I am about to have an ileostomy. I am also having a gracilis flap which is a transplant of muscle and tissue into my rectum. I have alot of perianal disease and recto vaginal fistulae so am needing to replace the tissue the surgeons will be removing. Has anyone else had this kind of surgery? I am scared but I know I have to do this. I am on countdown now - 7 days tomorrow. I am looking forward to putting this behind me. I have suffered with Crohns for 30 years and have spent lots of time in hospital with obstructions, various surgery involving bowel re-sections, inserting setons, lancing abscesses and trying to fix fistulae but this to me is the BIG operation. Everyone always says how wonderful this will make me feel but at the moment I feel so many emotions - scared, depressed, angry.