Please tell me I'm not the only person who does this.....
I eat good, I exercise, I take my meds, and I feel pretty good, i have my moments, but overall OK. I do this for a few months and then.....
I eat junk, stuff I know will hurt me, but just tastes so good. I sit on the sofa and watch TV. Then I have no energy, then it starts..... and I think you all know what I mean. (bathroom, bathroom, bathroom) I get so discusted that I try and slowly get back to doing good.
Why do I do this? I know better? I have had CD now for 15+ years...I am terrafied that one day I may not get back to feeling OK. I have been to the dark side and don't want to go back. So frustrating...Why do I do this to myself... anyone else do this???
If you don't what stops you? Please let me know the secret....
I eat good, I exercise, I take my meds, and I feel pretty good, i have my moments, but overall OK. I do this for a few months and then.....
I eat junk, stuff I know will hurt me, but just tastes so good. I sit on the sofa and watch TV. Then I have no energy, then it starts..... and I think you all know what I mean. (bathroom, bathroom, bathroom) I get so discusted that I try and slowly get back to doing good.
Why do I do this? I know better? I have had CD now for 15+ years...I am terrafied that one day I may not get back to feeling OK. I have been to the dark side and don't want to go back. So frustrating...Why do I do this to myself... anyone else do this???
If you don't what stops you? Please let me know the secret....