I did a stupid!!

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Apr 7, 2010
Please tell me I'm not the only person who does this.....

I eat good, I exercise, I take my meds, and I feel pretty good, i have my moments, but overall OK. I do this for a few months and then.....

I eat junk, stuff I know will hurt me, but just tastes so good. I sit on the sofa and watch TV. Then I have no energy, then it starts..... and I think you all know what I mean. (bathroom, bathroom, bathroom) I get so discusted that I try and slowly get back to doing good.

Why do I do this? I know better? I have had CD now for 15+ years...I am terrafied that one day I may not get back to feeling OK. I have been to the dark side and don't want to go back. So frustrating...Why do I do this to myself... anyone else do this???
If you don't what stops you? Please let me know the secret....
Don't feel bad. I do the same thing. I never really saw any difference in the foods I ate...one time I would be fine and the next time I ate the exact same thing I would be running for the bathroom before I could even finish eating. However there are a few foods that I know every time I eat them I am gonna hurt...of course they are the foods that are really good! We are human and thats why we do it.
yep...same thing here...sometimes I just 'have to have' that something that I know I will pay for later.....usually at least it is when I know I will not be too far from a claen bathroom!
Yep, I do that too. I had pizza on Wednesday even though I knew it wasn't going to end well. I have been farting nonstop and pooing mucous and fat globs for 3 days now, ever since I ate the stupid pizza! I always tell myself I'll never do that again... but then I'll get back to feeling good, and I'll smell some delicious food and eat it even though I know it'll do me in. It's a vicious cycle!
Halloween I went to a festival. Of course my friend had to get fresh Kettle Corn. Yup, just now starting to feel better from that night.

Every once in a while I do this to myself. Just because it's so much to restrain myself 24-7-365. I have to treat myself. Or rather, remind myself why I have to stay away from these things.
Maybe it is just human nature to sabotage our own bodies!!!
I have been following the diet in the book "Life without Bread" for the last 2 months and have been feeling fantastic. From 20 visits to the toilet a day to almost zero symptoms. Unfortunately every now and then I have a massive craving for the sugar that I love so much and I will eat a whole bag of lollies or chocolate chip cookies to satisfy the cravings. You all know the end result. Then another 2 weeks on the diet and I am symptom free again feeling like I deserve to have a little sugar treat.
And so the cycle continues.:ybatty:

I have not read the Life without Bread, but I have been doing the Phase I South Beach diet...basically no sugar. I am also feeling much better. I will have to read your book and see if it is the same thing. =)
Ahh I do this too. My guiltiest pleasure is a large chocolate bar with some Pepsi. Won't go any where near it during a flare up though, because I usually have a tummy ache with whatever I eat!
i'm right there with you. i get so jealous of my friends and family who can eat whatever they want, whenever they want. i behave 99% of the time, just to avoid the misery. but sometimes i want to pretend i'm normal and say screw it! it's worth it just for sanity's sake every once in awhile.
Good to know that I'm not the only one who seems to do this. Uggghhhhh its frustrating. Thanks for the support. Hopefully it will be a good long time before I decide to be stupid again...... although..... there is left over pizza in the fridge......uuuuaaahhhhh.
Hmmmm I'm a bit confused here .....
I find no matter what I eat causes pain even mash potatoe!
The only thing that causes no pain or mild pain is quavers crisp ( I know very weird lol)
What I don't get is my gi is the top one in my hospital and he told me I have to eat fatty crap !! His exact words!!! And avoid healthy foods like the plague, He said it's all about the calories now. I understand I need to gain weight but think this would cause more health problems like energy crashes tiredness mood swings etc. I don't like sweets cakes or chocolate I wish I did that might help lol but I drink in excess of 20 cups of tea per day with milk an 4 sugars I'm well an truly addicted lol
So have any of you been given the same advice as me ?
I just did it a few days ago. I decided we were going to order out at one of my favorite palces. So, I ordered a gyros plate AND a pint of spaghetti. I ate ALL of it. I couldn't even stand up straight afterwards; it felt like my stomach was ripping to shreds. But even now, after the pain, I'm still smiling thinking about how danggggggggg GOOD it was!!! I tell my husband before he tries to lecture me, "Sometimes the pain is worth it to feel normal for a few minutes."
The other evening I opened the fridge and saw something... full cream milk... I LOVE MILK but can't have it. I chugged down half a glass followed by some pectrolyte and braced for the pain. There was less than I expected but I knew taking the chance again would mean no sleep that night.

I can still have sushi with no side effects, so I really shovel it down when I get the chance :)
Hmmmm I'm a bit confused here .....
I find no matter what I eat causes pain even mash potatoe!
The only thing that causes no pain or mild pain is quavers crisp ( I know very weird lol)
What I don't get is my gi is the top one in my hospital and he told me I have to eat fatty crap !! His exact words!!! And avoid healthy foods like the plague, He said it's all about the calories now. I understand I need to gain weight but think this would cause more health problems like energy crashes tiredness mood swings etc. I don't like sweets cakes or chocolate I wish I did that might help lol but I drink in excess of 20 cups of tea per day with milk an 4 sugars I'm well an truly addicted lol
So have any of you been given the same advice as me ?

I was told the exact same thing. I hated every minute of it, and still do. For some reason, McDonald's French Fries never cause me pain and always help me feel better. It's become my go-to food. I can't help but wonder if your problem has a little to do with the dairy in your diet. The mashed potatoes I assume has at least Milk, just like your tea.

Oh, and the healthy foods thing. For me, it's not about what's healthy, but what's processed. The more something is processed, the more I know it's safe (or safer) for me. Applesauce is good for me, so I find the kind with "Apples, Apple Juice Concentrate" as ingredients and that's it.

Just keep your eyes open. You'll never know when you find something fantastic for you and healthy. Good luck with the pain, hope this helps.
It's so weird isn't it coz every one knows eating fatty crap an processed food is bad for u lol. I'm not managing to well with food at all at the moment it's like 1 day eating 3 days soup , but I'm able to manage my pain alot better now thank god I think it's actually knowing what's wrong with me helps me manage there's nothing worse than not knowing and you panic thinking your dying!
I gotta laugh mind I always wanted to loose weight an tone up etc and never did, but now I'm 25 an I've lost much I look like an anorexic 15 year old ! I get some odd looks when I'm out with my kids who are 7 an 4 lol I can imagine what they're thinking!!!
Jen xx
I did it again myself! My husband made a baked brie last night. The last time I ate baked brie, it caused me nothing but problems. But did I eat it again last night? Yep! I told myself that if I just ate a little, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. So I ate a little, and of course today I'm in some pain, having d and nauseated and bloated like crazy and just feeling blah. Why oh why do I eat things that I know will cause me to feel like this??
I know the feeling, we went to the movies and my boyfriend had popcorn. Just one won't hurt, right? Actually, just one probably wouldn't, but who can eat just one piece? I probably had about 10. Luckily, no pain, just bloat and gas.
i made a banana cake last week with what should hav been ground nuts i used chopped forgetting to ground them, did i suffer yes for 3 days yes i did
Hmmmm I'm a bit confused here .....
I find no matter what I eat causes pain even mash potatoe!
The only thing that causes no pain or mild pain is quavers crisp ( I know very weird lol)
What I don't get is my gi is the top one in my hospital and he told me I have to eat fatty crap !! His exact words!!! And avoid healthy foods like the plague, He said it's all about the calories now. I understand I need to gain weight but think this would cause more health problems like energy crashes tiredness mood swings etc. I don't like sweets cakes or chocolate I wish I did that might help lol but I drink in excess of 20 cups of tea per day with milk an 4 sugars I'm well an truly addicted lol
So have any of you been given the same advice as me ?

YES I HAVE! I tell people that anything that is good for them is bad for me. I have to avoid SALADS like the plague! Yes my "going off my diet" Is a big ole plate of veggies! I MISS THEM!

Its not even about weight gain for me anymore (10 years off and on pred is truly evil!) its that junk food does not hurt. Try to feed me salad, non-processed food, or anything that you may find in a health store and I will be screaming for a week.

It is nice to know I am not the only one. I swear people think I am lying when I say I am SUPPOSED to eat comfort food!
I would like to make a T-shirt that just explains this all. So when I go out and one day eat a small salad, but the next day only eat mashed pot. I don't have to explain it everyone. Thanks for the replies. Good to know I'm not the only one who does a stupid now and then....:)
What do you guys consider processed food? just curious. I have always thought of processed food as frozen tv dinners, things with corn syrup and msg in it when it doesnt need it. foods with lots of perservatives. fast food, I can no longer stomach most of them, and when I feel like crap, I buy fried chicken from Albertsons, only thing that makes me feel better lol. deep fried fat!
I started cutting out corn syrup about 6 months ago and could not believe the changes, I honestly feel so much better.
I was the same as many of you.... if it wasn't white and mushy I wouldn't eat it. I can't realy pinpoint the time or the thing that brought about the change for me. I did start excercising and cutting out bread. Now for me if i eat too much processed Im in the potty. I do good with lean cooked meats, and steamed (mushy steamed) veggies. Fruit like oranges, and a few (just a few) grapes goes down ok. If i eat instant mashed potatoes im in the bathroom. This is such a weird dx. So I live on my cooked chicken and veggies, but If i eat a ham samwich im in pain. Or the worst is cafateria food from school where I work. Ughhhhhhh so frustrating some times............I miss bread.....might go have a small bite, and hope i wont pay..... but we all know I will...
To me anything that isnt in its raw state, frozen pizzas, lasagnes, ready meals etc. Wont buy ready made sauces either as i dont know whats exactly in it, and i can make my own pretty quickly and will taste heaps better.

I dont really eat bread so that doesnt matter to me, but if i wanted some i'd rather buy the processed stuff than make my own (lazyness)
i use permanent marker and write on palm
NO cookies
but even before it gets washed i do consume sugar n stuff which i regret and when i get flares i promise myself that i will not eat the stupid candies cookies
but they are so delicious
my life is ruined
Oh sometimes I just get so fed up of not being able to eat like a 'normal' person I rebel against my body and think ya know what, if I want a slice of pizza then I'll have a slice of pizza! Then, dependent on the topping, whooosh an hour later I'll feel like I've been kicked in the stomach. Oddly enough though pepperoni never ever causes me problems!!

And chocolate, heartburn central these days :-/ meh!
Just motivate yourself! You know that staying on track by taking your medications, exercising and eating right, that you feel no pain and feel great! But going off track will cause you pain. So just keep that in mind and keep reminding yourself! Stay dedicated!
Haha god I wish I could just 'stay on track' its only been 3 years for me but I have absolutely no will power to stay away from things I shouldnt have. I dont know how some people do it.
Happens to me too.

It use to happen all the time. But I have managed to restrain myself more often and control it more in the past few years.

But I did have pizza and wine last night even though I knew it would end badly. And it did.

Bread / wheat, cheese, meat and alcohol are the worst possible things I can eat. And the combination of all of them together sent me over the edge.

And I am kicking myself today for being so stupid.

Trouble is, food is an addiction.

I found the book “12 Steps to Raw Foods" by Victoria Boutenko to be helpful in breaking my food addiction. But sometimes I still slip up.

Most people don’t think of food as an addiction, but it is. Any addiction is the same. Everyone knows that smoking is truly terrible for your health but when you are stuck with repeating the same bad habits over and over again even though you know you are doing the wrong thing, you often try to justify your choice. My justification last night was “I have been good for so long” “just one small pizza won’t hurt” and other such nonsense that I tried to talk myself into believing.
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I'm new here but had to join in. I'm currently in a flare due to eating veggies for two days in a row (but only for one meal each day, dangit).

I'm wondering where my mind was when I was wolfing those yummy veggies down. I knew it was a big mistake but thought I could get away with it too, as if somehow the rules had changed.

And what am I eating during this flare that's causing me no problems? Cheesecake! You'd think I'd be delighted about that. :D
I'm wondering where my mind was when I was wolfing those yummy veggies down.

Yep the fibre roughage in veggies gets me every time I eat them whole.

Raw broccoli gives me the same pain as wheat. Although I don't pass blood with veggies.

So I just juice most of my veggies or stick to low fibre types.

Trouble is you can’t juice pizza! :)
What a funky dx this is. Cheesecake would kill me. So funny how some things are good for some and bad for others. I think that is why so many ppl don't understand how we feel. Yeah I have done the eating of food that I know will hurt. See my first post!! I guess we just have to live and learn............
That is amazing about the cheesecake. The dairy, I guess? For me it's tolerable due to being creamy and soft, easy to digest.
I do the same, but after the last time, I vowed to myself that I will never eat ANY pineapple ever again. My god. It was like something out of a horror movie. I was in so much pain, I really thought it was something other than Crohn's. I was so sick, the only thing my girlfriend could fetch to me quick enough was my daughters old baby bath, and I filled it to about 4" deep. It was not pleasant. And I done more in the loo. I was thinking, seriously, how the f**k did all this fit in me? I'm only little. All this was at about 2am. I was in agony. I dosed up on Oxynorm, but it didn't really do much, but I knew that if I stuck it out, until I'd passed it all, I'd be ok. And surely enough, it passed, and within a couple of days, I was ok again.
I've wondered the same thing about my diarrhea. Where does it all come from? I eat a handful of food in a flare and barely any fluids yet diarrhea out a barrel. Huh? How?
This was a nice thread to read! Only because I've found myself doing the same thing. I do really well, then start getting chocolate and sweet cravings. It's like I can't stop myself. I deny deny deny until wham, my stomach takes over my brain, and everything I'm not supposed to eat goes down my throat.

I've often asked myself why? The answer I get is because I want what I cannot have.

Eh, the human condition.
I have decided that I am going to make a new years resolution.... no more crap to eat. I am taking bets now on how long it will last......LOL New years eve party will be my first test.... hummmmmm wine... snacks... more wine.... well maby it will have to start at 11:50pm on the 31st of Dec. ohhhh who am I kidding.....lol
woops - I find that by waking up and starting new habits or resolutions are best. Besides, just because it's 12:01a doesn't mean it's the next day until I've gone to bed and woken up! :D
<3 Best of luck.

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