IBD and relationships (your views)

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Hello peeps,

Here is a question I would like to put your guys ways. Having a relationship can be hard enough in general but with having IBD can make things all that harder. How have you found having IBD and a relationship, is it no problems at all or have you had a relationship in he past split up because they just couldn't understand why you couldn't go out to that party or family gathering.

Look forward to your answers peeps.
Im drawed toward more relaxed thoughtful people usually regards relationships in the past so i havent really had alot of trouble with relationships regards partners and IBD.
Ive had some family issues rgards my IBD in the past and some fam members thinking that mabye i wasnt as ill as i was and they thought i should be doing more but right now i feel like most people are pretty much understanding just relatives i dont see alot mabye wonder sometimes why im not lively and active all the time.
Yeah, I had a relationship totally ruined by CD, only I didn't know what it was at the time. I thought I was crazy out of my mind and dying of anorexia. The boy (whom I'd moved cross-country to be with only 1-2 months before) bailed and said, "when we move out of this apartment, you're not coming with me." I'm still bitter about that one 1.5 years later, but I'll reserve my foul words for offline. ;)

As for beginning a new relationship knowing my dx, it hasn't happened yet. I trust that I'll find someone with a big enough heart to accept me AND my DD. I'm not willing to settle for anything less! :cool:
Well I can say that my one and only relationship ended recently, and wasnt helped and by crohns. She got tired of seeing me sick all the time, and got tired of not doing anything. I do stuff when I feel like I am up to it, but more often than not I prefer to do nothing. I cant say crohns was the only problem, as it wasnt, but it didnt help any.

Its ok though, helps weed through those who wont stick by you.
kc0eks said:
I do stuff when I feel like I am up to it, but more often than not I prefer to do nothing. I cant say crohns was the only problem, as it wasnt, but it didnt help any.

Its ok though, helps weed through those who wont stick by you.

My sentiments EXACTLY! Sometimes it is best to do nothing. And here I thought I was just lazy all these years! :p

Agreed, too, that weeding out those who are not worthy is one side-effect. Hey, a silver lining to this DD!! :thumleft:
I have always been to afraid to ask a girl out because of CD. Also most of the girls at my school are pricks and should just be rounded up and sent to space because they do not deserve to live on our planet. I hate it because all the girls are like super rich and expect to be waited on hand and foot I have diddly squat as far as money is concerned so why waste my time on people that only go out to get material goods. Shouldn't my time and love be enough. That is why I am staying out of relationships.

My two cents

Good for you Jeff!!

Myself, my current Hubby loves me for who I am. He is completely understanding when I have an accident...tho he does tend to joke about it to make the moment...lighter. He is one in a million when it comes to having IBD. He helps when he can when I don't feel so hot, will yell at me when he thinks I should slow down, and is there for me when I need him home. He drives truck and altho I don't like to call him from 5 states away, I have, and he has been home as soon as he could be. Fortunatly, he is also a home-body, so when I don't want to go out, he doesn't argue. I lucked out on this one.

My first hubby however. Hmmm...if we were still married, I know for a fact IBD would have put a huge strain on the relationship. He is very energetic, outgoing and social. I used to be also..but as we all know, IBD tends to put that on hold. He would go nuts if he had to sit around all day doing nothing or doing stuff by himself. His patience used to run thin on the times when I was flaring (only at the time I didn't know I had IBD so thought it was just a badddd bug). So for him, our marriage would have ended anyway due to IBD. I know it would have. And even tho I just was given full disability, he doesn't believe that this disease is as dibilating as it is. His new father-in-law had a blockage, not due to IBD, so now has a bag. He is fine, works full-time, blah blah blah. So because his dad-in-law is good, so should I be.

Again, thank you Crohn's!

well with my hubby when im not in a flare things are fine but when i get sore i get irritated easily and he sucks at support but on the other side if im not up to going out hes cool with it .... pitty it dosnt work with the cleaning. But as far as my crohns problems like flatulence and stuff hes cool with it he has no issues at all about that unless i dutch oven him lol
Jeff D. said:
Shouldn't my time and love be enough.

Thanks for your replies peeps, it's great that we can all share this kinda stuff and support each other. I think Jeff says it good with shouldnt my time and love be enough :thumright: , you gotta agree with that one!
There's a million other problems can affect a relationship more than IBD...money probs, infidelity, being mistreated... it's just frustrating because this is one we can't change so magnifies it.

I think it depends totally on how we deal with our illness. If we act like the victim and are very negative in general then we can't blame partners for not wanting to be around us, they have needs too. We can still be good girl or boyfriends without being well or full of energy. Even when I've been at my worst I've always been positive and enjoy what things I can do. If anything I appreciate little things like 'the fresh air, laughing, people being there for me' more than others probably.

So to answer your Q...I think it IBD can affect relationships but with the right attitude can even bring 2 ppl closer becuase of how much you go thro together.
I would have to say it has affected relationships for me in the past.. but I let it maybe? I wasnt sure what was wrong with me, just knew I was young and it was embarrasing always having to run to the bathroom, having really bad pains, and therefore not ever wanting any one to touch me... just in case. that can take a toll on a relationship. I think Ive grown up a lot more though, and understand a bit more whats going on with me... it also helps being with someone who is understanding, and like Jeff said, your time and love should be enough.. so you shouldnt settle for anything less, I would agree with that.
I have to say that I got one of the good guys, Mike and I have been together for about 19 years, 2-3 years after I was diagnosed and it has never been a problem. He is very supportive of me and this dumb disease. He will yell at me when I eat something I shouldn't or say "Poor Mike" when he knows he has to use the bathroom after me. I only see him frustrated when I am feeling bad for a long time and never want to do anything, it's hard when I don't have my normal (high) energy level. Even my kids know that I can't eat somethings and will make comments like, "Mom, your not supposed to eat the popcorn".

Yes there are good catches out there for those that are still looking!:thumleft:
Great Topic -- Thanks for posting this Danny...

I am in a relatively new relationship now. My guy has known from the beginning that I have Crohn's. I had a major surgery last summer so my stuff has been in remission for quite a while.

I am having a few teeny-tiny symptoms that probably can be fixed with a little medicine and I am seeing my GI doc to get to the bottom of my symptoms. Personally, I am CONCERNED about it, but compared to how things were (spending a week out of every month in the hospital), I am not scared or worried.

The problem is that my man has gotten some misinformation here and there that I have to compete with. Like I am going to die from Crohn's and I can't have any kids and crap like that. (I wonder if there is someone else out there who wants him feeding him these lies to screw up my game). I feel like after dealing with this junk for 2 years now I know a lot about it. It is very awkward to bring someone else up to speed on it.

He's an awesome guy so he's with me sick or well so I feel really lucky. I just need him to understand the ins and outs of it so he won't worry too much or too little. Its hard to find a medium between "Sorry, it means I can't eat popcorn" and "I'm not gonna DIE from Crohn's."
OK, right on to the folks that said it helps weed out the ones that won't stick by you. I've had some issues with it in the past with relationships. Ex: My ex-fiance didn't understand why I couldn't go to the park 2 days after I had a full fistulotomy for my fistulas. It grew larger than that of course though. I've gotten to the point where I'd just rather simply do without than have a gf that is just "there" and doesn't understand or give a uh, crap.

On that note, I've recently met a girl that totally understands the issues with chronic illnesses. She herself has had leukemia since she was 8. She has her moments, but overall is doing very well. In college, works, etc. She's a badass fighter with it, just like me. Her illness has not slowed her down at all. We have a "date" or whatever ya wanna call it (we're hanging out) on Sunday. I'm just gonna roll with it, hope for the best, and see where it may lead. Oh yeah, and she's absolutely GORGEOUS as well. Never hurts the cause ;)
I believe that someone who truly loves you will be understanding. Love is a choice, and when we decide to love someone (or they decide to love us) we accept the good, the bad, and the ugly. Being upfront and open is important, and good communication is absolutely essential; the more your mate understands about the illness you deal with, the better. As long as they know that your illness isn't WHO you are, it's just something you have to deal with.

That's why I give Karen and Kalyn Kudos for joining this message board to understand what a very special man in their life is delaing with and up against! :thumleft:

Having a strong support system in place is so very important to anyone who battles a chronic disease. It can make the difference between hope and dispair... truly living and barely coping...
jojo_bunny said:
I think it IBD can affect relationships but with the right attitude can even bring 2 ppl closer becuase of how much you go thro together.

I would agree with that.

I'd say I've been fortunate with the relationships I've has in the past as the girlfriend has wanted to help, understand and be supportive with regard to the illness and how it affected me.

Having IBD doesn't have to have a negative impact on a relationship, you just have to find the right person to share it with.

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On the whole, (i know theres exceptions to every rule) would you say its probably easier for guys to find an understanding girlfriend than it is for us girls to find an understanding man?

my experience says it's easier for guys as most girls are more understanding.

Joanne x
jojo_bunny said:
On the whole, (i know theres exceptions to every rule) would you say its probably easier for guys to find an understanding girlfriend than it is for us girls to find an understanding man?

my experience says it's easier for guys as most girls are more understanding.

Joanne x

Thats quite insulting Joanne, there is a saying that goes "the female of the species are more deadlier than the males" and that translates to read women are less understanding than males!
I knew this would be the reaction !!!

But I'm still sticking to wot I said LOL
jojo_bunny said:
On the whole, (i know theres exceptions to every rule) would you say its probably easier for guys to find an understanding girlfriend than it is for us girls to find an understanding man?
Joanne x

Aye! :lol: I think alot of my male friends would find it hard to cope with a girlfriend with IBD but like you said, there's always exceptions.

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jojo_bunny said:
On the whole, (i know theres exceptions to every rule) would you say its probably easier for guys to find an understanding girlfriend than it is for us girls to find an understanding man?

my experience says it's easier for guys as most girls are more understanding.

Joanne x

I would agree with that.. and only just from my own experiences in the past. but to be fair to the guys.. I know I might not have even given them the chance to be understanding about it.. poop, cramps etc was a topic I would not bring up if my life depended on it.. even though they felt comfortable describing every detail of there own. lol
now, its like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders that I dont have to hide anything, and can be myself.
"In sickness and in health"

Great vow when you're repeating it as a healthy 20-something but not so great sometimes when CD hits. My ex didn't bother to read up on the disease until AFTER I asked for the divorce and that was because he was educating himself for the divorce proceedings. He travelled a lot so I took care of myself while sick plus was taking care of our daughter (who has ulcerative colitis) and when he'd come home he just thought we should all be healthy - especially me. Yes, CD can really mess up a marriage (including in the bedroom if I can be so bold). I don't know how often things were still expected even though I was very sick and very much in pain. So, it took awhile (okay, we were married nearly 20 years) but I left him and am doing just fine.

Now that I'm meeting people again, I find that the guys I meet seem to share the same ignorance and ambivalence about CD as my ex - an it's more with the guys my age, not younger ones (maybe because the CD education is really making a difference with the younger generations). But trust me, it is really frustrating when I find myself having to explain why I can or cannot do certain things and the person seems like they have no clue why it would be an issue. I suppose a swift kick somewhere, followed by a "oh, so you hurt and you can't perform right now?" might be a bit extreme but it's been tempting a couple of times. No worries - if I don't hear back from them - they're loss. My disease is incurable - their attitude does have a cure.
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One Awesome Broad said:
I suppose a swift kick somewhere, followed by a "oh, so you hurt and you can't perform right now?" might be a bit extreme but it's been tempting a couple of times. No worries - if I don't hear back from them - they're loss.

That made me laugh for sure! Thanks for your views.
my marriage broke down and i have to say a big part of it was the crohns and his lack of understanding/caring but there were a lot of other reasons too but the relationship was under strain due to me not having the energy to go out to parties and being told i was exaggerating and just being lazy didnt help either.
now im with patrick who also has crohns and he understands how it feels and knows how to help and what to do and understands when im not up to doing much. i guess it depends on how strong the relationship is and also if you were to meet someone when you already have crohns they will be faced with it from the start so know what things are like.
One Awesome Broad said:
Great vow when you're repeating it as a healthy 20-something but not so great sometimes when CD hits. My ex didn't bother to read up on the disease until AFTER I asked for the divorce and that was because he was educating himself for the divorce proceedings. He travelled a lot so I took care of myself while sick plus was taking care of our daughter (who has ulcerative colitis) and when he'd come home he just thought we should all be healthy - especially me. Yes, CD can really mess up a marriage (including in the bedroom if I can be so bold). I don't know how often things were still expected even though I was very sick and very much in pain. So, it took awhile (okay, we were married nearly 20 years) but I left him and am doing just fine.

i totally agree with this, my ex also decided to educate himself on cd after i left which was a little too late!!
I feel extremely lucky because my boyfriend is amazing. We began talking like 4 months ago, we met a few years ago but nothing ever happened..but then we just sort of hit it off. I remember being so afraid that telling him what I deal with with UC would ruin the way thigns were which were perfect. Well I ended up just telling him the whole thing and he was incredibly supportive and he listens to me even wen im goin nuts or going off about some medicine or watever is going on he just listens. he is not ever grossed otu and hes just always there for me. Its so great hes like my best friend in the world and he really cares about me. And I kno hes not just syaing that its ok because in soem situations he totally couldve like been annoyed or soemthing. Like on the 4th of July we went to this fancy resturant and to watch fireworks a couple hours from where I live and that day I had to go to the bathroom like 15 times. it wasnt fun haha. but he was like Jen are u ok? and stuff the whole time and he didnt mind havin to stop or anything. he always supports me and he always is there for me and hes always honest with me. I was so afraid would never find someone that would b so wonderful...but somehow I did. :)
umm well it seems Steph beat me to it - simple answer is meet someone with IBD .. lol. .. im kidding .. i agree with jojo here .. in reality the Crohns shouldnt make any difference but obviously should be discussed - when depends on the r'ship. also agree with jojo about the understanding male of the species - now jo didnt mean any of us fellas !!! right jo ;).

and it goes ditto for Steph and her understanding - we're lucky and we realise that - sometimes its the motivation of love itself that makes us take care of ourselves a little better - i know thats the case for me.

i know its extremely difficult in times and ive been guilty of wallowing in self-pity myself on occasion but i guess it really is up to us to make the most of this and not have the expectation that someone else will do it for us.

geez i talk a lot ..;)

happy days
Patrick xo
jojo_bunny said:
On the whole, (i know theres exceptions to every rule) would you say its probably easier for guys to find an understanding girlfriend than it is for us girls to find an understanding man?

my experience says it's easier for guys as most girls are more understanding.

Joanne x

Where are these understanding girls? I need to move there:thumright:
They sure don't live in Vegas
I've never really had a problem with regards to relationships and CD.. guess I've been lucky in that respect! But I have always told guys I've dated about it pretty much straight away, I think its best in the long run just to be open and honest about it!

The bathroom/stoma issues don't seem to be a problem in the long run.. unfortunately the moody issue that goes hand in hand with the disease always scares em off in the end! :lol:
I find myself not wanting to go the anyones house and hang out. The reason being I din't want to have an episode and have a nuclear reaction in their bathhroom. How do you explain "No big deal here, I Just stank up your bathroom"? What if i'm in there for 15 minutes? I guess i'm starting to sound like a baby.......

My g/f is an actress, and between her rehearsal & performance schedule and my illness, we don't spend a lot of time together. But, overall, that may be better for our relationship. Why? Well, as all of you know, and others have stated, if you've
got this then there are times when you don't feel like going out or being with those you care for... Factor in how embarrassing and socially limiting this disease can be, how it can rob you of your energy, take away your enthusiam, even lower your personal self esteem,; then maybe the little time we do spend together is not
the strain it might otherwise be on a 'typical' relationship. God knows that she is not at her best around people with a serious illness (no script and no director), but
then again... I'm a man who is ill, and God I'm sure all women reading this know all
too well what that can be like. I think as males we make lousy patients. I for one know that I am. I hate that this illness all too often controlls my body, and by so doing controlls me. I hate not being in controll. think most men do too. I used to be dynamic, outgoing, the life of the party, full of energy, always doing something.
Now I'm a veritable hermit who is lucky to get out of the house once a fortnight, if
that.. On opening nite, I made it to the theatre, watched the show, but I couldn't stay for the party/reception afterwards. Did I miss out not being there? You bet! Did she miss me not being there? Ditto. But the relationship carries on anyway...
I find it best right now not even to be concerned with dating. I think people in general can be a**holes. I like relationships, just not the B.S.. I've been treated so poorly in the past and now being sick I'm seeing a whole different side to people. Here is an example: A girl I was seeing is still friends with me or so I thought. I was disinvited to a birthday party. I thought because she didn't want me to meet the new B/F. Like I care...right? She says to me" You probably woulndn't go anyways and if you do you'll just stand there and complain that you don't feel good, then leave"
So at that I walked away in shock. That there describes here feelings of our time together. huh?
So for now I say FORGET IT... WHATS THE POINT?

If I was still in high school.... My disease would be my date;)
I was only DX'd back in March, but so far my hubby has been great overall. He makes sure he gets off work to go to all of my appts with me whether i ask him to or not, even the follow-ups I'm doing right now where nothing major is happening...just still trying to work out meds routine and get me into remission for more than a week or two at a time. He is also understanding of the fact that there are a lot of things i can't eat, a lot of things i can't do....that sometimes i cant even hardly get out of bed or off the couch. I"m not saying CD can't be a stress on our relationship, but I think we are both working hard to see that it brings us closer instead of coming between us in the future. I feel fortunate that he has been as curious and concerned as he has been, and that he wants to be involved in my treatment.

I hope you are all able to find this with someone someday if you don't already have it.....cuz we all deserve it! :)
I think sometimes, whether a person is ill or not, they have to step outside of their own skin. Try to see themselves and their behaviour or mannerisms as those around them do. A guys typical reaction to things like illness is to retreat, to be on their own. Some people refer to it as withdrawing into their cave. I do it, and haven't met many guys who don't. And we also tend to focus on just our own problems. Often I witness myself doing things or behaving in a way that makes sense if you know what I am thinking or feeling on the inside, within my cave. But when I stop and realize it only makes sense if you know what is going on inside, I get a whole new perspective. Being objective about one self is pretty hard under the best of circumstances. When you are ill, it is easy to get into a habit that is so difficult to break. To stop being sullen, withdrawn, depressed, the death of the party. Friends invite you out, or over, and you don't show. Or you go, and you let yourself feel or become isolated, sitting and brooding. Worried over an 'accident'. Hey, I've seen healthy people at parties who celebrated too much and had pretty spectacular accidents. Life can be embarrassing to us all at times. But, if you ARE amongst friends, I believe that they will pretty much accept you as you are, even if you tie up the only bathroom for extended periods. At least they will if you behave in such a manner that they think you enjoy their company & are having some fun. I also think that getting out & about, meeting people, enjoying life as much as IBD or whatever allows, makes having friends, having relationships, a whole lot more fun. How's that saying go? "All IBD and no fun makes Jack a pain in the backside"
I'd have to admit I believe girls are more open minded then guys, dont know what it is about that but I'd rather be a guy telling my girlfriend about IBD then a girl telling a guy about IBD.
I haven't ever really had my crohn's affect my relationships so much as crohn's affecting my ability to find a relationship... I grew up in a small town so all the girls were sluts or they were prudes... I don't like either... There were a few girls I liked but I always felt insecure because my natural shyness and the crohn's... When I came to Mobile I thought things would change... I meet several women and could have started relationships except I would get sick 3-4 weeks into the semester and have to drop that whole term..

I passed 6 hours out of an attempted 80+ before I gave up on school and started working for GNC... It wasn't always the Crohn's that caused me to have to withdraw... The Conversion disorder kept me basiclly bedriddden for some of those semsters too...

Same goes for making friends... All the friends I have here I know from my brother... I have made a few friends from work though..

I can't go out clubbing... Smoke agrivates my crohn's... I'm not working.. Or if I am working I'm in work mode... The steriods don't make me the nicest person in the world too...

I just hope one day I will find a good girl.... But remember no matter who you are to keep your chin up and your eye out otherwise all your gonna see is the grass growing and I don't think they grow very many relationships there :)...
GNC Man, can I call you that, I am sort of in the same situation now as you were in. I live in a small town with a crap load of sluts or pot smokers or partiers. I am not really into any of that and would just rather a nice relationship. But yeah it sucks when everyone where you live is opposite of you makes it hard to even want to go out on a date.
You can call me GNC man or you can call me Daniel or you can call me whatever...

I'm horrible with names myself so it doesn't bother me what you call me...

I always remember faces though... I just can't keep peoples names straight....
In high school I was in the 4 or 3 man party crowd... Every other weekend was out getting drunk... Or looking for someone that was 21 that could buy us alchol (we had money) so we could get drunk... Yes we were drunks... It was always me and my two best friends... Sometimes a girlfriend would tag along or we would have other friends but it was always just us 3... I learned I liked vodka back then... Man did I go through a lot of vodka... I generally had at least about 14 shots or so of alchol pretty much back to back whenever I drank... And no I didn't get sick except one time... Only time I have ever had a hangover... I drank 3/4's of a 1/5 (I think that is a liter not sure) container of TAKKA... Takka is a better engine degreaser than it is a vodka... Ughhhhh....

That and I was dealing with my conversion disorder (had no clue what it was back then)... I just knew I felt better around people and low stress enviroments... I spent I think at least 1/3 of my senior year of high school at home... On bed rest...

But, my grades never really slipped... My teachers worked with me so I could make up all of my missed stuff... I graduated I think 7 or 8 out of 100+ some odd students... Got a scholarship for a school here in Mobile...

I was going to pay for all of my schooling by myself while my parents payed my brother (I still live with my brother, sister-in-law now, and niece she is 3.5 years old) for rent and gave me food money...

Needless to say all that sholarship money got pissed away... I tried I think 6 times to complete a full semster or even a partial semster of classes.... Only one time did I complete a semster and that was in the Summer of 03 right after I had recovered from my first crohn's surgery (*Removed my appendix, fixed two fistulas connecting my bladder to my small intestine, and they of course removed 6 inches of my small intestines near my terminal illum).... I took Physics 114 (Algebra/Trig based with only some calculus) with Lab and Weight Training for a grand total of 6 hours... Got a 4.0 in both classes... Btw I hate physics labs...

That semster was the only semester I ever finshed any of my classes... The rest I had to withdraw due to crohn's related problems or the conversion disorder... I think all in all I had around 80 attempted hours... I have a nice $5000 student loan that my parents (thank god they can) pay on...

As for now I just want to get stable so I can work again... I want to go to school but I know I would have to take it slow and easy... I want to be a GI doctor and spec in Crohn's Research... I have the brains... I have the horrible writing skills :).
I just don't have the body that can take the physical/mental stress of school...

Yes work is much much easier than school...

Remember to take care of yourself and watchout... Don't press yourself to hard... Or else you will waste years of your life and not to mention lots of money by going to college... No you never want to stop going to college to work... You either work or you go to college and you get up to whatever degree you want... Also don't even think about getting a job in college... Unless of course you could get a night job at the freshman dorms as a clerk... Basicly with that job you stay up all night studying or flirting with hot bored freshman chicks... Your choice ;-)...

At one point I had a point to make... I think that point got speared by another point and is now in critical condition... That and I am waiting as my Restoril kicks in so I can sleep (valium based)... So that means I might as well be typing this drunk...

Ok I'm gonna stop now...

Night night... Hopefully... Well not hopefully it will happen it just a matter of finding the right balance of valium... I'm on the full upswing of prednsione 30mg right now... That's why I'm still up and drowsy... But I'm not in a hyper or manic hyper state... Which is very good... Next dosage of prednsione is in 8 hours... 30 mg more... Fun Fun...
Also another thing.. When your sad, depressed, lonely, and you meet a girl you like and she seems to like you... Go for it... Don't wait around until she thinks of you as nothing more than a friend.... Also don't always look at female friends for relationships... Sometimes you think they love you (they do just not romanticly) because they care for you and try to help you when your sick and down...

I have been down that path... I was 17, senior year of high school, just recovering from my conversion and crohn's... I finally tried to honestly ask out a girl I had been friends with for about 5 years... I had always had a crush on her... I just realized that one day I loved her...

We started talking for a few days and I thought my world was gonna finally be on the bright side.. No more dark days for me... She due to pressure from bad friends, immaturity or whatever decided that we should just be friends...

I broke then... I went down to about as far down as you can go emtional and still be alive... I stayed that way for about 3 months... It was.... yeah...

Moral of this story... Don't look for a relationship to magically help to fix your life.. You will probably wind up flat on your face like me if you do...

Of course I'm just good at telling people what not to do... I still haven't managed to sort out a lot of stuff in my life, but now I know where to start and I have been ever so slowly moving along...

Still waiting on meds to kick in...
Hi all. I'm having similar difficulties. I don't want to go out and be social for the fear that something bad or embarrassing could happen. When everyone else is out drinking and partying and having fun, I get to say, "sorry, I can't drink because I take this medication...". Argh, it's not fun. I know I'm never going to meet anyone sitting in my dorm room but it's extremely difficult for me to get the motivation and go out and be social. I guess I'm not alone.
yeah i just came out of a three and a half year reletionship. mine was on my behalf my partner couldnt and wouldnt understand it we were together for about 12 months when i was first diganosed and he decided that he didnt have it he didnt care how bad it felt. then it got better until the second time that i was in hospital he wouldnt even come to see me which i let slide i know im stupid but i thought this was the person that i was going to spend the rest of my life with. as things went on he decided that he was going to use my crohns for an excuse for every thing if i had the day of work so did he cause if i wasnt going then he wasnt. cause apparently it makes sense for both of us not to have any money?
as things got worse he would vanish for a couple of weeks then resurface when he felt like it, he would always complain that i coulnt just eat normally but if i had just eaten all the things that i wanted to like maccas i wouldnt have been able to eat anything again for a couple of days. and there was sim constanly telling me i needed to put wait on because people were looking at me funny and that my face was to fat from the steriods i should just stop takin them so i didnt look so bad. and he always used to pinch my cheeks knowing that i hated it because i already felt really self concious of them. but what made me more annoyed than anything was he would never ask how the doctors/specialist the test went. so i decided that id had enough and called it quits. obviously i would have realised that he was selfish but with out crohns it would have taken alot longer.
i would say that crohns did have a big effect on my relationship but in a positive light also. but what was the weirdest thing when i felt good i would want to go out and socialise but he never did only when i couldnt move more than 5 meters away from the bathroom would he go out when he knew it was impossible for me to go out?
thinking of some really nasty words at the moment!
How about having a husband who is a drummer? LOOONG evenings where I have to drive the hour to town, help set up, run the light show, help tear down, drive the hour home. The worst part is all the girls want me to come out on the floor and dance. I just shake my head and say no. I used to dance with the girls all the time. Then, between the flare-up that was so long and the not wanting to jump around after having a cocktail or two, and definitely not wanting to get anything going that might involve using the filthy nightclub r.rooms, I just sadly sit and play with the light controller and try to forget all the dancing fun. Sigh.
I would have fun playing with the light controller aswell to be honest, sounds pretty cool.

Filthy nightclubs doesnt appeal though.
Wanna filthy nightclub story? We have this one place, oh my gosh, it is very nasty. They remodeled the men's room after someone trashed it. They took the old men's room toilet stall door and made a table top out of it. I walk in to set up and here is this new, very large, table, and I look, and it's this door that had been leaning in a corner for months. Hinge marks still on it. Now, there is NO way all that r.room stuff could have been disinfected and people are sitting, touching the table, and having their drinks sit on it, putting their purses and cigarettes on it. Oh my gosh! That was about 2 years ago. We were just in that club again and I didn't see that table anymore, but whatever possessed them to turn a r.room stall door into a table?
I think we with Crohn's should date doctors, nurses or dieticians, as they already have a good knowledge about CD :))))

I once dated a doctor, and it was sooo easy talking about Crohn's with her. Unfortunately she had to travel to work abroad......
Well, I had a relationship breakup also and crohns was partly to blame. In front of everyone else my ex was the concerned caring partner but behind closed doors he was a vile bully who told me that he was sick to death of hearing about my crohns as I lived and breathed crohns. (der what did he expect????) he basically said I was an embarrassment and an inconvenience. Suffice to say I left him shortly afterwards. I am now married to a fantastic man who accepts me for who I am and crohns has never been an issue for him. He helps me when I feel bad, he takes control of the running of the household when I go into hospital and he tells me off if I'm doing too much. Its true that its difficult to find someone who totally accepts you when you have an illness, but once you do, the relationship is even more special.

I think that Crohn's has played a huge part in the relationships I've had. I also have Celiac disease and I hate to admit it but both of these conditions have changed who I am and how I feel about myself sometimes. I hate it because I can't live the life I want or the life most people take for granted. I was with a girl for 4 years and she was with me during the celiac but bailed when I got Crohn's. It hurt more than I could ever imagine. It makes me feel helpless, I didn't ask for these retarded problems and I miss the freedom I used to have but its the life I've got so I gotta live with it. I recently was seeing someone who was really understanding but she left to go back to her ex-fiance. I guess at times it makes me think..who is going to want me, who is going to love me??? It makes me feel like I have less to offer when intellectually I know that isn't true...just that I'm limited to what I can do.
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Having Crohns, has made me wish I had someone like a 'nurse' around, to help me in those situations where I have trouble seeing well enough to help myself..

Crohns hasn't really affected my relationships all that much, like they say, it seems to affect family relationships more then anything else it seems like. family not understanding my condition, and how sick I really am, and all that.

it would be nice to meet someone who wasn't so "weasy" around blood, so that I can get some help in the bathroom, ya know what I mean?

For instance, with these Fistulas, since they drain all the time, I've had to take some 4x4 inch gauze pads, and tape them to my butt, so that the brown bloody pussy stuff doesn't get all over the inside of my underwear, whenever I have to put those on, I wish I had a female companion around who could help me get that tape on, and other such things that I can't see too well.. I'm visually impaired anyway, and I find that, my Visual Impairment affects my relationships more then Crohns does per se, because I always got made fun of for being visually impaired to begin with, or how I look because of my visual impairment...

but it has affect my most intimate relationships.. For instance, I haven't gotten intimate with anyone in over 6 years, not to mention holding hands, kissing, or any of that other stuff.. but because I have been thru so much, its hard to really say if its Crohns or Blind/Visually impaired related, because the majrity of the oppisite sex out there wants nothing to do with me because of my visual impairment, so for me I think its more that then anything.

Right now, I am married to a woman 16 years older then me, because I can't afford to live by myself, but there is no passion there whatsoever, and hasn't been for years, so its kinda like living with someone out of necessity then anything else... I got into that situation, because of my crohns and needed somebody around, and because of my visual impairment needing somebody around to drive me places and stuff like that, but thats the closest I've had to an actual loving relationship in years so.

but oh well, like I always say, I made my own bed, I gotta live in it.
but it wasn't what I wanted.. I wanted to get married, have a good healthy loving relationship, have children of my own, so on and so forth, it just didn't happen, and I probably want that more now then I ever did, but its too late for me now. I ended up getting into this situation because of my illness, and now I gotta live with it best I can

Before this current marriage though, I was also in an abusive relationship.. My ex-wife would say the same kinds of things to me, how she got tired of listening to me about my crohns, and even worse yet, would make fun of me in front of other people about my lack of eyesight.

Makes me glad to be married now, after all the crap I've been thru in relationships in my past.

I remember one time in particular, we were at a bowling party with some of her friends, and she made it a point to make fun of the fact that I couldn't see the scoreboard, all she talked about that whole time we were bowling, was how stupid I was for not being able to see the scoreboard, and there were other more serious situations that I won't talk about publically, but still same kind of thing.

so I think thats why I ended up settling down and getting married to someone much older, because I just wanted out of that situation.. Don't get me wrong, my current wife kurlylox is a wonderful person, its just we're too different. we live together with her youngest daughter, because we have to, out of necessity more then anything else, she did it to get out of an abusive relationship herself, which is ok we get along good and all that, it just wasn't what each of us wanted I guess.. but we live with it, because we figure, it could always be worse :)

she can't stand the sight of blood, so if I need help in the bathroom, or anywhere else, she will not help me at all.. its more like we're roommates then actual husband and wife, its always been that way since before we were ever married to start with.

I still want to get remarried someday and have children of my own, since I never had any.. She has 2 grown children of her own (24 and 29) and she's ok with me wanting children of my own too, we've discussed it before, she just doesn't want any more. we can't afford to live separately so this is just how it ended up.

I'm 36, and my wife is 52, and although I've seen relationships with partners further apart then that before, it works just as friends, but nothing else, if that makes any sense? That's pretty much how all my relationships have been for me though, no more then just good friends really.
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