I just don't understand

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Dec 19, 2012
I don't understand can a biospy be wrong ? I was just on cipro and m and the abscess was gone in 2 days no more drainage but the meds gave me diarrheah for 2 weeks I was just given florastor ( before I have never had diarrheah ) I have no signs or sytoms of Crohn's other then this abscess. I wondering if anyone else had the same situation and how they cope . I'm so young and I have a 2 year old. I was sitting on my couch last night got up and there was blood everywhere my doctor is unsure of where it is from. He says the abscess is all healed up and things look good and to have high hopes that they are wrong and anouther biopsy will show and an anouther colonoscpy. I feel so depressed and sad someone give me so adivice or help me understand the difference between Crohn's and colitis ? Or both together !? I'm so confused

so sorry to hear all that you are going through, especially with a little one.
What was the biopsy result? If it is Crohns, where is your crohns located?

Symptoms can be different for everybody, some do not bleed, most have diarrhea but some do not.

My daughter bleeds with every bowel movement. Even though most of her other symptoms have gone, she still bleeds.

How much blood, was it fresh? If your crohns is located near your bottom, that would explain the bleeding.

Are you in pain?
Have you already been on a low fiber diet?

Crohns and colitis can have almost the exact same symptoms, but there is no cure for Crohns at this time. However, they can treat it and put it in remission.

Tell us a little more about your results and we will be here to support you. There is a lot of information on this site.
Here is the link to the colitis thread on this site.

take care and keep us informed of how you are doing.
If you are bleeding that much, you might need to go the E.R.
It would be unusual to diagnose Crohn's from an external abscess - was it fistulized? The biopsy showing the presence of granuloma in the intestines would be consistent with Crohn's, but that would mean they have done a scope on you also.

Diarrhea with Cipro is extremely common - it wipes out the normal gut flora, both good and bad. Glad it helped - sometimes its hard for antibiotics to reach an abscess. Probiotics (including yogurt and fermented milk products) have been shown to have a clinically significant improvement in antibiotic related diarrhea.
So sorry to hear all your going through.
My little girl was just DC with Colitis yesterday. Since she's so young her GI what's to make sure to pin point which IBD it is. There's still a chance is something else but since she's suffered since 6 mo. old and has a lot of EIM's the GI is only talking about IBD.

I hope you get answers.
Thanks everyone for all of your words ! So today is my second day off the cipro and met. Iv noticed some puss like substance in my loose stool wondering where it's coming from? The abscess seems to be not filling up and causing no pain. I have never experienced any pain or discomfort other then having this abscess/ficual. So anouther question I have is my hands are so sore unlike any pain Iv ever felt I'm worried that this is athertiis I read that it's a symptom of Crohn's d? Yet I am undiagnosed. So when my biospy was taken 4 years ago it came back fine and the coloscopy was fine now 2 months ago the biospy came back as colitis and my specalist says I prob have Crohn's but I'm confused if it was Crohn's then wouldent the biospy come back as Crohn's ?? But doctors are still yet to diagnose me !? Iv also heard that in BC remicade costs 12000 a year is this true !??? In so stressed and depressed ! Help me :(
Geez, I am sorry you are going through all this. I also have not been dx yet. I am not sure what I have. My GI thinks IBS, but I just dont know. Unfortunately, western medicine is not going to be a big help, especially with any chronic disease. I have been sick with chronic illnesses for 9 years and one thing I have learned is that doctors just do not know much about these orphan diseases. I am guessing there are other things out there that can cause intestinal pain and inflamation other than crohns, just that the doctor dont know what it is so they cannot put a name on it.

Have they treated you with any type of meds yet? When they did your colonoscopy, did it look completely normal??

You mentioned Your hands being sore, are you meaning your joints or just the palms of the hands? Cipro is a nasty med. It can cause tendon and muscle issues. It can actually cause spontaneous tendon ruptures in some people. How long ago did you stop taking the cipro? the hand pain could very well be from that.

Hope you can get this figured out. You are not alone, I am going through the same thing, trying to find out what is wrong.. Hang in there.

Thanks everyone for all of your words ! So today is my second day off the cipro and met. Iv noticed some puss like substance in my loose stool wondering where it's coming from? The abscess seems to be not filling up and causing no pain. I have never experienced any pain or discomfort other then having this abscess/ficual. So anouther question I have is my hands are so sore unlike any pain Iv ever felt I'm worried that this is athertiis I read that it's a symptom of Crohn's d? Yet I am undiagnosed. So when my biospy was taken 4 years ago it came back fine and the coloscopy was fine now 2 months ago the biospy came back as colitis and my specalist says I prob have Crohn's but I'm confused if it was Crohn's then wouldent the biospy come back as Crohn's ?? But doctors are still yet to diagnose me !? Iv also heard that in BC remicade costs 12000 a year is this true !??? In so stressed and depressed ! Help me :(
I remember my daughters GI saying that because the inflammation was spread apart with healthy tissue in between, that is one of the ways they identify Crohns from colitis.

Arthritis can be a part of both, but i think usually Crohns. Where is your Crohns located, and can you look at the pictures yourself too? By looking at the colonoscopy pictures it is easy for us to see where the inflammation is and isnt.

Crohns can be hard to diagnose, or you may want a second opinion.

My daughters stool often has mucous in her stool, which comes from the inflammed colon. It is puss, like from an infection trying to heal itself. That has been so hard to see everytime my daughter has a BM. However, I must say that the treatments available now are effective and my daughter is almost in remission.

Keep asking the doctor a lot of questions. It gets them thinking too. the more research you do, the more it helps you. It is overwhelming at first, especially since you are not getting a definitive answer.

take care
Wow thanks everyone ! Some great info ! You all are more help then my doctors in answering questions ! I haven't had a recent coloscopy yet this is all just based on the biospy ! Hopefully doctors move faster and help me in this new year ! Thanks

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