First, words cannot express how I feel for you and your situation. The great thing about this forum is that, while not speaking for anyone else, most of us have felt the exact same way as you at some point. No one can possibly understand what we go through. I too get irritated by those who try to tell me how they stubbed their toe once and so they understand pain. (yes, this actually happened to me) Others just look at people like us and because they see no outward signs of sickness, they just blow us off and assume we are hypochondriacs or exaggerating. Only those who have walked a mile in our shoes can understand.
You are not alone. There are thousands of members on this board who have walked a mile in your shoes. I am personally trying to create a local Crohn's Diseases support group here in Virginia, because I feel the work done on this forum is so important that being able to recreate it in a face to face setting would make it even more effective.
I worry daily about my job. Am I going to be passed over for promotion cause of my sickness? (legally they cant, but we all know how that goes) When I get sick again, will I be able to afford the time off work? (I only get 60% of my pay on short term and long term disability) How many events for my kids do I have to miss cause I dont feel well? We all worry daily. This doesnt help our situations at all of course, but knowing that doesnt make the worry disappear.
Talking through it with others, getting support from those who know what we go through, and telling your friends and family how you really feel helps. They need to understand that we grow tired of complaining and not being able to participate. They also need to understand that while you appreciate the attempt at support, that trying to compare your feelings to theirs only serves to belittle you. Do not feel alone.
Virtual hugs to you....