I need some help

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Oct 1, 2008
Hey guys,

I know its been a while since I've posted. I've been getting the vedolizamab for a month now and it seems to be making a difference...i want to go do stuff all the freaking time!! Only problem is, when I got sick a while back (3-4 years) i became a hermit. The only people I talked to were family and my then girlfriend (who didnt help the situation). I've noticed I've become more depressed and aggressive over the last couple months because I feel trapped in the house. So I ask you outgoing people on Crohn's Forum...How the heck do I make new friends at this point in my life? I feel weird just going out somewhere on my own and my fiancee works a ton (If it wasn't for that girl...i'd lose it sometimes), so she usually isnt available.

The main point for the lazy people who dont wanna read....How do I meet people at this point in my life?
Do you have a job? Are you well enough to work? You could find friends at a job or part time job. Also getting involved in the community through clubs and groups is another one. Maybe you could join a bowling league or something like that. Are you religious? I know some people go to church just for the networking... (ha I've even heard of people going even when they weren't religious). Do you have a dog? Taking a dog to a nearby dog park usually runs you in to the same people, especially if you go regularly... good for you and the dog. You could reach out to your neighbors and throw dinner parties... invite another couple over for a card game.
I am well enough to work and in the process of finding a job. I'm not really the religious type but i would be open to going to church. I have no pets, and my neighbors are weirdos lol
Join some kind of volunteer thing. What's your interest? Big Brothers? Environmental Cleanup? National or State park groups? Something for kids at the local musical equipment rental shop?
Katie Sue and Kenny have some great ideas! I agree that volunteering with an organization of interest to you would be a good place to start, and you would feel good about it, and the organization you choose would greatly appreciate your time! Win-Win-Win!
Yeah joining a CCFA group, look in your area, dont always have to be other Crohnies but there are some people who volunteer who dont have IBD but a family member does. Who knows maybe you just might meet a cutie there! It is hard for your age group. Having a dog on a leash is a great way to meet people.
If you're able I'd definitely recommend a dog. Then visit the dog parks!

Or if you're into sports join a "just for fun" league of something...

Good luck! You'll find people to hang with I'm sure... they're just waiting to be found.
Kids are a great way to meet people too. Maybe you have some nieces and nephews that you can do stuff with. There are all kinds of programs you can sign them up for and take them to during the summer months. I met lots of my friends at playgroups when I moved here. Even if you dont meet anybody, kids are fun and can give you a renewed outlook. I nannied my niece between surgeries and it was so good for my spirits.
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Good idea Lydia.. getting involved with kids is a great ice breaker and girls love that lol... better than a dog because you just take them back where they come from ;). Pets are a alot more work, and not cheap, they need attention too. I know the neighbour thing, sometimes that isnt always good because you soon find out you can't get rid of them lol.
Old fashioned leaving the house can work and all but I see that you have the internets. Perhaps you could try meeting people online. There's a site called stickam where you can search for people in your area. You start off by being friends with them online and then eventually you could hang out together in real life. There's nothing to lose by trying it out. You sign up for free and don't have to have a web cam but it helps if you do so other people can see you. Meeting people on the internet is never a bad thing. That's how I met my current bf. He's actually from SC but was living in Florida at the time while I'm out here in California. He moved out here to live with me after we visited each other by plane after knowing each other for 5 years (not romantically until a little over a year ago). As much as some people fear the "weirdos" online, its not the horror story it's made out to be.
If you believe in our soldiers and have Honor and Respect for them then check out the Patriot guard riders. You don't have to ride a motorcycle to be part of us. You will have more friends than what you know what to do with. Just be prepared to be hugged by everyone. Plus you will be helping the family members cope with thier losses.

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