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Sep 26, 2012
Where to begin!! ok, Im 29 and was diagnosed with Crohns 11 years ago. I have been in and out of hospital every 2 years or so for treatment on my perianal fistulas. I have also suffered abscesses - ouch they hurt! I have had lots of tests and currently have 2 Setons in place (left and right buttock). I have to wear a dressing 24/7. I have had a Seton in place for 11 years (not the same one!) I am about to visit my consultant for another dose of surgery to move/renew the setons as my fistulas are not draining on there own and seem to be creating new shallow fistulas.

I dont make a fuss about it as there are many people in the world worse of then me but f**k me does it effect your life! I dont wish it on my worst enemy as it causes so much disruption. I cannot relax (only in the bath or sleeping) I am praying the treatment for patients for crohns gets better to close these gits up.

Anyway thats me! Thanks for reading.
Hey there Russell and welcome to the community. I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with Fistulae and abscesses. That must be terrible :(

What medications do they currently have you on? Which have you tried?

It's great to have you here. I hope to see you around more often :)
Hello Russell and welcome to the forum :)

I am sorry to hear that you are having these ongoing problems with fistula's, I count myself very lucky that so far I have not had one of these. Out of interest what meds are you on for your crohns? We do have a sub forum for these that is worth checking out so you can chat with others who have them: http://www.crohnsforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=76.

Sending best wishes

Thanks for the welcome!

I have not been given any meds! besides Paracetamol and Metronidazole. I do not have any other symptons in my bowel, no cramps, pains I struggle to absorb my foods and have a few painful fistulae.

As we all know stress causes it to get worse and going through a divorce at the moment hasnt helped but I am just focussing on the light at the end of the tunnel!

Since being away from my (soon to be ex) wife I have managed to gain a stone in weight! this is a fantastic achievement for me! I am hopping the treatments get better and the closure of the fistulae will happen one day!
Welcome to the family!!!! :welcome:

sorry to hear you are going through a divorce. I have been there and done that. :sorry:

but it does sound like it was for the best if you are gaining much needed weight. so i guess my emoji should be. :applause:

I hate that you are having so many problems with the fistulas.:eek: This is something I do not have any personal experience with myself. But there is some great info on this forum about them so have a look around. :runaway:

Just wanted to stop bye and say hi! :ghug:
What reason has the doc given you for not giving you meds for the fistula's/crohn's? My understanding is usually folks are given something other than what you have mentioned....
They said leaving a seton in and letting it drain is the best solution, I don’t think there is a med that will stop the fluid build up, metronidazole does a good job but its a temporary fix and makes you feel like crap. I did start to see a consultant regarding starting a course of drugs but temporally stopped as divorce was happening and I got stressed up with the UK NHS service.

In the past I have seen a consultant regarding meds and they advised the available meds would not target that particular area without upsetting something else.