I thought it was just a bad stomach ache!

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Aug 23, 2011
hello my name is randy and im terriable at spelling so please bear with me and here is my story.
i have had symptoms for 15 yrs now, mostley the diarhea and stomach aches. then one early morning i was awakened by one of the worst pains i had experienced yet! i put up with it for most of the day when my wife talked me into going into the hospital where i was quickly diagnosed with a apendicitis and into surgery i went. in post op i was told that although my appendix was fine they removed it anyways. they also removed 8-12 inches of lower intestine because it was severly infected. but they were not sure why, i was released three days later. after about of a week and a half i went back to work and stopped taking the pain killers, all the pain came back. back to the drs i go and he sends me to a specialist where i had a catscan blood test colonoscopy and a endoscopy with a outcome diagnosis of crohns diagnosis. i have been on 40mg of prednisone for two and half weeks with NO relief. VERY FRUSTRATING!!! i havent been able to work now as i am a truck driver and can not work or drive while im on pain killers. i will try to keep up on any news or updates i have. thank you

tired of the pain Randy
Hi Randy,
This must have come as a shock to you. Steroids are pretty good for knocking down inflammation so I'm a bit surprised they haven't worked as yet. There are other things that the Dr's can try so maybe its time to tell them that you are still in a lot of distress so they can look @ something else. Sounds like you could do with some pain relief as well!
If it was me I'd be making an appointment straightaway.
The thing is they haven't addressed the pain by the sounds of things. Ok if the steroids kick in the pain will stop but meantime??
Think I would go along the lines of "I'm prepared to wait but I need something for the pain meanwhile". Hopefully they will act because its almost certain if they were experiencing the pain they would do something about it. I would never pre judge your Dr's but some I have experienced can be a little "dismissive" of certain aspects. Mind you that was 25 years ago.
Hi, Randy. Spelling is not my strenghth either, so you put up with my mistakes and I'll put up with yours. How's that?

Well, I never had pred take long without it helping the pain and symptoms. My doc normally started me on very high doses though (26+ years ago). Have you reached the climbing the walls part of taking pred yet? I agree with the other person that posted though, you should be feeling some type of relief by now. What type of pain killers are you on? I ask because so many can effect the bowl quite a bit. I personally can't take any of them because they make me nutty(er). as you are basically new to this whole business, I'm going to give you the best advice ever given to me regarding this disease. This disease is a pain in the butt; in order to get well, you've got to be a pain in the butt right back. I know truckers (my daddy ran a small long haul trucking company) you do what ya gotta do, keep your mouth shut and keep moving. Well, in this instance keeping your own council is not the way to go. Speak up! If you don't like the answer you are getting from your doc, push the issue. Your in pain, have been in pain for X amount of time, are not feeling relief and need to work for a living. Besides just feeling like crap on top of it all!

Well, my little reply turned into a novel. Sorry. You will find many people here that will help you in any way they can. Good luck to you!
Hi Randy and welcome!

Do you know what area of your intestines was removed? This could be quite important for future treatment and supplementation.

All my best to you!
Welcome, Randy. You should be getting some relief from 40mg of pred for two weeks. Your doctors should be more proactive. And if not, perhaps it's time to seek a new GI.

Did you start any maintenance medication along with the pred? Pred can't be taken long term. Once you are able to wean off the pred, you'll need a maintenance drug to keep the inflammation from coming back.

But we got to nip this inflammation in the bud first! I sure hope you start feeling better soon!
thanks for the welcomes everyone! well after another fun filled trip to the ER i had another surgery to remove a abscess on my lower intestine that was alittle bigger then a plum. just one day in the hospital and released. sent home with more antibiotics and pain killers and most of the pain has returned! thinking about going up to the UW in seattle for more answers
Oh boy! I am sorry to hear this. Are you feeling any better?

If I were you, I'd certainly seek another opinion. It doesn't sound like you are getting the attention and care you deserve.

Good luck!

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