I think it's back

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 16, 2011
Hello, I'm new here but I think "it's" back. I'm 42 and a female. I had the onset of Crohn's about 6 years ago. At that time I remember they went in and drained something and I lived with it for the next 3 years having constant on and off flare ups with my big trusty bottle of Flagyl at my side. Then a little over 3 years ago I got very ill and has a resection surgery. They took about 12" of my small intestine, which was a nightmare but worth it. I have been in remission ever since, drug free.

About 2 weeks ago, I started getting a really sore throat and felt like I had some type of virus. I've had a mild fever off and on the whole time. I was feeling a little better today. About an hour ago, I was walking through the grocery store and felt a twinge - the twinge, on the right side. It all came flooding back to me. It had been so long I didn't even think about it being the Crohn's. I did a search online as soon as I got home from the store for "Sore Throat Crohn's" and indeed, there have been people that have experienced this. I never had the throat problem, or the body aches like I have had the last few days, when I was dealing with Crohn's in the past.

So, here I am, freaked out that it may have come back. I haven't been to the Dr. in a long time, but I think I may have to go soon.

Thanks for sharing all of your stories and experiences on here. I've never been here before but plan on reading as much as I can. Even if this isn't a flare up, I really need to remember that I do still have Crohn's, even when it is in remission, and even though I have been ignoring it for 3 years.
Welcome to the forum! Although I'm sorry you are feeling ill!

Please dont ignore your symptoms and let them get worse. Get yourself to the Dr and the GI ASAP. Have them test your CRP, WBC, etc, and get yourself well! Ignoring it will not make it go away, just read my sig.

You may need a maintenance med to keep you in remission. I wish you well in the very near future!
Hi floridagirl and welcome! I know exactly what you are saying! I haven't been in remission, but if I get a few "good days" in a row, I can quickly forget about my health problems. But then, I get that twinge and I am quickly reminded.

Oh, I really hope it isn't your Crohn's, but as Misty suggests, don't waste any time. Get in and see your GI. It's better safe than sorry!

Keep us posted!
Hey Floridagirl glad you are here :bigwave: I have had two resections but have had 8 years pain free but was never off maintenance drugs. Because Crohns has no cure you should of been kept on a low dose drug. I made the mistake of ignorning it and that got me to my second resection. Never had relief since. You have to look after yourself and not live the disease but putting it on the back burner is a mistake. Been there done that.

Get backto see your Gi and get a colonoscopy to make sure it isnt getting away from you, the longer you wait the harder to treat. Holidays are around so it maybe hard to get an appt. Keep us posted ok!
Greetings and welcome :) Let's hope it's not back but if it is, we're most certainly here for you. In addition to what was said, ask them to test your vitamin B12 and vitamin D levels as well. With your resection I'm guessing they took some ileum or terminal ileum which could affect those a lot. When you get those results if you want to post them here, we can elaborate further. But both are VERY important for a Crohnie to stay on top of.