humira. I am currently waiting on test to see how much damage humira has done to my nerves. The neurologist suspects that I have some damage. Apparently this is a rare side effect to humira. I have been off humira for almost 11 weeks and still having issues. I was on no other medication so it was easy to pinpoint the issue. I had only been on Humira for only 7 months. Had I not gone to the hospital I would never had known. My GI is now giving me the option for Remicade but I am refusing. Remicade has the same rare side effect and I can not keep going through this. It is worse than the crohns disease itself.
I'm so sorry to hear that you were affected by Humira so badly! I'm not sure about the specifics of other biologics, but are there others less likely to cause this side-effect for you? I know Cimzia's a bit milder...
Joint pain in general for my daughter, but less on Humira than it was on Remicade. Sorry to hear you are having issues with it farm. Have you tried a topical ointment like A535?
Do you think that stress cause most of the flares that you experience?

I am pretty good about what I eat. Have been for 17 yrs. When I got diagnosed I was going thru one of the most stressful times of my life. My flares have way more to do with my stress levels than anything. My GI says that its one big circle. Stress breeds stress ( body or mind)
I have a dear friend with crohns and I am worried about her. She took humira for a few months but then had a strange side effect. Everything she ate tasted like rancid food. Has been on antibiotics which helped for a few days but its back with a vengence. She is losing weight like crazy. Potassium low. She stopped humira but still has the taste thing going on. Went to the ER and they could not find a reason for her to be doing this, she was in tears. She is on antibiotics again. And I am praying this helps until she can get to another doctor. Her GI doc has no reason for this symptom. Has anyone had this happen and if you have how did you get rid of it? Treament? Thanks

I have never had this, but when I had surgery, everyone who came into my room wreaked of garlic. It was AWFUL. I had to hold my breath when they were checking my BP. I could smell it when they were standing in my door. I thought everyone on that floor must be eating asian food in the cafeteria but then my husband walked in. Same thing. It took several days for that to go away. Some say it was the anesthesia. Lately, things have been tasting fishy to me. Flax seeds and dried cranberries both yesterday. I take Krill oil....I don't know if that is doing it. But if it continues, I'm discontinuing the Krill oil. I also have issues with perfume. Most of them smell like Raid bug spray to me. A perfumist told me once it's very rare and it is genetic. The body is a strange thing. Everyone is different. I wish her well...maybe it will clear up as mine did.
My GI tells me that Crohn's is caused by a defective gene and that stress has nothing to do with it. However when I think back over my flair ups most could be associated with a high stress situation at the time I got sick. Has anyone else had a problem with flair ups and stress?
I don't think anyone really knows what causes it -- there are theories, but I think that's it. I know my flares were definitely triggered by stress, and once by taking medication which was bad for me which I didn't realize at the time.
From what I've read and what I've heard from my GI, there are multiple factors involved in causing Crohn's and triggering flares. Genetics are part of it--I have the mutation(s) associated with it. Stress has been present whenever I've had a flare, and has triggered lesser symptoms. Zyrtec has also caused a flare for me.

I read somewhere about one study that reported that stress supposedly does not actually cause flares and Crohn's symptoms. There was a little more detail that I forget now, but have to wonder how they could work that out. The majority of what I've come across says that stress is a factor.
Genetics are part of it--I have the mutation(s) associated with it. Stress has been present whenever I've had a flare, and has triggered lesser symptoms. Zyrtec has also caused a flare for me.

How did you find out that you have the mutation(s). Was there a test involved?
i dont understand how stress could cause a flare. stress weakens the immune system that is causing the flares. and im curious like starby, is there a genetic test?
Back from my GI appointment. I am off all medication until further notice. The way he described it to me was because of the temporary loss of vision and the fact that they had said it was an optical migraine. I have to wait until all testing is done to ensure there is no nerve damage. He said like the neurologist the covering over the nerve's could be damaged and causes MS like symptoms. Loss of vision, tingling, tremors although I never noticed until I had to hold my hands out for the neurologist that I was even shaking. Sore joints and muscles etc. I just wanted to keep you all posted. The GI tells me that because of this I really don't have any options but pred and or surgery until this all gets sorted out. I don't mean for this post to scare anyone. It worked for me for the first few months. If anything at all I just wanted to let you all know if you notice anything out of the ordinary while taking biologics to see your GP and get it looked after right away. Was a lot for me to take in over the last few days but i'm still smiling and carrying on.
Yes, the Prometheus test. Exams and biopsies in my case were somewhat inconclusive, and they needed it to confirm that it was in fact Crohn's and not UC or perhaps by some slim chance something else.

As far as stress causing flares...sure, stress can lower immune response, but the Crohn's is also an inflammatory disease, and stress has many other effects on the body. It is at least linked to, probably an actual cause of inflammation in the body, so that's one aspect. An opportunistic infection can throw things off and, for some people, that can trigger a flare. Stress is also well documented to cause bowel problems, which I think for us can turn into flare situations.

Anecdotally, my best example is from last summer: I had moved about a month before, was packed up to pick up a friend at the airport on my way to a convention, and my car wouldn't start. I had to make some last minute plan changes, rent a car, found out on my way that had misplaced my friend's flight info...still got him ok. The convention itself, I was really excited about. I got a call the next day that my upcoming colonoscopy would have to be rescheduled because the facility wasn't in my insurance network. A bunch of stress items in a row, as well as some big stress fairly recently before. I had been staying on top of my medications and eating properly, but my bowels started acting funny...started getting cramps, D, and the next day it included blood. It was more of a "mini-flare," I got it under control with being extra-cautious about what I ate for about a week, but the only cause I could find was stress. I'm sure it wasn't a matter of overlooking something in my diet because I've knowingly "cheated" on food, and although I pay for it, it's not as bad as that.

Stress may not be as much of a factor for everyone, but if a doctor is telling you that it's not a factor at all...I guess I'd just pay close attention to my body and my experiences and if my experience runs contrary to that, I'd ask for an explanation of what's going on.
Back from my GI appointment. I am off all medication until further notice. The way he described it to me was because of the temporary loss of vision and the fact that they had said it was an optical migraine. I have to wait until all testing is done to ensure there is no nerve damage. He said like the neurologist the covering over the nerve's could be damaged and causes MS like symptoms. Loss of vision, tingling, tremors although I never noticed until I had to hold my hands out for the neurologist that I was even shaking. Sore joints and muscles etc. I just wanted to keep you all posted. The GI tells me that because of this I really don't have any options but pred and or surgery until this all gets sorted out. I don't mean for this post to scare anyone. It worked for me for the first few months. If anything at all I just wanted to let you all know if you notice anything out of the ordinary while taking biologics to see your GP and get it looked after right away. Was a lot for me to take in over the last few days but i'm still smiling and carrying on.

I've actually had some similar, if less severe, symptoms in the last few months, but I also tested positive for Lyme disease. My symptoms also improved under antibiotic treatment. Have you been tested for Lyme, or have you been in wooded areas in the last...probably year, with symptoms like that? Might be worth looking into if there's not definitive proof that the Humira brought it on.

I have damage to my left optic nerve, and very slight peripheral vision loss, which my optometrist found, and she identified as glaucoma. But, I've also had extra pain in my left arm and leg since the Lyme onset. I'm waiting on MRI results, ordered as a precaution.
I've actually had some similar, if less severe, symptoms in the last few months, but I also tested positive for Lyme disease. My symptoms also improved under antibiotic treatment. Have you been tested for Lyme, or have you been in wooded areas in the last...probably year, with symptoms like that? Might be worth looking into if there's not definitive proof that the Humira brought it on.

I have damage to my left optic nerve, and very slight peripheral vision loss, which my optometrist found, and she identified as glaucoma. But, I've also had extra pain in my left arm and leg since the Lyme onset. I'm waiting on MRI results, ordered as a precaution.

They have not tested me for Lyme disease but I have been booked for an MRI and 2 other tests. The muscle and joint pain did eventually stop after 11 weeks since I have been off Humira. I still shake and get wicked headaches. The eye specialist has said there was no damage and no peripheral vision loss and the pressure in my eyes has started to come down. I did have a CT done but the neurologist wants better pictures with the MRI. I will mention Lyme disease to them. I don't remember being in the woods but where I am there is deer everywhere so it's possible.
As far as I know the gene most associated with crohn's disease is hla-b27 (and AS) but there are other genes involved. If you read alot on crohn's disease or really any autoimmune disease there is usually an initial trigger. Kind of like you carry it around with you forever and then It's triggered. Mine was child birth, as far as my first horrible flare but I started having problems with my bowels when I was a kid. Started changing my diet when I was a teenager. But that's just me. But every doctor I have tells me how much stress plays a role in autoimmune diseases. My PCP has sjogren's and scleroderma. She is constantly on me about sleeping habits, food, exercise (without causing damage) and family stress.
If you read alot on crohn's disease or really any autoimmune disease there is usually an initial trigger. Kind of like you carry it around with you forever and then It's triggered. Mine was child birth,

I have two cousins and both of them developed Crohn's disease during child birth. For the men it was some other stress related incident that triggered the disease. So far in our group only one who had medical problems as a child.
As far as the men I have known with it. Alot of them don't know they have it until they were having part of their intestines taken out. I've met a few women who found out after child birth. But two family members (by marriage) after menopause. With me I started out with bowel problems when I was 4 and then horrible canker sores in my mouth when I was 10. I still get those alot with my flares. I guess some of my worst problems are with my esophagus though. Tons of scarring and I have had it stretched 10 times in 17 yrs. The only thing I know for sure is everybody is different
I know this is probably a redundant question but I haven't seen much.
Do others notice beig exhausted the day of the loading shots, and the day after?
I'm also assuming that with the next shots being only 2 then 1 every other week this will get better.

Stephen, I am completely out hours later after giving my maintenance dose. My husband can't even move me from room to room it's like I pass out. It lasts usually until the next morning for taking a strong sleeping med that I didn't know I took.
Look at sterlera it works differently
Hope the MRI is clean
DS had one when he reacted to remicade but his was an allergic reaction no evidence of any issues on the MRI .
If it helps anyone feel better I didn't think I'd ever get back to normal. I can eat what I want and now I ride motorcycles. I lost 40lbs during my last flare. Now I've gained it back. I just hope that while I ween off prednisone that the humira can keep me healthy
They may just use 6 months as a go forward point.
The point where they determine if the med is working .
Even for JSpA it's not recommended to stop.
I am on Humira and still have joint pain. I was wonder how others have got relief from it. I also
have Eosinophilic esophagitis, which is flaring right now. I think I am going to do the 6 food elimination diet to see if I can figure out if it is a food allergy. Anyone else have Eosinophilic esophagitis along with Crohns?
Who all is one weekly Humira? I'm almost sure that's what my new GI is going to suggest after my 8/22 MRE which will be 3 months after starting Humira. I hope she gives it another couple of months!

GI started me on Humira 2 times per month. +60 mg of Prednisone (I taper out next week), +100mg per day of AZA. 6 weeks into Humira injections, GI increased Humira to 1 time per week.

I am 63 years old so increasing Humira to once a week was a nobrainer for me. Had I been a much younger man I would have thought seriously before going on 1 time a week. T-cell lymphoma is increased in young people.

I find all of this combo of drugs slightly amusing. GI goal is to build a bridge from the Prednisone to the bridge to the AZA with Humira riding herd over them all. Back in my early days of Crohns, Prednisone in heavy doses was the only treatment.

The SCD diet is now back on my radar and I have started the program 3 weeks ago. Anecdotal evidence says that a change in diet can possibly help.
There is a diet forum here that you should join and see if it is for you.

I have had CD for 42 years and now suffer short bowel because of it.

My suggestion to you and all young people here who would like some control over this illness is to take hold of your own treatment. You are the one suffering and only you with active participation in your care can gain some degree of management over your body.

I often wonder why this disease picks it's targets like it does. It changes you and me physically, psychologically, and spiritually .

This ugly disease will be defeated in my lifetime if I live another 10 years. Keep the faith my brothers and sisters, "The Lone Ranger will ride again".

Happy Friday to you all.

After a recent colonoscopy and uveitis my GI doc is recommending that I start humira! I'm newly diagnosed with Crohn's disease but have had it for years! 3 bowel resections and several small bowel obstructions later they've finally given me a diagnosis! This is really the first med that I've been prescribed for Crohn's disease. Has anyone else started treatment with a biologic???

How's everyone today??
I started with pentasa, then Imuran, then humira bi weekly, now humira weekly with Imuran.
I'm doing ok today. Went or a nice massage, I wish I could go more often!
Lam123 have you had any bad side effects from the humira as of yet! Everything I read scares me to death!!!:lol:
I got into a flare and it was either stay on high doses of prednisone or go to weekly, so I chose weekly. I didn't want to stay on high doses of steroids for a long time. My crohns and knees wouldn't calm down.
No side effects at all. The first few doses made me feel yucky the next day, but that went away. Humira has allowed me to enjoy special time with my family and enjoy life.
It scared me too at first, I was very hesitant. But the small increase risk of cancer, versus stayin very ill from crohns and missing out on life with my son and family. I chose life.
No side effects at all. The first few doses made me feel yucky the next day, but that went away. Humira has allowed me to enjoy special time with my family and enjoy life.

I started Humira today biweekly mainly for spinal pain. :( I really hate arthritis and wish it would just disappear. Such a burden.
Fingers crossed for you!
You have to be patient though, it took about 4-6 months to really put me in remission
I'm really hungry ever since I took my shots. I can't stop eating which is a good thing since I'm underweight. Haven't had an appetite like this in a while.
Hi there. I was diagnosed with Crohns over 20 yrs ago, and while I suffered badly in my 20's, I have not had any symptoms for over 10 yrs. In a way I was lucky because I was allergic to the common drugs for treatment, such as Imuran. So I had to find an alternative solution, and did so with changes to diet, lifestlye and some vitamins and supplements.

I went for a colonscopy recently and the doctor says there is some activity there again, but nothing too serious. As i said, I still do not have symptoms. But my doctor recommends Humira as a preventative measure.

I am scared by all I have read about the drug, including risks of infections and even lymphoma in some cases. Also the fact that I had a life threatening reaction to Imuran, I would worry that I would have the same reaction to Humira.

Any thoughts on it. Is it worth the risk?
its good to hear there is hope for us. I am newly diagnosed in my 20's with severe crohns. even though i have only been on humira for a couple months I am a die-hard believer. I have had no side effects and my symptoms are starting to subside. the humira pamphlet scared me pretty good tho
I'm on Humira, about two years. Migraines might be a side effect, but they might be occurring for a different reason, I really have no idea. Infections hit me harder and a little more often, but it's not terrible. I have found it to be quite necessary in my case--severe Crohn's, didn't respond to much while in the hospital.

As a preventive thing, though, with no symptoms...I think I'd try other options first. The injections aren't fun, but I got used to them pretty fast. Prevention is good, but I think it's worth exploring something that doesn't require injections and that has fewer side effects. It sounds like you've done well for a while, so my feeling is that it isn't time for the strong stuff yet.

If it gets worse later, by all means try Humira. Yes, there are some nasty things that can happen, but they are extremely rare. Humira has allowed me to live a relatively normal life. (Remicade saved my colon, I switched to Humira because the Remicade wore off too quickly, but I imagine Humira would've done the trick, too.)
My kiddo is severely allergic to most things ( food drugs pollens etc.. carries an epipen)
But even though he had two allergic reactions to remicade ( second rxn while on iv steriods)
He has not had any issues with humira.
It is humanized protein so less antibodies than remicade which has murine protein ( mouse).
Right now just trying to figure out a plan to fix the arthritis side of things .
Has anyone used Humira for a couple months, had it do nothing.....and then suddenly it starts working? I've been taking Humira for about 11 weeks now and I feel worse than before i started. My doc increased the dose to weekly instead of biweekly, and he wants me to stick with it for another month to see if it kicks in. I feel like this drug does nothing for me, but was wondering if anyone has had the experience of having Humira suddenly kick in after more than 3 months. I mean, i don't even feel a little bit better than before.
Took my loading dose today. Wow, those pens are not fun.

I really hope this medication isn't going to take forever to show an effect.
Well, I had to go through their assistance program to get the medication, and the pens are what they sent me. Even if there's an option to get syringes next time, I've got another couple months' worth of pens to use up. So I might as well just get used to it.
I have my Humira in the fridge waiting on me. I have UC & have for about 25 years. Have tried many different meds. Im soo nervous to start this med from reading all the negative comments on other sites about side effects. Can anyone post if they have had success with this med with UC and the common side effects you have experienced?

I too had the meds in my fridge waiting on me, and 9 days ago I started my induction (4 injections). The only side effect to date, I was tired within two hours after my injections. Within a few hours, I was feeling fine. I have switched from Remicade to Humira because I began building an antibody to the Remicade and even after my doctor began doubling my dose every 4 weeks - the Remicade did not last for more than 2 weeks. Thus, my change to Humira…. so far, I am feeling good - zero joint pain, etc.

Have you tried Remicade or another TNF blocker? If so, the Humira may be very beneficial because it is made using a Human Protien and not a mouse protein (Remicade).

Hang in there - Humira may be the ticket!
Thank u for the reply!
No, I havent tried remicade. Im currently on sulfasalazine, uceris, folic acid & canasa supp. Just came off another taper dose of prednisone which helps while im on it but flare starts within 2 weeks of coming off. The MD wanted me to try Humira before I went on the last dose of prednisone but I was too scared. Seems like its just a revolving cycle for me. One of my biggest complaints is pelvis and leg pain/aches & fatigue on top of going to the bathroom all the time. I have researched soo much on Humira and just cant bring myself to take it. Ugh! Although I want soo much to feel well.

Im thinking hard. I work 12 hour shifts. If i do decide to start it do u suggest starting when Im off a couple days after?

Thanks again!
Maybe the first time you take it you should do it on a day off just in case. I never have any ill effects the day I take my shot. I do like to lie down for about 10 min after taking the shot, just until any tenseness goes away

We have both had our illnesses for a very long time. I too started with Sulfasalazine; when first diagnosed in 1993, however, I soon learned I was alergic to sulfa based drugs. I too have taken Prednisone, however, I put on the brakes with that drug because of the outrageous side effects.

Decades ago, when you and I were both diagnosed, doctors primarily believed that a conserative approach should be taken in treating our illnesses. In short, saving the "big guns" (TNF Blockers, etc.) for the future so as our disease progressed there were tools availible in the toolbox. Based on new studies, that medical approach has changed and getting a handle on the disease quickly - shortens flares creating longer remission and most importantly providing quality of life.

Like you, I too had similar concerns, however, one day comes when the pain and suffering is far too great. The years of saying, I can handle the fetal position a few times a year and get through the day to day severe issues comes to a screaching halt. For me, my transient joint pain, one of the side effects from CD, was far more painful than anything else I was experiencing. Thus, I made the difficult decison to begin Remicade treatments. To say I was stunned by the immediate turn around / pain relief would be an understatement. In other words, I was Blessed! No symptoms, no pain just….quality of life.

In my case, my body began building up antibodies to the Remicade and my infusions beacame shorter in duration and ultimately the dose was doubled. I began my Humira induction approximately 9 days ago and have been feeling excellent.

As previously stated in my earlier post, after my 4 injections (first dose of induction), I became tired after 2 hours and about 5 hours later after the injections, I was perfectly fine and up and running.

In closing, I too work long shifts of 12-14 hr days (a few days per week) and will now do my injections when I have a day off.

The decision in how to proceed in fighting back your illness, aggressively or not, is a tough one and one only you can make. However, for me, I was ready after decades of an unsuccessful cautious approach.

Hang in there because better days are coming your way - you are not alone!
Any long-term Humira users have any issues with cysts around the face and neck area? I recently had a bump on my temple removed. The bump had been there for some time with no issues; however, it suddenly became inflamed and had to be removed. Three months ago, I had a painful cyst like thing under my chin. It started with what looked like a pimple on my neck and then grew underneath my skin and became very painful. Even with warm compresses, it never opened up and drained. I had to go on antibiotics to get it to go away. Now it's back again and my GI wants me to see an ENT. I've several red bumps on my face that look like acne only it never develops a head or drains like acne... just painful little bumps about the size of acne. I swear this is from the Humira (I've been on it 4.5 yrs now) and wonder if anyone else has had this issue. I also have sinus (sinus surgery last year) and ear issues. My ears feel like they are full all the time... like I'm on an airplane. The sinus surgery did not correct this problem. I can move my jaw and pop my ears and hear normally for a very short period of time before my ears "fill up" again. The ENT can find nothing wrong.

I have had red bumps since starting the Humira, they started on my back, chest, and shoulders. While my chest has improved, my back remains the same, I am now getting them all over my legs. I have brought it to my GI's attention twice and she said it has nothing to do with Crohn's or Humira. I finally made an appointment with my regualr doctor and see her today about them.

They do not get huge or need to be removed, but they never go away and I feel like they are spreading.

I had not wanted to say anything since I had not seen where anyone on here had experienced it. I will let you know what I get told today. I am next to positive this is a reaction to the Humira, but I'm not sure any doctor will say that.
Thanks Tinanette! I really get upset when doctors say it has nothing to do with the Humira. How do they know with certainty?!
My doctor is currently clueless. She stuck a needle in one and is going to have it tested. Could be a bacterial infection of some kind due to the immune supresser in Humira, could not be. I will get results in a week, she did not want to put me on medication of any kind with me having Crohn's until she knows for sure what it is.

The year it took for me to get diagnosed, I feel like I live at a doctors office. Hopefully will get answers in a week.
I just ran out of Walmart and left my mom behind at the register. Way too many people and filth. Looks like they never cleaned the store! Either that or Humira makes me spot dirt too well.
Ever since I started Humira Ive been having some crazy dreams. I'm still recovering from the one I just woke up from. I had a Jurassic park roller coaster on my front lawn with scary dinosaurs everywhere. What the hell???
Same. Hanging in there. Done prednisone now. My knees aren't bad, but not 100% either. I go see GI beginning of Oct. Do u know how long it takes for your body to adjust to not taking prednisone?
I hope you feel better. :( I'm not sure how long it takes. I never noticed my body struggling to adjust. I tapered too fast once and got fever but last time I tapered 5mg a week n my body did well.
I also have had red bumps all over, which I ought was related to the Humira. Of course my doctor said that's impossible and sent me to a dermatologist who gave me steroid cream and a shampoo to try and get rid of them.
Has anyone else had joint pain with Humira? I've been in a lot of pain, and I'll feel very stiff when I try and stand up or get out of bed in the morning. My knees are swollen and now my doc is sending me to a rheumatologist :sign0085:
Never had joint problems before this...

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