I had my resection surgery tuesday

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Nov 12, 2010
It went well and I'm doing really good. No stoma! But I had that horrible tube down my Throat which was the worst ever I got it removed about an hour Ago though. So they took out a few inches of bowel removd the fistula and abscesses fixed stricture took out appendix and also she found two cysts on my ovary she took care of. I start my
Remicade in 3 weeks. So yep just wanted to let you guys know I lived through surgery lol hope you all are doing good.
Now I'm anticipating being ble to go home and of course eat when I can : )
I am so glad to hear you are doing good! Congrats, you will be eating for the holidays!
Good for you! And I'm glad they took care of some other things while they were in there. I mean might as well explore a little to make sure there isn't anything else wrong right? I hope your healing goes quickly! :D
That is good news!! I hope that you have a fast and speedy recovery also and that you enjoy the holidays :)
Awesome I hope you have a bit of break now and get people running round after you lol
What part of your bowel did u have removed?
LOL yeah "well while we're in here, let's take this out!" haha. I didn't expect they'd take my appendix out but it's good so now that can't cause problems later on.

I got to eat today! :D I had a small amount of chicken and some mashed potatoes. I made my mom make homemeade mashed potatoes though, now that I can eat I'm not wasting the opportunity on hospital food :)

I'll probably get out of here on Thursday :) now I can have my late thanksgiving then christmas dinner a week later haha

Thanks everyone, I probably won't be on for a little while, I'm gonna be super busy with school, moving, recovering then figuring out the plan for staying healthy. I'm probably going to go on complete gluten free diet, heard it does help.

Merry Christmas early!
Well congrats good to see your doing well and eating already thats great news. Best of luck with school moving and recovery and we'll see you whenever your back on.
congrtats. that ng tube is a bitch, i actually pulled mine out when i was in hosp, but they put it back in. that was a rough week, feel better
Congrats! It's great your doing so well!

NG tubes are a funny thing, you see I've never had a problem with them, infact I often prefer them to trying to drink down 8+ Ensures a day. When I have them in Hospital I often put them in myself as I know how fast to do it so I don't gag or anything :ylol:
I hated that NG tube. Ick. Good to see you are eating again. Gluten free is a good idea. Lots of people feel good on a GF diet, even those that dont have IBD say they feel better.