Humira Update

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Aug 26, 2008
New Jersey
I just started my Humira injections today, and will try to keep up to date about my progress. It was pretty easy. The nurse did the first two injections, then I did the last 2 (4 injections total to start). We did one on each thigh and two on the abdomen, one on each side of the naval.

The pain of the injection wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. For me it wasn't much worse than a blood draw.
Yay!! Happy healing!!
Was the belly worse than the leg? It seems so creepy, I just stick to the legs.
For me, the tummy is a lot less painful than the thighs - guess it's because there is more fat on my tummy! I bled on the thighs, too, but not on the tummy.

Please keep us updated on your progress. I've been thinking of switching to Humira recently, but my GI is insistent on giving the Remicade more time. FU dude, how much more proof do you need, 4 infusions and it's not working!!! Sorry, had to vent a little.
As far as the amount of pain goes, it was about the same on the stomach and the thigh, and I had very minimal bleeding (drops) after on the thigh, but not the stomach. So far, even though it's only the first full day after the injection, I like the results, because I haven't a bowel movement all day, which almost never happens with my condition. ls1krab, the same with me when I was on Remicade. It worked for the first three infusions, then stopped.
Just did my second dose of Humira, which was two pens. So far I think it has been helping. I've noticed that my stools are formed now instead of loose, and the amount of blood, even though there is still blood present, is down significantly. I'll try to keep updated of my progress.
Well, I hit a bit of a "roadblock." I called in a refill so I could have my next doses ready for when I have to do the injection in a couple weeks, but it came back as "not approved," so now I have to see if my doctor's office and the insurance can approve it. I was hoping that the pharmacy would call the doctor's office, and I personally wouldn't have to handle the insurance company, but we'll see what happens. I'll call my doctor on Monday.
I too started my Humira injections on Thurs, all 4 of them. Shockingly, I can also tell a difference, mainly in the consistency of my stool - it's way more formed!! YEAH. My pain is still there, but I am better with no side effects, so no complaints.

I gave myself 3 in the stomach and 1 in the thigh.....the thigh hurt like hell, but the belly shots were definitely not as bad as I thought....

I can't wait to read how we all do.......keep updating!
Well I had some insurance problems, so I wasn't able to get my next dose of Humira on schedule, which was supposed to be on November 6. This may be something I have to talk to a nurse at myHumira about, but will I have to start the loading doses again (4 pens to start, then 2 2 weeks after)? I was told on Friday my doctor was going to mail a script to the mail order pharmacy that I use, so hopefully within 2-3 weeks, I should get a supply, and by that time, it will be 2-3 weeks past the scheduled dose date.
Well what happened was I originally dropped off the original script at my local pharmacy back on September 30, and much to my surprise, the insurance company approved 2 weeks worth right away. I got my first injections at my doctor's office on October 9.

After I got my second injections on October 23, I called the pharmacy for a refill so I would have them in time for my next on November 6, but they called saying it came back as denied by the insurance. The pharmacy called the doctor, and I called my doctor as well, and just last Friday they sent out a script to the mail order pharmacy.
Well, long story short, my insurance thought that the first six pens I received should last 12 weeks, thinking it was one injection every two weeks, and they didn't consider the initial "loading doses." However, I seem to have gotten that straightened out now, and just did my third dose of Humira (about a week late though) because I've been trying to get it approved by my insurance for the last three weeks. I spoke to my doctor's office and I found out I will not have to start the dosing all over again, even though I missed my scheduled dosing day. I found out I have to order it through a mail order pharmacy and not my local pharmacy, but that's not a huge issue.

I can definitely tell that at least short term the Humira was working, because for the last week my bloody loose stools came back. Hopefully now that I'm back on Humira those will go away.
Do you have Blue Cross? They pulled the same stunt on me, they wouldn't pay for it unless I used a mail order pharmacy.

MCPayne said:
Well, long story short, my insurance thought that the first six pens I received should last 12 weeks, thinking it was one injection every two weeks, and they didn't consider the initial "loading doses." However, I seem to have gotten that straightened out now, and just did my third dose of Humira (about a week late though) because I've been trying to get it approved by my insurance for the last three weeks. I spoke to my doctor's office and I found out I will not have to start the dosing all over again, even though I missed my scheduled dosing day. I found out I have to order it through a mail order pharmacy and not my local pharmacy, but that's not a huge issue.

I can definitely tell that at least short term the Humira was working, because for the last week my bloody loose stools came back. Hopefully now that I'm back on Humira those will go away.
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Okay, first in answer to drew, yes, I do have Horizon BlueCross BlueShield of New Jersey.

Now, the Humira is helping in terms of the bleeding, but not so much as far as the loose stools. Since I've been on Humira, I haven't noticed any visible blood in my stool. I saw my doctor today, and I am having a colonoscopy done in a couple weeks, since it's been over 2 years since my last one. Depending upon the results, we talked about the possibility of going to once a week on the Humira instead of once every other week.
I started Humira when it was still in the trial phase and had an awful reaction. It could have been dealt with better, but at the time the doctor decided that I wasn't as important as getting the drug pushed through for approval. Anyway, Humira caused me to lose all my white blood cells and I had to be hospitalized. I don't think it really helped my Crohn's at all, in fact I think it made it worse. I think Remicade is a life saver, but I am not a backer of Humira due to my experience. My suggestion to those who are on it, or going to start using it - check out your doctor and make sure they test your blood every month!
MCPayne said:
Depending upon the results, we talked about the possibility of going to once a week on the Humira instead of once every other week.
Humira started failing for me, and my insurance wouldn't pay for the weekly dose. I switched to Remicade and I am doing very well on that right now.
I actually was on Remicade back several years ago but it only worked short term. Even though it may be easier for my insurance to approve, from a work standpoint my work won't be happy if I have to take half a day every 2 months for the infusions. Also, I do have blood tests every 2 months because I am on 6MP.

As is the case with all medications, some respond differently than others, so I know that not everyone may have positive results with Humira.
MC, I moved to once every week and that worked fine for me for about a year.
I don't know if this is true, but it felt like my body started to get immune to the effects of Humira after a few years.

I was on Humira for a total of 3 years.
Hi, everyone.

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. The Humira so far is still helping in terms of the bloody loose stools, but still going a lot, although mostly in the evenings. Not so much during the day at work. By now I'm pretty used to the sting. I let the pen sit for 20-30 minutes before I inject, which helps.
What do you mean when you say you let it sit for 20 or 30 minutes? In your leg or belly? on just on the counter? Just tring to understand.
You are supposed to pull it out of the fridge and let it come to room temperature for 15-30 minutes prior to injecting yourself.

The way I do it is I pull out my pen, let it sit for ten minutes and then i go get my sharps container and my alcohol pads. I then ice my leg up for 10 minutes straight and then I sterilize the spot and inject. After that I don't touch the area because the medicine gets pushed back up into the injection site and it re-burns.

Yay Humira!

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