I'd like to know if anyone else has this scenario

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 11, 2015
Hi. I'm new to Crohns and very confused.

I have typical cramps and nice bloody watery bm's. But the bm's are short and sweet. Then two days ago, in the evening, I had a brutally painful movement. I was doubled over in pain for a long time. It felt like there was a vacuum being created in my gut and it was creating pain - I don't know how else to describe it. I also felt nauseous - maybe from the pain.. I don't know. Oh.. And there was SO much blood -I wasn't sure I should still be alive. It was like something from a horror flick.

I felt sick to my stomach for some time afterward and had to lie down. That was two days ago and it happened again tonight.

My questions are this.. Is this a typical actual symptom of crohns and I just haven't been experiencing it's wrath until now?

Or is this was a respond to wrong food choice feels like?

Or what do you think about the situation?

I have so many other questions but I'll leave it here. I'm so confused about this disease...

Anyhow, I would greatly appreciate your thoughts and similar situations.


HI Chris,

yes this sounds like either crohns colitis or ulcerative colitis. , disease most likely in the last part of your colon. These are my symptoms. asap you have to call the doctor who diagnosed you. The treatment regimen you are currently on (which is?) is not effective at this point and you dont want things to escalate further. good luck.
Thanks. My dr isn't the easiest to get a hold of. That being said.. She emailed in a prescription for prednisone which I just started today.

I was told by the pharmicist that my bones are going to fall apart and I'm going to get a fat watery neck, which is nice.

Anyway.. I appreciate the confirmation. Hopefully the steroid works. So far I've been on Asacol for a week. Hasn't done much. I'm going to stay on it as I haven't been told otherwise.
Happened like that for me when first diagnosed.
Massive bleeding and could barely standup after BM from pain and blood loss.
Ended up in the hospital for 3weeks on massive injections of ACTH. THIS WAS 50 yrs ago.
I remember it as if it was yesterday.
You are most likely anemic. Look into a product called easy iron, it's iron glycinate I believe. Doesn't irritate the gut.
Meanwhile you need to see the doc or go to the ER and get on a serious treatment plan like lady O said.
. You and your doc will have to decide on a plan together.
The basics are steroids, like prednisone or budesonide, immune suppressants like 6mp, and biologics like remicade and Humira
Steroids are usually the fastest.
Most likely a combination of 2or even all 3. You have to control the bleeding fast
Good luck.
Oh and it was never as bad for me as it was those early years but still sucks big time
prednisone will most likely help quite fast. how many mg per day to start?

Are you serious about what the pharmacist said? Consider reporting this incompetent to his Union of pharmacists. Those are really disturbing, discouraging comments to make to patient who needs encouragement. prednisone does have possible side effects, but not every one gets them and bones wont certainly break. I have never have the ''moon face'' nor gained weight while on it. I only experienced agitation and insomnia, feeling like im on adrenaline. pred kicks in a few days for me and works like a miracle drug. if your GI hasnt prescribed any calcium and Vitamine D supplement, call the nurse tomorrow and ask what is recommended for you to take. she shall be able to tell you. That is quite important during prednisone treatment to protect bones.
Thanks. And I'm sorry.. That was my interpretation on what the pharmacist said. She wasn't really bad. But she kept on going on about possible side effects.. I finally had to tell her to stop- I joked around with her about it and then reiterated my jokes on here. I am sorry. I often try to make light of serious situations I'm in.

And yes my dr also asked me to go on 1500 mg calcium and 1000 Ui vitamin D.
Oh.. And 30mg to start of prednisone.

Very brave and smart of you to come here for answers and support. I'm concerned about your symptoms and your care. I had very similar symptoms as you. I was misdiagnosed for several weeks and ended up in the hospital for 8 days. I lost 20% of my body weight. I feel like I want to give you ten years worth of advice right here. Ill try and keep it tight (btw - I have read these forums for 10 years. They have saved my life and your post made me finally sign up and share my own experiences)

You are losing fluids and blood. If another extreme episode happens again and/or you begin to cough or notice another system outside of your GI breaking down, go to the emergency room ASAP. Not to scare you, but you will need a colonoscopy/endoscopy, IV fluids and IV prednisone at a higher dose. It will make you hyper so you will need sedative to sleep. Your body should be resting during this difficult phase. Try and rest at home. Don't take this lightly.

As soon as you can, see if you can get the doctor to allow you a higher dose of Prednisone - 40MG. The higher dose will reduce the inflammation faster and you need that now. After a week if you feel a bit better you can start to taper off. You dont want to be on those for too long but in my view - its far better than surgery or immune-suppresant drugs - which you wont be able to get off easily. Asacol is good but is largely a maintenance drug to keep your inflammation under control and keep you in remission (Ive been on it, or its successor Lialda for 8 years. Ask for Lialda instead - its time release so pills once a day. Easier to stay on dose).

Immediately try and wean yourself off fatty meats, processed foods, non-whole grains and refined sugars. While different people have different triggers, these foods are universally believed to be not as good as whole grain, low sugar, high fiber foods. Watch out for additives (Carrageenan and Polysorbate 80 especially) they wreak havok for most of us with GI inflammation. Sorry, that means no Ben & Jerry's.

Read up on the latest research and this forum. For me, learning that high fiber diets are favored by a gut bacteria that crohnies need but dont have in great supply has been a big help with a recent flare (this contradicts what many have believed that low fiber diets are needed to rest the bowels. Dont what is right for anyone else but for me the high fiber is a winner). I also found great relief in a probiotic supplement Saccharomyces Boullardi during this recent flare.

You will find your own formula but you must do the work and stay on this forum. The reason this forum exists - as I observe anyway - is that patients are not getting enough support or knowledge from their doctors. Most of us have taught our doctors a thing or two (I did with my probiotic success - it was like I was speaking to him in greek).

FYI -Was diagnosed in 2007. Was brutal but only 3 flares since. Controlled with small 30 day prednisone cycles. 3 scopes since and colon looks a bit better with each one. Get this under control and then start on the good habits that will be your new normal.
Thanks to everyone for the info. Much more comforting knowing others are going through similar situations.

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