Husband vomiting, doesn't trust doctors

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Aug 2, 2013
My husband has become untrusting of doctors and tests. They have done several different tests and can seem to find the problem. They have even went so far as to say he is healthy. He vomits three or more times a day, never has solid stool, and has very bad reactions to most foods. He is constantly weak and dehydrated, most days he is unable to muster up strength to get out of bed. He is loosing will to live it has gotten so bad. The problem is to most peoplehe apears healthy, people that don't see him daily, or that didn't know him a couple years ago before it began to worsen. He has had vomiting and diarrhea, constant headaches and sensitvity to food since he was nineteen. He is now thirty nine and as stated before he has become debilitated. He is so weak he can bearly hold our infant son without loosing balance. I have been trying to get him to go to the ER but he is just to afraid they will tell him he is crazy again. Please help, he has even begun to pass a great deal of blood in his stool. I do not understand why they can't find the problem!
I forgot to metion my husband also has a skin issue, like psriosis. Also he has mouth sores that make it painful to eat. He gets confused randomly and forgetful. He is in souch pain constantly, stomach, abdominal, kidney, back, and head aches. Again help!HELP!!!
Im sorry to hear that your husband has been so ill. It is hard when doctors constantly tell us its just a bug, or ibs, or in our heads and theres nothing really wrong with us, its easy to loose the will to keep fighting them and keep looking for help and answers. There are many here who have found themselves in similar positions to that of your husband. We have a support group for people that havent been diagnosed. There are also a number of people who have had long battles to get diagnosed and have achieved it, even though there were times when it seemed impossible for them. Its a long shot but maybe showing him that would help him, so that he could see he isnt the only one and that there is hope for a diagnosis and a positive outcome?

IBD is unfortunately what people call an "invisible illness", many sufferers can look perfectly healthy when actually they are very unwell. Keep encouraging him, tell him that you arent ready to stop fighting for him yet and that you'll support him as much as you can. Tell him he deserves to see a doctor that will help and look after him, and that even though he's had bad experiences not all doctors are like it, there are still good ones out there. Maybe it would help to keep a diary of his symptoms to show doctors so they can see how bad things actually are. I would also look around for a new GI thats willing to keep going until they find a way to help.

From what you're saying he does need to see a doctor as soon as possible, before it becomes an emergency. I assume he is aware of the risks of not getting treatment?

A bland, simple low residue diet might help him a little and heat may help to deal with the pain. Ginger and peppermint are good for nausea, stay away from NSAIDs like ibprophen.

You're doing so well, its such a horrible thing to deal with and I'm glad you've found us. I really hope he has a change of heart soon and agrees to see a doctor. Im sure someone else will be along soon with some more help and information. *Hugs*
Your husband REALLY needs to see a doctor ASAP - from what you are describing, he may not be in a state to make a rational decision about his health care at this time. Especially with the passing of blood - that really needs to be assessed and treated.

The symptoms you are describing should NOT be passed off as him being 'crazy' - they should be clinical signs that can be seen and assessed for treatment options.

You do not want to have to call for an ambulance when he does eventually collapse, and from the sound of it, that may not be far off - the longer he waits to get treatment at this point, the more likely (permanent) damage may be occuring....

Please do get him to the doctor and/or ER!
He is seeking medical treatment and has a colonoscopy and another endoscopy scheduled on the 22 of this month. He had all available tests done 15 years ago. Including barium and MRI. He was given an endoscopy less then 2 years ago, with no results, doctor suggested psychiatry (Yet again). Over the years he has done liquid fasting for two weeks at a time. He went gluten free a year ago, on suggestion of blood cell analysis, but has found products that are NON GMO's are more effective then Gluten-free. He did whole foods, Juicing, Vegan, Vegetarian, and liquid dieting. He has done Blood Cell Analysis, Homeopathy, Dietitians, Chiropractic, and Gastroenterology.
I have just begun to get really worried since his condition is becoming progressively worse. I have noted however it worsens in bouts. A little over two months ago we thought he was going to die, we began making plans to that end. He actually was so bad off at that time he had two seizures in the night, and the rectal bleeding was at its peak. His vomiting would trigger sever nose bleeds.My husband still refused to go to the ER. He tried to do a 30 day whole food vegetable juice fast but after seven days his body rejected that, and vomiting was constant again. Despite his inability to continue the fast he seemed to improve and we began to gain some hope. Now, however, his condition is nearing where it was then, and we are at our end.
Jonathan used to be an outdoor enthusiast hiking, rock climbing, and camping. It kills him that now he can not even muster the strength or energy to go fishing. He used to be a hard worker, he made 50,000 dollars a year as a high end carpenter. Now with his health issues he is unable to work, as am I. I have extreme trust issues, especially with regards the care of my children. We have a 4yr old, a 2yr old, and a 5mth old. I can not leave the kids with Jonathan, he is in no position to care for their needs and we have no trust worthy family and very few friends. We are stuck with Medical and with that program you have very crappy health care options. We had to wait on a referral for a specialist for a month, and then another month and a half for approval for tests, plus yet another month for the appointment. I feel we do not have that much time, to wait, and wait, and wait on everyone else, when the doctors refuse to apply themselves to help find the problem after we have waited on their time table. He does not even have disability.

Does anyone know of a good specialist that accepts Medi-Cal in the San Diego area?
Oh my...I'm so sorry that your husband is ill and the worst part for you is that you have to witness his daily sufferings and probably feel powerless. How long has he been bleeding for and really gotten to the point that he is not able to function normally?

Does he have a specialist.. a gastroenterologist?

My husband has become untrusting of doctors and tests. They have done several different tests and can seem to find the problem. They have even went so far as to say he is healthy. He vomits three or more times a day, never has solid stool, and has very bad reactions to most foods. He is constantly weak and dehydrated, most days he is unable to muster up strength to get out of bed. He is loosing will to live it has gotten so bad. The problem is to most peoplehe apears healthy, people that don't see him daily, or that didn't know him a couple years ago before it began to worsen. He has had vomiting and diarrhea, constant headaches and sensitvity to food since he was nineteen. He is now thirty nine and as stated before he has become debilitated. He is so weak he can bearly hold our infant son without loosing balance. I have been trying to get him to go to the ER but he is just to afraid they will tell him he is crazy again. Please help, he has even begun to pass a great deal of blood in his stool. I do not understand why they can't find the problem!
Yes he has a GI but the person was assigned him by our medical insurance. He is exceptionally unenthusiastic about looking for answers.Jonathan goes up and down in strength but even his up points are bad. He has been down, like unable to work barly able to leave the house for a little under two years. He has been barely able to leavehis bed for about six or seven months. Its depressing that when people see him out and about,and you tell them he is very sick, people just roll tbere eyes and say "he looks healthy to me." Well if they have wittnessed any bouts of sickness, have no dout, its obvious.
The bleeding happens in bouts. A bout lasts about a month. He is in one right now. The short recess from it lasts between a week or two.Even then however he doesn't discontine vomiting it merely lets up a some. To the point he isn't doing it daily but maybe only five to seven times a weekly.
This might not be IBD but another autoimmune disorder.

Did he have extensive blood works? Testing for such things as ANA and other antibodies.
I am so sick and frustrated at doctors right now. Jonathan went in for testing today, and yet again they took very little time to look around. The doctor was in a hurry and rushed. They found nothing. Despite that he has a cup of blood come out every time he deficates.Sure they do not care, but he is out of willpower. I am getting there too. The Doc would not even look at all in his small intestines.We waited six months for these test and the doctor refused to be anything but half assed.:voodoo:
Well, after a lot of pain my husband was diagnosed with severe crohns disease. He has been in and out of the hospital ever since. I am 33 weeks pregnant with twins, it will be six and seven for him. He has lost his will to live, and believes that his death is eminent. He is afraid to go back in the hospital, though he is fairly certain he has another micro perforation and that his intestinal abscess has returned. He says he would rather die with his family, than in a hospital. Please help. I need to convince him to do the right thing. He is on remicade and prednisone. He has been on prednisone since May. He has had only two doses of Remicade, his third one is due soon.
It can take some time for remicade to work. So you are right if he is that bad he needs to go into the hospital, IV steroids can work much better.

I'm not sure how you convince him of this other than remind him that if something were to happen you would be alone in supporting and raising the kids, always a difficult job.

Hope you are able to get him help soon.

I am so very sorry to hear of all you both are going through. :(

Where is your husband’s Crohn’s located?

If he does have what he suspects, an abscess, then being on Remicade he really does need to seek medical attention to have the infection taken care of as it can have the potential to become life threatening when he is immunosuppressed.

With the correct treatment, and being closely monitored, there is no reason why your husband should die but left to its own devices, although he is clearly seeking help, then yes, the potential is always there for something catastrophic to occur.

I have two children with Crohn’s and both had life threatening complications, one a ruptured bowel and the other perforation, fistula and abscess. For them surgery was the only option but they have both had excellent outcomes, that being remission for 8 and 3 years respectively. At their worst it was nigh impossible to believe that there would ever be an end to pain and suffering but the light at the end of the tunnel finally did shine and they haven’t looked back.

I understand that your husband is in a dark place right now and it must be overwhelmingly heartbreaking for you to see him this way. I also understand his frustration and mistrust as my daughter went undiagnosed for 18 months and we almost lost her because of it, I would be lying if I said I didn’t still have issues over that. But he can and he will overcome this.

Do you think depression is playing a role in how he feels? I know it can be tricky to broach this, especially when you are repeatedly told that there is nothing wrong with you and it is all in your head, but depression and anxiety is not uncommon in Crohn’s disease with some statistics quoting figures of up to 20-25% of sufferer’s experiencing it when flaring. i don’t think grieving can be overlooked either. It is most often used for those with a terminal disease but is just as applicable to those with a chronic disease. Please have a look at this thread:

In my thoughts. :heart:

Dusty. xxx
I feel your husband and your distress, my god, waiting for so long and not being taken care seriously must be so horrible. Tell your husband not to give up, being sick at the moment is really depressing, true, but there will be a solution and better days will be ahead, complete remission and health are very possible!!! It can take some time to understand a patient's disease and find the best treatment for him. Not all treatments are working for every partient, so doctors can play with different medications.

In the meantime, maybe your husband could consider anti-depressants? I'd normally tell people to engage in sports and social activities, talk to a social worker of psychologist first, but with the very active disease thats more difficult, so maybe a more agressive approach with medication could help him for the time he goes through this. something to think about. Most people take them for less serious reason than that, actually anti-depressant must be some of the most popular medication to be prescribed in North America.
I agree, if he goes to the hospital and gets steroid IV, it works much better then pills. He may get some relief.
Thoughts are with u!
He is on antidepressants. He has been for a couple years now. He has issues with his worth, but the crohns is destroying everything about him now.
is the doctor sure the kind he takes are really effective? Just as with crohns, doctors have to often play with anti-depressants in order to find the perfect dosage or mix for a patient. Is he seeing a psychologist or social worker? That could help. Community centers specializing in support for psychologic disorders or chronic illenesses are also existing and could be able to offer free individual or maybe even better, group meetings. The power of the group is very effective and being around other people who go through similar difficulties can offers lots of support for an individual.