I'll try to make it short

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Mar 8, 2012
Im gonna try to make this short. It's a long story explaining what happened. I'm left in the dark on some things as far as what happened.
Basically I was a healthy 23 (24 now) yr old who had my 3rd child in march 2011. Something happened though. 3 days after the c section and constant complaining of right abdominal pain I was sent for a ct to discover I had a blockage. I was given enemas and iv meds and 3 days later sent home.
Two days later I devolp a high fever of 104 and up and a red raised spot above my belly button. I was a week out from the csection so I called the Ob who saw. Me the next day. He didn't see anything from Ob view so he sent me to the surgeon I saw while I was in the hospital during the blockage. The surgeon tells me I have a skin infection gives me antibiotics and does a chest X-ray also dents me up for a appt with the gastro doc. For over a week later. When I see him I'm worse. The spots bigger and I hadn't eaten anything but a few sips of chicken broth a couple days before. He wants to do a colonoscopy and says in no way can that be a skin infection. He thinks a hernia but wants to do a ct. I go for the ct 2 days later. I'm sent straight to the hosptial with no answer to why.
I got to the hosptial at 4:30 pm md was told nothing to eat or drink. By 9 pm still no answer as to why. The nurse tells my husband we are on the surgical floor. But not why, finally I talk to a doc and they say they are going to do laperscopic to see what's going on. The next day at 2pm I'm sent down to Preop.
I remember waking up to another ng tube and pain. The next memory is 2 days later. I get a dressing change I look down to see staples all the way down my stomach.
Turns out the red spot was actually my colon, it was dead as they said and my body was trying to reject it. They said I had infection leaking out of my colon and a another day I would of been dead my WBC was 31. I was in the hosptial for 2 weeks. Left with questions still. I lost 30% of my large intestine and 10% of my small on the right.

I don't really know what caused it since I've gotten different stories from the docs. Something happened though that I have to live with forever. Mentally, physically.
Wow! That's quite a story! So they haven't diagnosed you with any specific disease or condition? Or was it a result of the C section? I assume they sent the intestines to pathology to be tested, did you get the results of that? You definitely want to keep on them to find out exactly what is going on.

Good luck to you!
Yeah they sent it all for testing I remember e coli strep and mrsa off the top of my head. I didn't have mrsa when I was tested before the csection so that happened in the or I'm guessing. All they told me was when my colon died in that area it began to leak which says why I was so swollen. But I don't see how that missed it. I haven't got full answers and my insurance is refusing to pay a lot of the bills because codes they entered say its 3rd party liability.
They told me I could keep a normal diet but I've come to realize I can't eat certain thing. Also my colon doesn't absorb stomach acid anymore like it would normally. I can't go on long trips without having problems.
I worry a lot I'm going to end up losing more. And still not know why.
Good grief your poor thing! What a lot to have happen in such a short time :hug: From what you have said it looks like the docs thinks the op has sorted things and no further action is required as it was infedtion that caused the problem? Is there are follow up being done for you and what meds have you been given if any to help with the acid absorbtion?
I want given anything other then pain meds anti inflammatory and antibodtics when I was discharged. Now I only take depression/anxiety meds due to nightmares of the surgery ect.
My health hadn't been great since all that happened I'm sick at least every 2 weeks.
My bowel movements haven't been normal and my primary doctor says I will be dealing with it for the rest of my life. The surgeon or gi said I would be normal.
Are they supposed to give you something for the acid after that type of surgery
wow thats harsh , sorry should say hello first but that is quite shocking that you have been treated and let down in so many ways.

i get the impression that all you really want is to know what happened and why ! cant you get a copy of your full medical records via the data protection act ? then at least you would know the whole story and who is right or wrong.

good luck
My medical records are screwy. In fact when I went back to the doc when I devolved the fever and was referred to the surgeon he put "patient appears to be a health 23 year old female presenting with fever but in better condition then when I last saw her when she was in the hosptial"
I don't know how I appeared healthier since I hadn't really eaten, I was freezing cold wearing heavy sweat pants and a sweat shirt in 80 degree heat and was dehydrated. Also the pain was so bad I couldn't walk straight My insurance says that the hosptial is coding slot of stuff as 3rd party liability. And I talked to someone that I know who is a lawyer and he says that could mean they are admitting fault or saying I caused it.
I did get a copy of them all but alot of the terms are so hard to read.

I feel I have no support around me. No one understands how I can eat something and 10 mind later I need a bathroom. Or if I ride in a car for 3 hours I need a bathroom on and off from the time I get to the destination till the next day.

They gave me papers when I was discharged about ultrive colotrics (?) am I typing that right???
do you mean ulcerative colitis ?

we all understand the eating problems, me well i have been out of hospital for a ten days and thanks to keeping a food diary i have realised that coffee has to be in moderation and processed meat is a huge no no. have you started one of these ?

as to all the terms used by doctors, find someone that understands all these long words, post them on here and ask for help, even running them through wikipedia should help you translate all the mumbo jumbo.

most important of all .. if you need to scream at some one then do it on here ( theres a section just for that ) - might be just what the doctor ordered or at least make you feel better in your self.
Haha I have actually suggested to my husband making a appointment with the surgeon just to scream and cry and hit him if I want.
I haven't though I a food diary. I know sweet corn I can't eat anymore and I can't have fast food more then 2 times a week.
And yes that is what they gave me papers on!
nice to see the change in your typing .. sounds a bit more calm, on the food diary i record everything that goes in my mouth and what comes out ( im sure you get the idea) i also note pain and temp

from this i can identify what foods are good or bad , there is no point in me telling you whats bad for me as i can pretty much garantee yours will be different, the only thing that seems common is FIBER but again its not everyone.

i can also use this when pain comes on, if the temp isnt going up then its just a flare up or a food that i have eaten, if theres pain and a temp increase then i go to hospital as its the best indicator of a infection.

there are lots of people on here with ulcerative colitis that should be able to tell you much more info than i can as for obvious reasons i read more about crohn`s.

might be a good idear to find out about the meds there on compaired to yours and what they do to help with food etc.

anyway have a good evening, and im off to bed ( ruff night last night due to bloody tin of drink).
Thankfully I haven't had a set back yet besides a internal stitch that they refused to removed. Oddly I went to the beach and went in with the kids the next day it started going down. I've gained all my weight back. I lost 30+ lbs when all of it happened.
I am gonna have to start the diary for food though. I go back to my regular doctor tomorrow for check up on depression/anitexy meds.. I went off the last ones because my stomach was having no time to absorb the acid that it does so I would cry every time I went to the bathroom. So I'm starting to have flashbacks again so I def need to go back on something ASAP.

Are there home exercises I can do? I'm sure I'm limited on some due to the scar. But has I tell my husband it looks like I have a second butt te way my tummy looks. Lol!

Also, is there a chance later in life I'd have to have another surgey for it?
if your at the docs tomoz then its the perfect time to ask about EXERCISES that are good for you to do. after what you have said i would be incline to take up swimming on a regular basis as this seemed very agreable to you or was it the case of just playing about in the water.

ill ask you one thing - did your husband marry you becouse he loved the look of your belly or was it because you are who you are ? ( i often say this to my wife when she is depressed, makes her think twice).

As to surgery - again every one is different, me so far i have just missed it, there are many that have had surgery many times. i personally expect to have a few, then when they come about im not so worried, if they dont then thats a nice surprise to me.
I always comment on our women's bellies. He tells me I'm perfect just like I now and it doesn't matter what I look like. Sometimes I feel I'm not good enough though. But he tells me don't hide it if we are on the beach or at the pool and I bought a bikini for the summer. He said let people stare and see how beautiful I am no matter what.

He was by my side the full 2 week hosptial stay. He changed my dressings for a month after. He picked me up and carried me when I passed out at the beach a month after surgery and took a fall into the road. He hasn't complained, he tries very hard to boost my self esteem but sometimes I wish I still had the perfect flat stomach
he has done all that, then that says it all, you have a good man at your side that uses the same values that i do.

all women that i know are all the same - all ways thing there fat, there ****s are to small , there to big, even there toes are two long !! ( my daughter in law).

guess its a woman thing, but the sooner they realise that men, real men that is, accept a woman for there personality, charm, companionship, humor and just there unconditional love - not there toes etc. then they might relax a little and enjoy life a bit more. IMHO !

take it easy, day by day and keep us updated, dont forget to ask about the exercise with the doc.

best wishes.
I went today and she put me on 40mg celexa. Also sadly got a letter from my lawyer saying he can't see a way to get malpractice. It's upsetting cause I know some neglect happened but with sc law it's harder to file them. I know stuff I missing. They didn't document my pain areas and numbers everyday the days they are missing is the 2 days after the csection when I complained about the pain. So we are confronting the hospital. I want what my insurance won't pay covered due to codes stating its a 3rd party liability cause.

It's amazing he stood by through it. Listened to me cry cause I missed our kids and I wanted to talk to them but when I had the ng tube I didn't want to talk to them on the phone cause they would be able to tell something is wrong. He only saw them when I did.
I guess being a military family we quickly adapt to the change, but I never thought this ordeal would make me realize how much he does care even if he doesn't how all the time. He held my hand as far as he could go when I was going to the or and then sat an waited and watched the screen as ppl under me had their names disappear before mine. I can't imagine how he felt. But he never left he was the first thing I saw when I woke up.
I got a lot of compliments in the hospital about how well involved he was with my care. Learning the dressing changes ect.
I wish I didn't have to put him through it but marriage is better or worse sickness and health till death do you part and we came close to it.

I go back next week with one or both of my boys and I'm going to ask her then.
Hubby is going to set up the pool he got for me last year to swim in to help healing again soon so I'll have that up.
Well landed in the er last night.... Idk where to post this so I figured I'd do I with one I have already. They did a ct to check for kidney stones. No stones but I do have a cyst on my left ovary. I go back for a ultrasound today.
It also showed slow moving bowel and he said I could have a blockage :(
I had surgery 1 year and 2 days ago. Is t possible to go backwards so long after
hi tjswife, i havent been on for a few weeks due to other family issues and a good dose of the flu which i am just getting over.

you said earlier that you had paperwork for UC , has it been confirmed that you do have uc ?

The blockage could also be a stricture which is pretty common for us.

People with crohns / uc go through 2 stages, one where the disease is active (flare up) and causing problems.
the other stage is remission - where it just sits there in the background not doing anything.

normally when your in a flare up your MD should be giving you medication to try and get you back into remission, also drugs to relief from pain and any other symptoms you may have.
Once he has you back in remission you MD should then cut your medication right back to minimal just enough to keep it in remission.

eg . when i am in a flare up i have to take
60mg Pred , 2400mg Asacol ,1200mg Metronidazole , 20mg omeprazole and tramadol for the pain.

in remission i only need to take 1200mg Asacol a day ( i also take a few others like multivits , calcium , antacid tablets) .

did you do a food diary ? also keep a eye on your fiber intake as this can cause blockages if you have strictures in your intestines. might be a idear to check out a liquid only diet (look in the relivant sections on here) see what might work for you.

i guess i dont need to answer the final question but lets just say could be days , weeks , years or decades .... in other words any time :(
I went to the doc yesterday and they called this morning with a emergency appt with the surgeon. He wants to do a series test with due to see how it moves through to help identify a blockage if there is one or a leak. His biggest concern is I have a large mass in my left ovary but said that can't be causing it. But every person is different right.

Yes I did start a food diary but when we moved 2 weeks ago I slacked.

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