Ds has crohns and juvenile spondyloarthritis so inflamed joints including the back
He is on humira and Mtx for crohns /JSpA
Humira is given by syringe
The Rheumo prescribed lidocaine to add to the humira syringe
I draw the lidocaine in a clean syringe from the vial and open the humira syringe at the stopper where I add the clean syringe of lidocaine to the humira syringe
Things to help with pain
Pull the box from the fridge 1/2 hour before
Emla cream for the skin Prick pain if needed or
Freezy spray
Ds doesn't use it only the pain of the med burns
We use new movies, squeezy balls
Let him ask questions and know exactly what I am doing step by step
( fwiw Ds now draws his own lidocaine
Give him choices on location to get the shot
Time of day
What is on tv or music
What goodie to eat afterwards
Have him tell you how long it hurts 10 seconds etc
Have him look at you in the eyes during the shots
Ask open ended questions that he has to think about or describe things in detail
Let him push the syringe plunger in if he wants
Or put his thumb over your hand so he can control the plunger if he wants
Practice loosey goosey -relaxed muscles hurt less
Less pain if he is not screaming
Practice stop n go
If he says stop you don't push the plunger anymore
When he says go you push slowly
Teach him basics of meditation
Focusing on a happy thought - a pet , vacation etc...