I was dating this guy for six months. It wasn't too serious, but we were exclusive and I loved to be around him. He has crohns, and has had it for quite a while (over ten years). Recently, he has begun getting really sick again. Shortly after after he became sick, he told me that we should just be friends. That was a few weeks ago, and we still talk every single day, although we don't hang out, and he even commented once that "I get too sick to want to be with anyone". I'm really happy to still have him in my life as a friend, but the thing is that I really like him a lot. It's difficult to just be friends, although it's better than not having him at all. I understand, or try to understand, where he is coming from... but I guess the problem is that I really can't fully understand. I want to be able to be there for him through this and I really want to continue in the relationship that we had. I haven't told him this, because I don't know if I even should. I just don't know what to do, and any sugestions or advice would be much appreciated.