Hunger n Sweats?

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Mar 19, 2012
Hello, I was wondering if anyone else feels really hungry, like you just can't seem to eat enough *sometimes.*
I have noticed at times I try to eat all I can just before my guts act up.
Does this happen to anyone else?

I have also been breaking into sweats throughout the day and night then feel like I am freezing. I have also been having double over pain but it passes within 20 min.

I already know this is not the norm... but does this happen to any of you?

BTW-I am not on pred.
The only time I feel this way is when I am taking steriods. Right now I am on 50 mg a day and sleep about 3-4 hours a night and constantly sweat. I understand the "doubled over" feeling. I am currently in a relapse, but I find myself eating all day long. I think this is just one of the battles we have to battle with this disease. I do take Tramadol throughout the day for pain, and it seems to help.
Hi hun.
About the sweats and chills it sounds like you could have the start of an infection somewhere.
If its not the norm for you please go to your doc about it. It is sometimes our bodies way of telling us something isn't right.
Let us know how you get on.

I was doing a bit of research on these types of symptoms, but I AM on steroids so that affects me too.
Do you have a white tongue sometimes/all the time. Dry mouth on off. Candida overgrowth can cause these symptoms, and when their (candida albicans) are unable to feed on things remaining in your intestines( with crohns things don't stay there long), you can get extreme cravings. Sweats are very common with it too.

Also low blood pressure for hunger, moodiness, and crohns alone, if flaring in some way, can cause sweating.
Any other meds your taking could also have side effects. And if your hungry because things go through you quick, I guess you could have days where your body needs extra nutrion, so you have hunger pangs not even as a side effect? They'd be my best guesses.
sweats and chills with hunger can be a sign of low blood sugar. if you're having these types of issues even though you've eaten then there could be an issue with your HPA axis. (talk to an endocrinologist) If you have this problem and let it get kind of bad before you eat, it could take a good hour to start to feel better.
Is that a Tiara Carrie? Love it!!
HPA axis sounds a bit scary...hmmm really don't want that.
Could be any of the above-lbp, lowbs(blood sugar)as we all seem to have plenty of bs, could be bacterial overgrowth Irene.
Shazz n Linnie-awe, no more infection or something going hay wire please....hence the name somethingismissing. Got plenty of bowel taken, struggle to keep weight on. My all time low was 80lb range-it was awful. I fear this CD big time and hate it with a passion. It would be so much easier if we could wish it into the cornfield.
Thank you all!! You are all stars❤
it is a Tiara :) HPA axis just means hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. growth hormone, insulin, ACTH, sex hormones, etc, they all come from this system. A problem there can be anything from PCOS, diabetes, hypothyroidism, addisons disease, cushings, and onward. I said HPA axis instead of just PCOS, diabetes, insulin or something, because if you're on this board it's probably nothing simple :p
Awe..thank you for the clarification, I had quickly took a peek at it and my first thought was, nope dont want that-4 sure ;)

Im probably just getting old-lol, could it be something like last op seemed to take my dot away. Most likely from being too under weight, hormones, please no abscess or infection!

I am a big chicken..I now really lack guts.

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