I may hate myself in the morning...

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Jan 6, 2010
...but I have a happy belly tonight. :)

lol, I just enjoy a lovely dinner of potatoes, green beans, and... CORN.

Yep, I pretty much sealed the deal on an AWFUL day tomorrow, but right now, I'm thinking it will be worth it.

Soooo... anyone else know they're gonna hate themselves tomorrow?
I was just thinking of starting a thread "I probably shouldnt have just ate that!"
Considering I decided to make cookies and have eaten like 10 already :)
Fog Ducker said:
I was just thinking of starting a thread "I probably shouldnt have just ate that!"
Considering I decided to make cookies and have eaten like 10 already :)

LOL, good idea for a thread.

My body pretty much hates me every day (Debbie Downer, bwah bwah), so I try to enjoy myself as much as possible, but will avoid the hardcore stuff (tomato soup and popcorn) so I don't end up in the hospital, lol.
lol. Well, I'll say I'm sorry ahead of time for you not feeling well, Twin, but I'm glad I'll be in good company. :)
kittykat92 said:
hahaha i love having a (temporarily) happy belly :D until i pay for it the following day :ybatty:

Eating bad stuff with IBD is like getting drunk on a Saturday night. It sure does feel good, but the next day you swear you're never, ever going to do it again, LOL.
vshirey317 said:
Eating bad stuff with IBD is like getting drunk on a Saturday night. It sure does feel good, but the next day you swear you're never, ever going to do it again, LOL.

Ha Ha!! How true!! The number of times Ive said "never again"
I can't count how many times I'm grubbing at the table, jump up mid bite, run to the bathroom while hearing people yell, "I TOLDJA SO"!

...Sometimes ya just got to learn the hard way, lol.
I haven't learned in the last 24 years so you guys are right there with the rest of us. Oh the foods I shouldn't eat.

I ate ice cream yesterday and I'm lactose intolerant. Actually didn't feel to bad today. Could have been worse.
:eek2: Eating corn, popcorn and anything with corn in it, to me it is like playing Russian Roulette.. ya never know what Kernal is gonna get stuck . I avoid vomiting at all cost!
How long does it take for you guys to react to food... I sometimes find that I will eat something then ten minutes later have really bad urge for a bowel movement run to the toilet and have bad diarrhea... everyone tells me it can't have gone thru me that quickly.. is this right or can you react that quick to something that doesn't agree with you?

Jettalady - so you reaction to food is vomiting rather then the big D?? Or do you get both?
I only vomit if I am obstructing which has been ummmm , 7 years now? I still get nausea from time to time, but mostly from meds. I dont get alot D, I take VSL which is a high probiotics. My worst times are on my days. I get alot bloat approx 7 hours after I eat, like breakfast,,, by the time 4 or 5pm comes around it starts all over til morning. I avoid corn, and I love cornflakes but if I eat them I take Digestive enzymes, I used to take them alot but not so much anymore, not eating risky foods or high in fat.

EDIT; oops I lied I forgot a year ago November I was eating white cheddar popcorn, I was vomiting dehydrated and in pain, I went to emerge for pain control and IV.
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Tan said:
How long does it take for you guys to react to food... I sometimes find that I will eat something then ten minutes later have really bad urge for a bowel movement run to the toilet and have bad diarrhea... everyone tells me it can't have gone thru me that quickly.. is this right or can you react that quick to something that doesn't agree with you?

Jettalady - so you reaction to food is vomiting rather then the big D?? Or do you get both?

I know that I can be literally in the middle of a meal and have to run to the bathroom, so I'm not sure if it's the current meal that's triggering pain or the one I had previously (out with the old and in with the new, ew lol).
Yeah - I'm a little concerned about the bowl of chili I inhaled an hour ago. Don't care though...it was soooo good!
I had a spinach salad with Tomatos, Olives, Feta Cheese and Tangy Tomato Bacon dressing. Along with Cheese dip, which had hamburger meat and some salsa in it! Feeling ok so far so hoping tomorrow won't be rough :)

I don't have too many foods that bother me, so I usually just eat whatever and pray all night!! Only thing I've found was McDonalds Big Mac's, had it for lunch, it was out before dinner! Won't be enjoying anymore of those for awhile :(
Every time I used to see the KFC bowl of potatoes, gravy and corn , I gag and call the Crohns nightmare.
Jettalady said:
Every time I used to see the KFC bowl of potatoes, gravy and corn , I gag and call the Crohns nightmare.
Really? Wow, I just ate one of those last week and didn't have any problems!
Fog Ducker said:
Tan, if I eat something I shouldnt, im heading tho the bathroom right away.

Oh thats good cause I was starting to wonder if its in my head which is making my body react... just the way everyone looks at me when Im running to the toilet like an idiot and then come and out and say... 'now nobody go in there for at least half an hour!!' :lol:
I sometime wonder if they think Im doing it for attention with the way they treat me about it. My family get it just people at work and friends that dont understand.

Edit - Ha..ha.. I just re-read my post and didn't mean thats good for you Fog but good to know!! ;)
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Nic said:
I don't have too many foods that bother me, so I usually just eat whatever and pray all night!! Only thing I've found was McDonalds Big Mac's, had it for lunch, it was out before dinner! Won't be enjoying anymore of those for awhile :(

Geez your lucky Nic I can not handle any take-away style food its just too nasty for my poor tummy... I also feel like **** after eating them and generally want to throw it back up.
Tan said:
Geez your lucky Nic I can not handle any take-away style food its just too nasty for my poor tummy... I also feel like **** after eating them and generally want to throw it back up.

Same here!
Tan said:
Geez your lucky Nic I can not handle any take-away style food its just too nasty for my poor tummy... I also feel like **** after eating them and generally want to throw it back up.
I'm sure my day will come, everything I love will be a big NO NO! LOL
Broccoli is the only other thing I try to stay away from, sometimes it bothers me and sometimes it doesn't, so my hubby just keeps me away from it! Sucks because it's my favorite veggie!! I've been a little more cautious lately since I seem to be in a flare up, but as soon as I start my Humira I'm gonna go back to eating everything and see what happens!! Hope I don't regret it :/
Jettalady said:
Every time I used to see the KFC bowl of potatoes, gravy and corn , I gag and call the Crohns nightmare.

Oh goodness, just looking at that digusting dish could probably CAUSE Crohns, LOL.
Hahaha... I'm paying dearly today. Oh well... such is life. I knew it would happen. :( My poor bum hurts though.
I had issues during the night after eating a piece of steak for dinner wasn't big or anything and I have never had issues before with eating red meat.. very strange. Had a bit more pain then normal must have been having issues moring thru me?
Hey, just to let everyone know, it was Jess' fault I got started on the corn thing last night.
Eh, it can be my fault. I paid... and am still paying. But it's so yummy. I still remember the days when I would sit and eat a whole thing of corn. The frozen packets of corn were a major staple in my diet. Doesn't work so well for me anymore...
Mmmm, cookies! I've been wanting to make cookies for ages, but haven't because i knew i'd just eat 'em. :p

i just ate a frozen chimichanga with salsa on it, and am paying for it already, it's like i ate razorblades. :( i don't think i'll ever learn either.
Your suppose to heat them up before you eat them, silly. They do feel like razorblades when you eat them frozen. One of these days you'll learn.
vshirey317 said:
Eating bad stuff with IBD is like getting drunk on a Saturday night. It sure does feel good, but the next day you swear you're never, ever going to do it again, LOL.

... At least in this case you are not waking up next to a complete stranger ;)

I paid for it recently when I decided to go eat some really spicy curry. I was in misery all night.

The only thing that can make me eat corn again is if it is freshly grilled at the state fair and dipped in a vat of melted butter.

Since no one was here for my Bd, I bought and had a piece of Carrot cake ... even if I pay, it will be worth it!
Fog Ducker said:
Dam, ate another wack of cookies tonte, why did ai make them again??

you didn't figure out the recipe for those bowel buddies did you? :ylol2:

I ate steak twice in 5 days and I feel a lot of pressure in my lower right. Kinda like i swallowed a rock or something. I still worry about blowing apart the resection site every time I feel that.
DanM said:
... At least in this case you are not waking up next to a complete stranger ;)

I paid for it recently when I decided to go eat some really spicy curry. I was in misery all night.

The only thing that can make me eat corn again is if it is freshly grilled at the state fair and dipped in a vat of melted butter.

hehe i keep reading about how good turmeric is and every time I make curry I pee out my but for three days :poo:

you think I would learn, but no. I love my curried chicken in the slow cooker.
kenny said:
you didn't figure out the recipe for those bowel buddies did you? :ylol2:

Oh yeah these are definitely not bowel buddies!! Chocolate chip. MMM So good, Im such a sucker for sweets.
Brian if you keep eating those cookies you will NEED the bowel buddies... I saw them today in the healthfood store, even the packaging aint pretty lol.
Cookies sound AMAZING. I may have some Snickerdoodles in the kitchen. Hmmmmm...

And... corn again for dinner. Mom made dinner, and of course, she made mashed potatoes, corn, and broccoli. I suspect she's trying to kill me. I enjoyed it though.
NOooooooooo, I had Carrot cake and with cream cheese icing, gotta lay off, maybe you can afford to gain weight but I can't ! LOL
I've never heard of Bowel Buddies, is that something you bribe your bowels with so you can be buddies again? I think I need to bribe mine, they're a little upset after I had me some popcorn.
Josh, you never learn do ya! LOL... Fog says they are much to write home about ...bowel buddies.
Mmmmm, Snickerdoodles!!! Trade ya for a few cookies!

mmmm Carrot cake with icing!! Same deal as above!

Bowel buddies are these horrible tasting "cookies" that are supposed to be good for your bowel because they have more fiber.
Okay, I'll send you a package of Snickerdoodles if you send me a package of your chocolate chip! I might even add a few chocolate dipped strawberries to the package just 'cuz they're like the most amazing things in the world.
Jettalady said:
NOooooooooo, I had Carrot cake and with cream cheese icing, gotta lay off, maybe you can afford to gain weight but I can't ! LOL

::sigh:: I just downed a King sized Hershey bar and a Slim Jim. I am going to explode, argh...
The snickerdoodles are really good but high in calories lol and NOT cheap, if they are the gluten free ones!
Mmmmm choco strawberrys! God your killing me here!

Cookies are on the way, btw they are from scratch, sooo much better! :)

Nessa, if your gonna be in pain might as well make it worth whle!! :D
My snickerdoodles are usually from scratch too.

The chocolate dipped strawberries won't be, but only because there is NOTHING better than Gertrude Hawk strawberries. Honestly, I think they put crack in them.
Fog Ducker said:
Mmmmm choco strawberrys! God your killing me here!

Cookies are on the way, btw they are from scratch, sooo much better! :)

Nessa, if your gonna be in pain might as well make it worth whle!! :D

Amen to that, bro! Slim Jims that are the size of my forearm are pure awesomeness.
Fog Ducker said:
Oohhhh Yeaaaaahhhh!!

Those things kill me!

hehe I will probably hate myself in the morning but I went to TacoBell and had three Bean Burritos tonight on the way home from the Surgeons office. We had to celebrate as he officially signed me off to the disease management team today.
Hmmm k
look like what we call twiggy sticks possibly

like a thin long metwurst sorta thing???
Ah yea they good - well bad but good lmao

I stil sometimes buy one or two wen at the shops
sooooooooo bad lol

Hmmm maybe they slightly diff
twiggy sticks kept in fridge here but don't last long really
It's funny because every time I see this thread I think 'I hate msyelf EVERY morning!' LOL. I am not a morning person!
Yeah they dont last long in the fridge, thats why they are frozen.
Im pretty sure we are talking the same things, just little tubes of meat, sometimes spicy, like long thin susages.
Ah yea
never thought stickin em in there
damn u fog!!! Now I'll start doin it an suffer lmao

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