I'm proud of myself today because......

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Nov 12, 2008
the title about says it all. i am going to try to find things in my daily life that make me proud of myself. i hope this is an exercise that will help everyone else here who feels like theyre walking around with a big fail stamped on their forehead.
i ask that this thread be more on topic and serious, for example no "im proud of myself for drinking 30 beers and not throwing up". you all know i like silliness, but i want the point of this thread to stay pure.
i also ask that those who are well and happy right now to think before they post their thoughts. "im proud of myself for running a 50 mile marathon!" is not the pupose of this thread either. posts like that will only serve to minimize the acheivements of those who are truly struggling to just get out of bed each day.
i hope you all understand where im going with this and that im not trying to exclude anyone, i just want this to be an area where the small things that we accomplish each day, even though they feel insignificant, are noted and congratulated, ok?

so, i am proud of myself today for eating seconds at breakfast even though i really didnt want to.
I am proud of myself because I was able to shovel my driveway without Janis having to finish it.

Kello- an excellant thread. I think it will really help everyone have a positive thing in thier day. Hope mine is what you mean.
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I am proud of myself for FINALLY starting an assignment/project I have to do for one of my classes last year that we were given in JULY!

I was in hospital at the time and have spent the rest of the year catching up on our weekly assignments, which has been hard with all of the ups and downs of pred!

So, over the Xmas break I finished up 9 of the buggers and now just have this one big one left.

I am so proud of myself because I am actually feeling really motivated and that is the first time in a long time I have felt this way :)

Great thread Kello :)
I'm proud of myself for exercising for the first time in a long time.

Thanks Kelly for this thread
I'm proud of myself because I actually applied for a real world job. I've been holding off on doing for fear of failure... but you can't even succeed if you never try. Hopefully I'll have an interview.
Great thread, Kello:)

I am proud of myself because I actually got up and went to volunteer at my community food pantry this morning. It is so easy for me to tell myself not to go because I don't feel well, but I have to remember that when I do go, I feel so good because there are so many people there than need your help and it's very rewarding. Sets the tone for the rest of the day.

I also came home and settled up on my medical bills, something I have been putting off forever because the paper work just fries my brain...but it's done and now I'm happy:)
I'm proud that I got out of bed and got dressed today with the pain I've had today. Its not much, but its something I did.
Mike, That feeling I totally understand. When I was first DX was the worst for about 3-5 years. Once I got into a remission things got better. Oh I still had my days but for the most part I felt a ton better.
It is something to be proud of and it will get better at some point. It has to run its course so hang in there.
I'm proud of myself for going to the park today with my boyfriend instead of staying at home feeling sorry for myself. We played "throw." That's what I call tossing around a football. :p
DEFINITLY something to be proud of mike. i too will wear the same clothes for days on end, even covered in ostomy leakage. until its bad bad i just dont care. and do i change to go to sleep? no way.
i feel for you my man.
go ahead and revel in that clean fresh clothes feeling :)

crabbyrelish lol i luv your name :)
I'm proud of myself for getting out of bed and making it to work even though I'm having a lot of pain AND am feeling almost flu-ish.
i'm proud of myself for not complaining today.
Sometimes i feel like i make things worse by whining about it, i don't know why i continue to do it!
I'm proud because...

1) I haven't had a cigarette in 10 days - I quit 13 years ago, but started recently becuase I was WITHOUT hope.. figuring I was going to die anyway, cigarettes were a nice break from reality... and I love smoking, let's be honest..

2) I haven't had a pain pill in 7 days... new diet has made my pain much less, even though today I had a sliver of pain, and I could have used one.. but didn't. I like it when I don't have to take them

3) I've stuck to this SCD diet like an obsessed Marine at Parris Island.. FOCUS FOCUS, do what's ahead and worry about where you are at the very moment you're there.. everything in the present.. nothing about tomorrow or yesterday. When I want something that's not on the diet, I just say a simple prayer .."If I eat this, I will die..."
Great stuff Coleman!! Keep it up buddy!!

Not a monumental thing, but I'm kinda proud I finally figured out how to get a copy of my hospital records for the last 13 years. It came yesterday - 678 pages! Now I can finally go back and track the meds I've been on and for how long and why I was switched etc.
Thanks Pirate and Kello! Sometimes its just not a good day. I went to the movie and a casino for a little bit. Yea for today!

Yea for no pain and solid foods! Yea for solid BMs! Yea for geting up and going to work! Yea for no cigarettes, keep it up! You can do it! I like this thread Kello. Makes for good feelings even for the small stuff. I need that sometimes.
I'm proud of myself for folding my clothes. Usually I don't feel well enough to fold my clothes so they sit in a pile on my bed until I go through it to find what I want to wear. Today I felt good enough to go an fold and put away all my clothes so I was happy about that.
Yay Jeff!

I am proud of myself because I didn't give in and have a nap today after I got home from work. Hopefully I will sleep better tonight because of it! :)
I'm proud of myself for not letting someone get away with using a condescending, belittling tone with me today.
good job everybody!!

good for u coleman for sticking to that diet, i know first hand how difficult it is to not cheat. i could never get thru even 1 week without cheating. keep it up!

ive been trying to think of what im proud of today but i dont know....
ok hell im proud of myhself for doing my eyebrows today!
I'm proud of myself:

Getting in the mornings around 7 - 8am rather than 9am+ so I can get on and doo stuff, like...

making an appointment to see my GP about my shoulder. It's time for being poked about by some one again, and maybe have to go in that frigging nasty whir/bang/clonk/bang/dag-a-dag-a-dag/clonk/etc machine.

And good idea for a thread Kello!
I'm proud of myself for being fairly productive this morning.

I woke up without my alarm even being set. Got dressed. Went for my blood draw. Went to the grocery store for apple juice, jello, broth, etc. Got to work on time.

I'm REALLY proud because today is prep day.
I'm proud of myself for cleaning out my junk drawers (both of them) in the kitchen.
I am proud of myself for getting with the program and not cheating at all. Yesterday was a very busy day for me and as luck would have it, I woke up with the worst pain I’ve had in weeks - I so didn’t want to get out of bed. First, we were making our son a bday party and I didn’t want to be in bed for it even though my wife said she would take care of all the preparations. I got out of bed and dealt with it. Then, we had a cousin’s weeding that we needed to go to, about 2 hours away from where I live. As much as I wanted to get back into bed, I didn’t, put on my suit and went to the wedding.
Man – all that yummy and fancy food, huge open bar – I didn’t eat or drink a thing. Nothing. That was so depressing by the time it was time to leave but I was proud of myself for not caving and thinking what my day like would be today if cheated.

Ps. In hindsight, I should have cheated. I am having a crappy day today. Wooowhoo!!!

Kello – great thread. Thank you for starting it.
it may sound sick, but if i was just having a crap-shoot day, beleive me, i would have eaten everything in site all day long, from the pizza and chilli at the bday party to ever last bit of freid chicken fingers at the wedding (not even going to talk about alcohol consumption). but i wasnt. All day, i kept telling myself, "be good - the cramps will pass".
as of now, they havent. Thats a crapshoot. lol.
I hear you. My family had Chinese. By the time I saw it, it was cold and smelly in the fridge. Not appetizing at all. If it would have been hot and fresh, it would have been gone....It would have been worth it.
I am proud of myself because I got a back to my exercises. One mile on the Gazelle, 1 mile on tread mill and just got back from a mile trail walk with the hubby and dogs. We have been walking everyday... getting ready for Golfing!
Awesome, Jetta.

I am proud of myself because even though its day 8 and I feel great, I came home and didn't start eating like a horse even though I'm as hungry as one and I HAVE NO PAIN, ATE NORMAL FOOD FOR LUNCH AND HAD 2 NORMAL BM's, AGAIN!!!!!
Pirate said:
Awesome, Jetta.

I am proud of myself because even though its day 8 and I feel great, I came home and didn't start eating like a horse even though I'm as hungry as one and I HAVE NO PAIN, ATE NORMAL FOOD FOR LUNCH AND HAD 2 NORMAL BM's, AGAIN!!!!!

So glad you are having a better week! Nice to eat normal food and NOT pay for it yay!
yay! i cant believe how much it cheers me up to hear of all these success's!

congrats to u guys who are finally having pain free days and getting back to your normal routines, exercises, and poops! celebrate it!!

and to everyone else stuggling, keep chugging my friends. keep that discipline of diets and treatments going strong, we'll make it there :)

and thank u shaz and jeff :)

im proud of myself today because i sorted thru a stack of papers thats been buggine me
Wouldn't like to come here and sort all mine out!.. I hate paperwork! - such that it doesn't get done, unless it's 'guvment' stuff.
Today I went to my dance class ( I HAVE to have it to graduate) I'm so scared because the attendance policy is very strict and the teacher isn't sympathetic. She says if you have to miss more than two classes, you should just drop the class. So I'm freaking out the entire class (what if I'm too tired to dance, what if I have to poo the whole class, what if I'm in pain, what if my arthritis gets too bad). But I didn't drop it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to pass. SIGH Wish me luck.
I'm proud of myself because i waxed my legs. I haven't done anything since i got sick, and i had MAMMOTH legs. LOL. silly thing to be proud of, but i am. :p

Ooh, and i stuck with my stupid clear fluids diet.
It always feels good to do the nice 'lady' things like that. You will feel much more womanly :)

Not long til you can eat again!
I'm proud of myself for calling the doc's office to schedule the abdominal CT, bloodwork, and follow-up appointment that he order even though I really just wanna curl up and call it quits on even looking for an answer right now.
Good luck to you Katie! Good job uab, Tam, and My dec! Keep the spirits up!

I'm proud that I called my old work today to get info to send their equipment back and get my final paycheck! Its only been 4 months. :)
*great* job everybody!!! I'm proud of myself for getting my 1099 reports done and off to the accountant. I *hate* paperwork too!!! Now to do the sales and use tax reports ::trudges to her desk full of paper::
Wow Pen, I don't think I could ever do that while flaring. That's awesome. I worked out again today, it wasn't much as my legs are going a bit crazy but I did some band workout so that was good. I didn't even feel like doing it. YAY
Today is my 5th wedding anniversary. We actually have stayed married.
:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:
chelli said:
Today is my 5th wedding anniversary. We actually have stayed married.
:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:
Yay Chelli!

I am proud of myself today because I have put myself forward to be a photographer at the Masters Games coming up in just over a week. It's an event we have every second year for sports competition for people over 30. It's not a big competitive event - lots of fun for a week mostly.

Anyway, they were looking for photographers and I have signed up!! We don't offocially get paid, but our pic go on to the website for participants to purchase, so there may be a little cash in it too!

It will be a good experience and I will have to oush myself, but feel really motivated so woohoo for me!!!
Hah, I haven't done it yet!
It should be interesting as I am not into sports at all, and because I have no experience at sports photography I have picked the slow moving ones so am doing thinks like lawn bowls, croquet, archery, walking and maybe the woodchopping event!
I took pics of my daughter's soccer tournament...I was impressed with myself and I don't have a telephoto lens...You are a great photographer so I'm sure your pictures will be awesome!
Thanks :) I would have liked to do something more exciting like the mountain biking but wanted to stick with easy ones for now!
I'm proud that I was able to deliver a presentation to a client and only coughed 4 times during it. I know it's not crohn's, but that was huge for me given my coughing bouts these past few months.
I'm proud of myself because I went out and did several errands. Found my way around town by myself. Pretty happy.
I'm proud of myself because I looked in the mirror today and didn't say Damn your good looking
Pirate said:
I'm proud of myself because I looked in the mirror today and didn't say Damn your good looking

We are waiting for a picture of the good looking guy........?????
I'm proud of myself because i haven't cried yet today, and i managed to find my voice and be assertive at the doc's.
I'm proud of myself becuase when I got up yesterday I felt like death. When I looked in the mirror I looked even worse....I made myself jump!

Gave myself a stern talking to... I could either schlep around in my PJs all day feeling sorry for myself or I could sort myself out.

So, one shower, exfoliation, various ladyshave stuff, tweezers, face pack, choice of fabulous wig, loads of slap (makeup), and my favourite outfit later I was ready to face the world.... and I did feel better for it.

My husband took me for a walk at the local shopping centre, and it was fun! I got a lovely pic nic hamper for the summer (extraordinarily pleased with that - could this be pred mania.... I keep stroking it and imagining blissful, hazy summer afternoons at the beach), and some new boots (which I really didn't need, and probably couldn't afford), and had NO accidents!

We stopped and had drinks in a coffee shop.... it was so normal!

And he said I looked beautiful all day...

We were only out a couple of hours and I was exhausted when I got home but it was a nice day... and I might have wasted it being a minger in my pjs at home...

Good for you Lishy. There have been times that Janis will "force" me to get up and around and make me get out. She like to take me to the Harley shop cause it always helps me forget that I'm feeling crappy for a while.

Now if I could just get her to buy me a new bike....
Ha ha!

I often think Greg, when reading your posts that your Janis and my Matt are very much alike - our anchors!

I had a complete meltdown the other night, beause I felt like I am being such an emotional and financial drain on the family, and I felt ugly and poopy, and well... you know,,, it all spills out, and Matt totally stepped up to the challenge of making me feel right about myself, despite the fact that he suffers with the "black moods" himself from time to time. He spent hours coaching and cajoling me - even though I'm the psychologist!

We are very lucky indeed to have such great and supportive partners helping us through this.

Much love to you and your wonderful Janis!

Lishyloo x
evryones achevievents just made me cry!!! im so proud of you guys, its sounds so weird, but i just....
im proud of you for not crying today and for being assertive at the doctor tamesis!!
and nic you are awesome for not letting your anxiety take control, i wish i could say i have been as strong as you in that sense.
mike, to me right now courage to leave home by myself isnt there, so you are awesome for doing that!
and lishy, boy did your day touch me. i know exactly how you feel, it is so much easier to just skip the effort and stay home, but after that shower, and getting all dolled up and looking as good as i can, that is like 80% of the battle to get out of the house for me. im SO glad you decided to go for it today! plan that picnic to the beach and set it on the calendar ok?? make sure you get to do that!!
jettapen good job for working like a man! lol

and pirate hah lol you crack me up. i would be proud of myself FOR saying damn youre fine! to the mirror!! maybe i will try tommorow.....

well lets see.....

*two days ago*
im proud of myself for washing, conditioning, and combing the month and 1/2 of knots out of my hair. (seriously, my hair was spontaneously forming dreads. it took 40 minutes to comb.)

and today, im proud of myself for combing my hair every day since then.
Right back at you guys, Lishy. We are blessed aren't we.

We sometimes overlook the most important person in our lives until we have a bad spell and bam, thier right there in front of us holding out a hand. I would not have survived all these years without her.

We need our anchors.
Kello, I'm not that "fine" anymore. The years and CD has taken a terrible toll on my body, but I try to make myself feel good about myself. I sometimes wonder how I got so lucky to have a beautiful wife and look the way I do. But when I look at our pictures from before the CD I realize, Damn I was pretty good looking.

I have learned that her true beauty goes beyond her skin. She has the heart of an angel and the tenderness of a saint. Just don't pi$$ her off cause she can be a tiger.
Kello, I'm with you all the way. Just get out and do it. Thats what I had to do. It does suck sometimes. I'm proud of you.
I am proud of myself today because I am making an conscious effort to stay positive when there are so many reasons that I could be negative.
Congratulations Merry, that's a huge accomplishment! What is your 2 week reward?

I'm proud of myself because i have taken my medications all week. i was forgetting often, or saying they don't work anyways, but i went and got a 7 day pill holder, with morning, noon, afternoon, and night spots, so i put all my meds in and keep it on the coffee table (Thank goodness we don't have kids running around), so i've been taking them regularly.
I stayed sane the last few days when the site went down...thought it might of been my calling ...:ylol2:
Thanks Shaz and Kello! I've really been struggling with it but I'm trying to stay positive and I think I might be making progress!!

I'm proud of myself today because I went to the store with just my daughter and left my hubby at home! I've been worried about going anywhere and getting weak and then starting to have a panic attack and him not being there, but I went and made it out alive, no weakness, no anxiety or panic attacks!!!

Oh and I had a normal BM today!! (and only 1) I haven't started my Humira yet, so I'm wondering if my anxiety going WAY down and the Asacol are actually starting to help!! We'll see tomorrow :)

I am also proud because I FINALLY, after having it sitting there for at least a year, sorted out my new bigger external hard drive so now my smaller one is my backup and it's at Dad's so in case of disaster i still have all my photography and music :)
I'm proud of myself today because I made it ALL day without taking a Xanax!!! I've had a few moments where I thought I might give in and my chest has been a little tight for the last hour or so, but I'll be getting in bed soon so I'm not gonna let the anxiety win!! I'm super thrilled, if I had the energy I would jump up and down screaming!!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful day!!
Yay nic!

I am proud of myself today because, despite having had a bad night, I got out and did the volunteer photography I signed up for for 6 hours. I was hard but also fun :) And I did it without taking a valium! woohoo :)
sheesh i dont know why everytime i come back to this thread and read the new posts i get a lump in my throat and get all teary!! i dont know why im so emotional over this thread...

great job all of you though :D you guys give me such a little lift. i love reading your sucesses cause it reminds me that yall are struggling every day too and hearing about what youve accomplished always gives me a little motivation to accomplish something for myself :)

well, today was an especially hard one, but im proud of myself for making myself some pasta, when normally i wouldnt bother going thru the effort and would just eat crackers or something.

i love you guys

P.s. congrats to merry, 2 weeks cigggy free? thats awesome, keep going!
I am proud of my self, even tho I am in pain, I am hanging pillows comforters and my cleaned sheets out on the line...Yeah it is -28c or -19F out the sun is bright and kills the dust mites in the pillows...my husband thinks I am a fresh air freak lol. But the smell is sooooooooo nice when you go to bed~
Ahh Pen, when I was growing up my mom would always hand our clothes on the line to dry. Loved the fesh air feeling of them. Thanks for the memories! :)
I donno bout hanging them in -28 weather though :p
Ok buy do they actually dry? Wouldnt they just freeze n then when you bring them in and they thaw they are still wet?? Or am I missing something here?? lol!
Hey Fog, something tells me your gonna have your own clothesline lol... they get a slight damp feeling and I throw them in the dryer on low... I have an HE (high Efficiency) dryer but I prefer my bedding stuff outside. Besides dont ya think -20c is gonna kill those sucker dust mites? LOL. But at night when you go to bed, you are warm but smells like you are sleeping outside, and I use Gain, and fabric softner...

In the meantime I was multitasking and burnt my speggetti sauce a little, I had the crock pot on high.. stupid :voodoo: and forgot oil in the sauce to stop that. I was gonna make Lasagna with it but may wait and do another batch for that.

Everyone supper my house, spaghetti, and fresh sheets! Have lots of TP,,, oh but BYOM (bring your own meds) :ylol2:.

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