IBD and trip to the ER

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Sep 20, 2010
So i was wondering what were the signs when your IBD goes into crisis mode so to speak? I've read alot of posts saying about rapid weight loss and ending up in the ER, I am kind of worried.

Noticed in the past week that my weight was really dropping fast (after family telling me that for a few weeks),too fast to be a result of my own efforts to lose some, and couldn't believe this morning how loose my nightie is. Possible it's due to having to stick to 3 meals a day now but still think it's too fast.

Been feeling very unwell all weekend. Very shaky and just not right. Could be starting a cold since I have a nasty headache but no sore roof of mouth yet which I always get. Some abdomal pian which is a continuation if what i've been getting, comes and goes, more of a niggle than a pain. Keeping some meals in but not all.

Have said to Mum if I don't start a cold in the next few days will have to go to the ER since i'm feeling so awful. I got told in August after 3, 4 years(see previous posts by me) that I have IBD and waiting to be given a gastro appointment to be assessed and tested. Symptoms have been slowly getting worse since then, and I had 2 night attacks last week, both times i don't know why the food upset me since it had been fine before.

Worried I am reaching a crisis point!
Hiya Star

I reached the crisis point back in Jan. I'd been feeling off for 6 days, chilly, feverish, and no BMs. I ignored this, thinking I was getting the flu.
One night I was in bed and suddenly started projectile vomiting and explosive D! I was terrified! It wouldn't stop! It went on all night! The pain in my lower right Q was so severe I couldn't lie down, sit down or move at all, I just had to stand up.
My GP visited the next day and immediately phoned an ambulance. Gastro said projectile vomiting is a sure sign of blockage. I was ready to perforate. I was lucky. I was infected and my CRP was 261. If you're narrowing, my God, you'll know about it!! The pain is excrutiatingly awesome, takes your breath away!
Keep your eye on your temperature, and if you start vomiting, go to A&E, don't leave it like I did! I don't believe you're blocked yet, but just monitor it.
In the meantime, try the low residue diet, this will give your bowels a rest. Try not to stress about this, but try and rest, take some paracetamol, but no ibuprofen, if your D is very frequent and there's urgency, ask your GP for some codeine phosphate.
good luck
Thanks for your reply Astra. Still feeling rotten. A few more BM's than usual and my temp is fine. Still wondering if it is a cold starting but usually it would have come out by now if it was. Going to wait until Wednesday and see what's what. If I go now and say I think it's a cold they'll just send me home but if I say it's been 5 days and nothing is happening they should take me seriously.

Btw, CRP of over 200, I didn't know it could go that high, good lord!
Good luck Star

hope they can sort you out, A&E sucks! hope you're not waiting on a trolley for 21 hours!
Well the good part is that I was only there 3 hours. Couldn't find anything in the blood (CRP stable in the low 20's) and the only advice they could offer was to make more of an effort to keep rehydrated. They tried to get me a Gastro appointment but all the secretary said was that I was in the system and that they weren't in a position to give me one. The A&E Dr did not know how to tell us!

When I sue them and get a big settlement I am going private for my Gastro care asap!

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