Im gaining weight and have no control!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Oct 11, 2010
And no, not in a good way. I will apologize in advance, about the length behind this post, but feel this information is relavent to the overall story and my questions.

About 4 years ago, I was 6'0, 265lbs and a complete slob in every aspect. I didnt care what I ate, how I looked, how my health was and lacked much drive. One day I was mistaken for being 38-40 years old and was only 21 at the time. I looked hard and long at my life and decided I wanted to change.....not only for myself but to be a good example for my young daughter.

It took me roughly 1 year to get to my goal weight of 185lbs. I did things the right way. I changed my life. Educated myself. Became a religious lifter(weights) and ran for cardiovascular health. My diet was very strict and only endulged in one cheat meal per month. Life was good. I felt more energized than anytime in my life, I looked amazing and was right where I wanted to be physically, mentally and in my carrer path.

Then about 2 years I started having stomach pains. It started small. I have a very high tolerance for pain, though, so it may not have been small at all. Anyways, over a couple weeks time this pain got worse and worse. I thought maybe I had gas, thought maybe I was hungry, thought maybe I was over-eating, thought......everything! Until one night I finally determined the pain I was feeling was too much to be anything like that. The pain was un-bearable. I went to the ER and found out I had tears in the lining of my intestines and found out free air was present. Lots of it. I almost didnt make it over the course of those next 2 days and from what Im told, would have croaked had I not gone in when I did.

I was basically out of commison for a whole 1.5 years. No school, no work....etc
If it wasnt for a wise investment I made prior to this happening, I would have likely been in big trouble. The attacks I got were severe, although not often. However, the joint pain, fatigue and general hurting persisted consistently.

About 7 months ago I started feeling much better. I came to the conclusion that I could work again and got a job as the manager of a major corporation.( at the age of 25 mind you) Really got lucky here! Making BIG money and being the boss. Only downfall is the hours( 65-70 week). Then about 2 month ago............BAM! Same old symptoms again.

I have been at home for about 7 weeks and feel worse then I ever have. My body is in constant agony and I feel like I imagine a 80 year man feels. Initially my pain made me not want to eat at all. I went from 185 to 174 within in a week. However, the past 4 weeks I have been home with nothing to do. No pain medication. No treatment for my crohns. I havee become very depressed and it seems like I have used food to cope with pain and also my depression.

I am currently the heaviest I have been in 3 years and weigh 198lbs. I havent touched a weight or ran in a really long time. I went from being a health nut, bench pressing 315, squatting 465 eating the perfect diet, 11% body this soft gooey slob, who just stays at home, provides nothing for his family and is getting larger by the minute. Oh, and by the way...........always cranky because of the pain. I have tried slow by walking the dogs but most of the time my pain is honestly too bad to even do that more than a few days a week.

How is this happening? What do i need to do to stop this weight gain? How can I get myself right..........mentally?

OH....BTW. It took my Dr's this whole time to test me for crohns. Lab results came back last week and confirmed. That is why I have no medication or treatment.:depressed:
Hi JRB and :welcome:

Good to see you here. I'm glad you added about your diagnosis 'cause my first question was going to be "what medication are you on"! What did they tell the problem was when you went to the ER and they tears in your intestines?? Did you have any sort of treatment then??

So did you see the doc for the results or did they phone you? How long until they act on the results? Sorry about all the questions! You have found the right place for support and info so please stick around 'cause we would love to have you. Good luck and welcome aboard!

Take care, :)
Thanks Dusty. The ER doctors pretty much didnt come to a final conclusion besides wantng to cut me open and remove that part of the intestine. They decided to wait it out, seeing how young I am, and so they could be 100% sure what they were doing would be worth it.

My doctor actually had the receptionist call me and tell me. The receptionist was very nice but couldnt answer any of my questions. She told me that I was getting a refferal to a different GI. Its been over a week and I have made 2 phone calls and still havent gotten a cal back from my primary or her office.

Needless to say Im getting a new primary. I have one picked out already and have heard tons of great things. This dr. already is aware of my condition and has told me she will act swiftly. She also has told me that the previous GI's I have seen have a record of being short and not very thorough. Ill have to thank my primary( previous one) for reffering me to them.

I feel very frustrated that I went this long without knowing whats going on for sure. This whole time I have gotten very judgemental treatment from those around me. I think most of my family including my fiancee, kinda thinks Im just milking it.

I have been reading this forum all night and am glad I found it. Thanks again and hopefully I will bring something to the table in some capacity.
Unfortunately a long diagnosis period is not uncommon here and my daughter was no different. It's no comfort knowing that but it may be to know that you are not alone and there are many, many people here that understand your feelings of frustration at the medical profession and for some, family and friends as well.

Cat started a thread called the Undiagnosed Club and I'm sure you could relate to many of the emotions contained within it...........................

Oh yes, I have no doubt you will be an asset to the forum. :):):)

Take care,
Hi JRB just to concur with Dusty, I was originally diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2006 and this september the very doctor that gave me the original news said, without a doubt I have Crohn's Disease. So, yeah it is a long time in coming..although they are similarly treated and do have almost identical symptoms...well gut related anyway. I also wanted to share with you that in 2006 i weighed in at a hefty 279 pounds but i am 6 foot 6 inches tall so it was barely noticeable because of my height. I lost all that weight in a manner of 3 months due to the BIG D. This year I lost 35 pounds and am hovering around 214 which is actually ok...but from what i have read here it may be better to be a bit overweight when you do go into remission so when a flare hits you have enough around to ...let lose? None of my clothes fit me at all now..but that is ok...i have one suggestion though for your ordeal...maybe see a shrink...after I get my insurance mess cleared up I plan on going to one. It may do a world of good for you who knows. I wish you the best of luck.
Hey JRB and welcome to the forum!

When I was first diagnosed I picked up 10kg because of meds, lost like 2kg in remission and now that i've started feeling sick again I lost all of it and more from a lack of appetite etc. Us crohnies are in a very hard position considering weight issues. It's like a rollercoaster ride all the time and you know, when it rains it pours.

I know when you aren't feeling well you dont feel like exercising but you can try yoga or pilates, it's a more relaxed type of exercise and I know thats very different from your regular way of exercising and it wont give you the results you would get from the way you usually exercise but give it a try.

Good luck.
Hey there! Welcome!

Hopefully once you get to this new GI doc they will get you started on some meds and you will quickly start to feel better. They have so many good drugs that can help you go into remission and feel good.

As far as the weight issue, I am guessing not really having much to do could do it to you. Are you eating a lot? Even when I'm really feeling bad, I try to do some type of activity to keep myself moving a little bit. (i know sometimes it is excruciating, but I always feel better about myself for doing it).

Dealing with the way you feel about stuff.... have you ever thought about seeing a therapist? I know that might sound silly, but for the first 5 years of the disease I saw a therapist and she helped me out so much dealing with my self-image issues. I keep meaning to go back to one and try to feel better. Even though I'm not overweight, I still have some major self-image issues!

I hope you start to feel better, and remember, it will get better!!! I'm glad you found us, there are lots of great people with good advice!
Oh yeah, the weight thing! I have always been overweight, fought it all my life until early 20's when I began to get sick...then lost about 90 lbs in 5 mos....appendix burst, they did surgery and there it was...Crohns....I bet none of you ever thought it would be a lucky thing to have your appendix burst! Neither did I, but I sure was.

Got it all under crontol over a period of years, and now am heavier than ever....people that don't know about crohn's all think that I am lying that I have as I am not skinny as a rail. Yeah, well they need to take the multiple trips to the bathroom with me all day long...

And I can so feel your pain...I have no ambition, no "want to", no job takes it all out of me and I just can't push my self to do anything. Thank goodness I bowl, if I didn't do that, I would become a couch potato.

Hope it gets better for you..these are some great people here. I just found it a few months ago and am a better person for it.
Hi JRB74,
Welcome to this wonderful forum! Lots of great advice here! And full of wonderful members! I'm new to all of this, however, have managed to put on some weight since the start of it. My weight has went up and down over the years. But seems like it's only went up since the Whole IBD/CD thing. And it's really hard for me to control what i'm eating these days.. Partially because of my low energy levels i think. I did get a B12 shot recently which got me moving a bit.. (but now not sure if I can keep getting these - whole other story.. IOW I should have waited for them to check my levels before I let them give me the B12 shot). Anywho, I feel your pain! I go to work @ a corp office everyday and my clothes keep getting tighter.. UGH!..

Wanted to welcome you aboard and hope you find some good answers, and results! Best of Wishes to Ya!! xoxo..
Hi JRB and :welcome:

You've certainly come to the right place for support - these ppl are the best! I was only diagnosed a couple of months ago, after years of D and discomfort (nothing like what you've experienced though). My GI started me on Pentasa, which didn't make much difference. I was put on prednisone and imuran about a month ago (started 50mg/day on the pred, tapering 5mg per week), and I have to tell you, I haven't felt better in YEARS!

I've had very few side effects (a little moon face, although that may be paranoia!, a little crankiness etc), but have had solid normal BMs for nearly that whole period. And very little pain.

So in my opinion, the sooner you start the drugs, the sooner you'll start to pick up. Massive congrats for getting healthy - as soon as you find the right drug/combination of drugs, I'm sure you'll get back there. Even if it takes a little time, I reckon you have the right attitude and willpower to do it! And having a daughter that you want to be a role model for gives you that extra incentive.

So many people on here wait so long for a diagnosis - count yourself lucky that you have that now and can move on to fixing the problem. Best of luck, and keep us updated...

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