I have never joined a forum before, but I really just need some support. My daughter is 12, and for the past two years has been very ill. She has severe stomach pain, unable to eat for 5-7 days at a time, chronic constipation even with 2 capfuls of Miralax a day, very low vitamin D, low grade fevers, sleeps 14-16 hours a day, is very pale, has several canker sores in her mouth...she is in the 3% of her weight category, once was in the 75%.
So far, she has done fecal fat test..negative. Bloodwork shows nothing abnormal other then vitamin D. We just did an MR enterography yesterday she was unable to drink the contrast, she kept trying but was throwing up. Then tech proceed with the test and when they injected her with the contrast she got very sick and was vomiting all over the table..it was so stressful. We are scheduled for her 2nd scope next Friday as one done almost a year ago was normal. She was hospitalized for malnutrition and dehydration about a month ago for 4 days.
I am exhausted, I am at a lose. I don't know what to do to help my girl. I have had to pull her out of school because she didn't have the energy to keep up. Her stomach pain is very strong typically an 8 out of 10 after she eats. So now..its a fight to get her to eat anything. Even water hurts her stomach sometimes.
We are working with a Peds GI at Hopkins, but I just don't think she gets it. I just want my girl back. She went from being a happy, energetic, excited, funny, wild girl to one I have to drag out of bed, force to drink and eat. I know as her Mom something is not right...at all.
She has been on peractin, levisin, and previcid, zantac, zoloft, 50000 IU weekly of Vitamin D, bentyl.
If anyone has any thoughts...it would mean the world to me as I am just so worried about her.
I have never joined a forum before, but I really just need some support. My daughter is 12, and for the past two years has been very ill. She has severe stomach pain, unable to eat for 5-7 days at a time, chronic constipation even with 2 capfuls of Miralax a day, very low vitamin D, low grade fevers, sleeps 14-16 hours a day, is very pale, has several canker sores in her mouth...she is in the 3% of her weight category, once was in the 75%.
So far, she has done fecal fat test..negative. Bloodwork shows nothing abnormal other then vitamin D. We just did an MR enterography yesterday she was unable to drink the contrast, she kept trying but was throwing up. Then tech proceed with the test and when they injected her with the contrast she got very sick and was vomiting all over the table..it was so stressful. We are scheduled for her 2nd scope next Friday as one done almost a year ago was normal. She was hospitalized for malnutrition and dehydration about a month ago for 4 days.
I am exhausted, I am at a lose. I don't know what to do to help my girl. I have had to pull her out of school because she didn't have the energy to keep up. Her stomach pain is very strong typically an 8 out of 10 after she eats. So now..its a fight to get her to eat anything. Even water hurts her stomach sometimes.
We are working with a Peds GI at Hopkins, but I just don't think she gets it. I just want my girl back. She went from being a happy, energetic, excited, funny, wild girl to one I have to drag out of bed, force to drink and eat. I know as her Mom something is not right...at all.
She has been on peractin, levisin, and previcid, zantac, zoloft, 50000 IU weekly of Vitamin D, bentyl.
If anyone has any thoughts...it would mean the world to me as I am just so worried about her.