I didn't know there was a club for this.

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I'm due for my fourth in about a week or so, too. It sure as heck doesn't feel like it's doing anything!...but I'm due for my fourth. Anybody else get sleepy during the infusion? Every time before I've drifted off after about an hour.

It has been a couple days since my infusion. I feel slightly better I think. I am still passing some blood but not as much. Same thing as after my third infusion. I definitely feel better than I did before I started Remicade but I am not back to normal if that is even possible. I was having a terrible time digesting foods, especially veggies, before Remicade. Now I am able to eat them again.
Good Luck

Good luck Christie. The infusions seem to be helping me although not as much as I would like. I was bad off so it may take awhile for me to heal. It appears that some people feel better right away and others take some time. Hang in there.
I'm waiting for the call for the nurse for my first infusuion.

I just hope I will not get any bad side effects.
I hope the Remicade works for you. I was able to get off the prednisone when I started Remicade. I liked the prednisone when I was on it, but now looking back, I realize that it gave me a false sense of good health. It felt good and I had less symptoms when I was on it, but I was still in poor health. I was on 60mg/day and I developed fistulas on it. No fun. Fistulas are doing better now. I can't wait for them to go away.
I just called my doc because I've been waiting for the call to get mine for the last 3 weeks.

Seems they lost my file. I was promised a call this week now. I can,T wait Big d is killing me.. I'm so sore right now I want to cry

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