I feel like im a burden on my family

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Dec 28, 2012
I feel like such a burden on my family as my mom&sister are s awalys looking after me
Most days I try and lie to then about how I'm feeling if they ask to try and give them a break , I just feel so guilty that I'm always in and out of hospital and the doctors and my family are always there to try and pick me up ,
Does any body ealse feel like this ?
I'm very lucky to have such a caring family but I just feel so bad
:( :(
hi kiki,

welcome to the forum. I felt the same way when I was first diagnosed at age 12 and then when I got married because I was in the hospital for several surgeries and a stroke over the last 15 yrs.

I got lucky though because when I was dating my husband, he wanted to educate himself about Crohn's and living with an ileostomy so he went to all of the CCFA (crohn's & colitis foundation of america) meetings and local ostomy support group meetings to educate himself in regards to what I ate when flaring, the types of medications to treat it, surgery options, as well as how I lived with my ostomy, etc.

I even encouraged him to ask any questions and he did so he knew what to do if I ever had a bad flare up or blockage. It came in handy after 4 months of dating because I had a full blown obstruction and rushed me to the ER and stayed with me until the GI came in to admit me. He's definitely a keeper because he will get my medications at the pharmacy, make meals when I'm ill, and he's even rushed me at 2 am to the hospital for blockages.

I feel truly blessed. He told me one time that education is the key when dealing with Crohn's and by going to the support meetings, he learned what I have to live with on a daily basis plus how I take care of myself when I have an emergency....seek immediate care from the ER doctors because the gut can blow up to the size of a basketball and then perforate if not treated ASAP.

It's normal to feel guilty but don't be. You are very lucky to have a great support system. Some IBD folks I've met don't even have that and they are dealing with it alone.

Be sure to ask your GI questions, take your medications on time, and check out this site esp. the wiki forum. take care and feel free to PM anytime.

I definitely feel like a burden on my family. I am so reliant on them helping me right now. You can't help it and they love you and want you better. I'm sure you would do the same if they were in need. That's what family is about.
I agree with Noguts. When I feel great, I will run errands for my husband when he's at work or if he's not feeling well, I will pick up the slack.

Families are all about being there in good times, bad times, in sickness, and in good health. Communication is important to let them know how you are feeling. I'm glad that you have such a wonderful family kiki.
Thankyou for all the supports guys , and your right family's about helping each other no matter what & when I'm better I will be able to show them how much I care for them
:) xxxx
After a major hospital stay where my mom did not leave my sight I bought her a nice bouquet of flowers. I know it's nothing in return for what she does but it was a way for me to show appreciation and I could order it on the phone and not leave while weak.

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