Imuran/Azathioprine/6-MP Support Group

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I'll keep that in mind. Problem is my inflammation is located where the small and large intestine meet. So that's why it hurts after I eat. Sometimes certain things are worse than others.
By that logic people with pancolitis should feel pain whenever they eat but it isn't always the case. Pain radiation can be random.

You know best what your usual colitis symptoms feel like, but pancreatitis symptoms are very similar and can confuse you into thinking you're fine. If pain gets noticeably worse after eating and you feel the pain radiating to your back, you should notify your doctor.

Pancreatitis is a very serious thing and it usually shows up 1-4 weeks in the treatment. Certain foods affecting you more than others is normal, so it helps to keep a journal or some sort of excel sheet to keep track.
I see the doc on Thursday. I'm hopin it's just a flare up like I thought. My inflammation levels were elevated.
I've been on imuran since half of Tuesday. At first I was a little loopy. Now Loopyness is gone. Nausea in the morning. And I haven't gotten better or worse yet. It's frustrating.

Don't expect Imuran to work overnight. On average it takes about 3 months to have it fully kick in. That's why most docs initially keep you on steroids to hold you over. Hopefully the nausea fades with time. It happens to many. For many it goes away after your body adjusts to the medication. However if it does not I'm sure you know to talk to your doctor for help in nausea relief.
Hi everyone. I'm an Australian living in the US. My sister in Melbourne has Crohn's disease and is experiencing some pretty nasty side effects from her imuran. She's been on it for a couple of years and has come to the point where it's making her so miserable on a daily basis that she's considering coming off the imuran and just sticking to the Humira injections. Does anyone have any advice about this? Has anyone tried coming off 6-MP before? Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer.
I have come off of 6-mp before. But the difference between my situation and your sisters was that I was in remission at the time. Does your sister still present symptoms of her crohn's? I was able to be off of meds for 6 years till last year and then it came back with a vengeance.
Thanks for your reply. Her last colonoscopy (aren't those just a joy!) showed that all of her lesions were basically gone. She had one very small one that was still healing, but that was it. She still presents symptoms sometimes when she gets really stressed, but it's not a constant battle anymore. Did you have any issues when you first came off the 6-MP? I'm wondering if it will create a bit of an imbalance in her system if she continues the Humira injections but stops the imuran. Thanks again.
Well it was such a long time ago. I do remember that the doctor was tapering me down on the dose till I was off of it. Tell her to talk with her doctor and tell him that she can't handle the side effects at this dose. Her bloodwork should be done regularly to check her levels as well to make sure that there isn't something more than just the normal side effects that is going on. Imuran/aza/6-mp have some very serious side effects when used for the long term that have to be monitored. And oh yes...colonoscopies are just wonderful... Worst part for me was the day before prep. They always knocked me out for mine luckily.
Ok, thanks for this. I'll have a chat with her and let her know she needs to talk to the doc. Glad to hear you got to be drug-free for a while, although I'm sorry to hear it's hitting you again. I really appreciate all of your help. Best wishes.
Yeah it's no problem. I surprised the doc. He thought with as bad as I had it in jr. High that I would flare again within the next couple of years. But I was lucky. Kinda forgot about it actually. Then last year it hit me. I originally thought it might be an ulcer or something. But nope. I was stupid. Tried to push through. Stay tough. I was ending the semester. But it finally got to be too much. And I ended up laying in bed barely eating anything. Now a year later once my doc started knocking me down on pred. I got to a low dose and it flared. And I got put on imuran. That's kind of the short story.
Do know whether your sister is seeing a GI at one of the major IBD clinics in Melbourne? Our second opinion was from the Alfred Hospital.
I've been on imuran since half of Tuesday. At first I was a little loopy. Now Loopyness is gone. Nausea in the morning. And I haven't gotten better or worse yet. It's frustrating.

Hi , my son was getting nausea every morning we got told to split the dose of aza to morning and night not sure if this has worked or if it is the LDN he started on Tuesday but something has worked so far :) good luck
Ok I think this is just awkwardly trapped gas...but I'll get your thoughts on this. Last night I drank a gluten free caffeine free root beer. But I drank it fast. After that I felt all right in my upper body. Went to bed and I woke up a couple times and I have a chest pain here and there. And my neck muscles are stiff. Swallowing also feels a little tight. I have been on imuran for a little over a week and am on prednisone and pentasa. I was able to eat two meals yesterday for the first time in a month. Both were really good. I missed real food. I just hope that I just have trapped gas :/
I went to the pharmacy on Monday for a refill on Imuran. There were no refilled left. The pharmacy keeps calling the doctor but no response yet."

I went to the pharmacy on Monday for a refill on Imuran. There were no refilled left. The pharmacy keeps calling the doctor but no response yet."


You think they would have let you know it was your last refill. Maybe try and keep better track of the refills?
Ok I think this is just awkwardly trapped gas...but I'll get your thoughts on this. Last night I drank a gluten free caffeine free root beer. But I drank it fast. After that I felt all right in my upper body. Went to bed and I woke up a couple times and I have a chest pain here and there. And my neck muscles are stiff. Swallowing also feels a little tight. I have been on imuran for a little over a week and am on prednisone and pentasa. I was able to eat two meals yesterday for the first time in a month. Both were really good. I missed real food. I just hope that I just have trapped gas :/

I started Aza a week ago and now have the same damn symptoms. I know most of it is due to the flare up but the chest pain started today. Feels almost like a pulled pectoral.

The pain didn't feel like a pectoral. It was literally straight down my chest. Feeling has passed. It was just awkwardly trapped gas.
The pain didn't feel like a pectoral. It was literally straight down my chest. Feeling has passed. It was just awkwardly trapped gas.

Keep an eye out for nerve pain if you think you get anything from Imuran again, although I know it might be hard to discern between anything else. It's something you'd need to report to your GI, since Imuran can cause nerve damage sometimes. Glad the pain passed, though! And that you could finally eat. :smile:
So is 6MP like Imuran? I'm new, (since Dec), and I've had the weirdest symptoms! I have this briney taste in my mouth all the time, a weird/bad smell, my shoulders and ankles hurt, my skin is sting-ey, I'm nauseated, can't eat, fatigue,'s crazy, or really, making me feel crazy! I'm not sure what is Crohn's, and what is medicine. I don't know how you put up with this, but it guess we don't have a choice. Anybody have ideas? David told me I sounded short on B-12, I got a shot, and the smell got better, AND my skin feels a little better. Any other good suggestions?
So is 6MP like Imuran? I'm new, (since Dec), and I've had the weirdest symptoms! I have this briney taste in my mouth all the time, a weird/bad smell, my shoulders and ankles hurt, my skin is sting-ey, I'm nauseated, can't eat, fatigue,'s crazy, or really, making me feel crazy! I'm not sure what is Crohn's, and what is medicine. I don't know how you put up with this, but it guess we don't have a choice. Anybody have ideas? David told me I sounded short on B-12, I got a shot, and the smell got better, AND my skin feels a little better. Any other good suggestions?

I would suggest just staying in contact with your GI and letting him know about your symptoms! I definitely had fatigue/brainfog problems with Imuran, but only for the first week that I was on it... otherwise the rest of it sounds more related to Crohn's, except maybe the upper GI problems. That sounds more like Imuran, and you can probably cross-check other side-effect lists too. (I also see that you belong to the support group for abscesses/fistulas/etc, so it might be from that, too -- though I don't know what stage you're in with dealing with that!)
So is 6MP like Imuran? I'm new, (since Dec), and I've had the weirdest symptoms! I have this briney taste in my mouth all the time, a weird/bad smell, my shoulders and ankles hurt, my skin is sting-ey, I'm nauseated, can't eat, fatigue,'s crazy, or really, making me feel crazy! I'm not sure what is Crohn's, and what is medicine. I don't know how you put up with this, but it guess we don't have a choice. Anybody have ideas? David told me I sounded short on B-12, I got a shot, and the smell got better, AND my skin feels a little better. Any other good suggestions?

Yes 6mp is like imuran. Basically imuran breaks down into 6mp in the body.
Did they test your B12 level before they did the shot? If not, get it tested. A single shot often isn't enough but you need to find out your actual level so you can monitor it as you take additional shots to determine optimal interval for you.
Might as well ask this here, but, I don't think I can continue on Imuran because of some unusual reactions I'm getting to it. If I'm worried I'll get the same reactions on 6mp since they're essentially the same, what's left for me for immunosuppressants that aren't steroids?
And have you been having regular blood tests to make sure you're in the therapeutic range and not in the toxic range of the med?
And have you been having regular blood tests to make sure you're in the therapeutic range and not in the toxic range of the med?

Yeah, I've been getting blood tests every month/starting to switch to every two months. Never had anything abnormal, except low iron storage occasionally.

The symptom I've been getting is constipation, oddly enough. My frequency will be "normal" (once a day), but it's so painful I could cry. I've been treating it with Restoralax/Miralax, and no one's been able to give me any answers as to what's causing it. I just had a colonoscopy, and I have no strictures and nothing that my GI could see that would cause it. I've had this since last August, within a week of starting on Imuran. I've... temporarily stopped it twice now without permission, and almost immediately that symptom has started to go away both times, so at this point I'm convinced that's the only thing that can be.

I've just never heard of anyone having that reaction to Imuran, to the point where my GI never believed me when I brought it up before, either. It's been frustrating.
I'm on the generic Costco brand stool softener. I had problems on pred and pentasa. Haven't noticed a difference adding the imuran. I was off of it for awhile but I began gettin blocked up again when I went back up on pred
I'm on the generic Costco brand stool softener. I had problems on pred and pentasa. Haven't noticed a difference adding the imuran. I was off of it for awhile but I began gettin blocked up again when I went back up on pred

Any other stool softeners quickly stopped working on me, and even Miralax/Restoralax would lose effectiveness over time -- hence the experimenting with my medication without permission. I've been so desperate. Part of the reason it bothers me too is because I've never dealt with constipation before -- I would usually just deal with D all the time instead whenever my Crohn's was active.

(Although, with my fistula, I would definitely rather deal with the constipation over D any day. Just making it through my colonoscopy prep recently was bad enough.)
Seriously. :/ I have really high tolerance to medications already, and I build up resistances quickly no matter what it is -- stool softeners, painkillers, opiates, my biologics, etc. Makes things difficult when you're dealing with a chronic illness and everything you could take stops working.
I know what you mean. One thing I'm happy about is that I developed a high pain tolerance. It's helped me, when healthy, to be able to step into fights and break them up. Which would be a part of my career after college as long as I can get into remission and get to working out.
Hello theOcean,

I created a new thread for you in the Imuran/Azathioprine/6-MP section of the forum where you can start the conversation on what your other treatment options might be and see what others have to say about your situation. By separating your thread from this support group, you get more visibility on the forum than you might by adding the topic here.

You can find the link to your new thread here:

Hopefully someone can chime in and offer you input relevant to what you are experiencing. Good luck and I hope you can figure things out soon :hug:
Seriously. :/ I have really high tolerance to medications already, and I build up resistances quickly no matter what it is -- stool softeners, painkillers, opiates, my biologics, etc. Makes things difficult when you're dealing with a chronic illness and everything you could take stops working.

Out of curiosity, have you tried a low residue diet? That can be a big help with the constipation and pain you're describing, and might allow you to stay on the 6MP if it's helping get you / keep you into a remission state.
Out of curiosity, have you tried a low residue diet? That can be a big help with the constipation and pain you're describing, and might allow you to stay on the 6MP if it's helping get you / keep you into a remission state.

I've tried that, yeah. I was on a low residue diet for the last two years because of a bad flare, and now every single one of my doctors is instead telling me to eat high-fibre because of the constipation -- which had the opposite reaction and just made me more constipated. So I'm back to low residue for the most part, and lots of water.

I've been off of my Imuran again for over a week, and I've already noticed a difference. Less gas, less urgency, not having pain passing BMs and there seems to be less to pass, as well. I also don't need as much Miralax/Restoralax as before.
...well if some of you remember I am in a flare. Started imuran approaching a month ago...well here's an update on me. Monday at about 4:00am I woke up in pain and was in the bathroom for 80 min. The last 20 min of that was spent fighting to keep from throwing up. Went back to bed and basic laid in bed with eyes closed in fetal position till 8:30 am. Then I was in the bathroom till about 9:00 when nausea hit even worse then earlier that morning. At 9:10 I did throw up and still had pain. Showered went back to bed and slept the day away. Then I ate two little square pieces of pizza (my safe food) and even that gave me trouble. Woke up at 3:50 am Tuesday and was a repeat of Monday. Except no nausea. Went to. My bed again and was trying to sleep the day away again. Then the afternoon hit. That as Even worse and I had about a 15 out of 10 on the pain scale In tears. Learned my doc was out till Monday... And that he was at a loss so I was sol on my gi helping me any. Pain was so bad that I was in tears. Had my girlfriend drive me to the hospital and if you'd care to hear about my experience at it message me cause otherwise I could write a whole book. Long story shorter is that they found that I have been infected with c-diff which is a still infection. My white bloodcell count was dangerously low due to the immunosuppressant (imuran). They have stopped my imuran and I'm looking at a possible release on Saturday. Morphine and norco are fun. Like I said there's a lot more Info I can provide. I was surprised at them actually listening to me about my crohn's and not just trying to treat my symptoms. They pretty much admitted me because of my white bloodcell count alone. Or they would have. Will update more later if you pm me.
Did they test your B12 level before they did the shot? If not, get it tested. A single shot often isn't enough but you need to find out your actual level so you can monitor it as you take additional shots to determine optimal interval for you.

David, I had the b-12 shot left over from having 1/2 my stomach removed, so no, I didn't get the levels checked. I haven't had a lab test since I started the 6MP or asulfasine either. Am I supposed to? Thanks, sensei, lol! Allison
...the gi at the hospital I'm still at (tomorrow will be a week) says the next step is using biologics...I'm not the most keen on it. They have me on percosets and morphine. But I need to get off the morphine in order to be able to get out of here. With my white blood cell count being in the dumpster I contracted cdiff which share a lot of symptoms with crohn's.

They did stop the imuran. I will be seeing my gi to get his opinion...prob whenever I get out of here. This is the first time I have been placed on pain medication.
I was on morphine and hydromorphone on my last stay in the hospital for long enough it stopped working on me... definitely helped get me off of it, but definitely would've appreciated a little more help with the pain. I hope you can get out of there soon!

And honestly, biologics aren't as bad as they sound, and they help a lot. When you first start them, you can often feel them immediately, which is a huge relief (if they work for you).
I've heard pros and cons. Also successes and failures. The gi at the hospital here treated me like I was an idiot. There was actually a few residents as well (teaching hospital unfortunately) that also treated me like I was an idiot. I didn't agree with everything they were doing and their procedures for some of the things. Or at least how they went about doing things.
Has anyone suffered from an increase in skin problems and or skin cancers while on Imuran? I went to a dermatologist and was told that Imuran is a bad drug for skin issues especially sun skin problems and that the risk of skin cancer is high on this drug. I was surprised since I've been on it for years and no one has ever said anything about this. I said "which should I use, an immunosupressant or a biologic? Both have shown higher risks in cancers." She recommended biologics. Any ideas??
If it's working for you then stay the course. All of our meds have bad side effects. It's the price we have to pay. Only thing we can hope for is a remission and being able to come off of the med while in remission
Crohns and constant nausea, not sure if it's the Imuran or just another one of many Crohns symptoms Morning Sickness, not even pregnant,,haha. Take care friends.
I on 150mg of Imuran a day and 40mg steroids a day I find the drugs make me so tired. I work long hours but this tiredness I suffering is just so bad. Any ideas how to improve this
I on 150mg of Imuran a day and 40mg steroids a day I find the drugs make me so tired. I work long hours but this tiredness I suffering is just so bad. Any ideas how to improve this

I was on 200mg a day and 30mg of prednisone. My immune system was shot not even a month after starting the imuran.
I just got out of the hospital from the immune system. I contracted c-diff which has pretty much the same symptoms as crohn's.
Hi, after getting to 20mg on the steroids i started to flare again so i called my Gi and he put me back to 30mg for the past week and im still flaring! Feels like a step in the wrong direction!

Anyway they mentioned something about putting me on aza when i see them next! Kinda scared! Any advice or tips about it? Thanks x
Hi, after getting to 20mg on the steroids i started to flare again so i called my Gi and he put me back to 30mg for the past week and im still flaring! Feels like a step in the wrong direction!

Anyway they mentioned something about putting me on aza when i see them next! Kinda scared! Any advice or tips about it? Thanks x

Make sure the do the bloodtest to make sure you are genetically compatible with aza/imuran. Make sure that they also get an accurate current weight of what you are. I was hospitalized (just got out yesterday and still struggling) because the imuran tanked my immune system. The hospital said I should have been getting weekly bloodtests not monthly to monitor my white bloodcell count...mine was so low they pretty much admitted me on that fact alone. I would have had a bloodtest this week to check the levels of the imuran in my blood to see if I was within therapeutic range and out of toxic range. Problem is I've lost so much weight. Hospital took me off imuran. I see my go next week but I know the pain meds I have (which I had to fight to keep cause the stupid medical resident changed it upon release without telling me to a less potent one and gave me only 10 the doc overseeing her was surprised and gave me 30 of the med I was on...but I have to take it every 4 hours with no refills) so I'm trying to get into my gi ASAP. I already have an appointment with my go for next Thursday but I'm not going to make it. They recommended me trying Tylenol if I run that's gonna even take a bite out of it. I started with morphine every two hours as needed that was enough so they started norco every 4 hours. They switched my morphine to every three hours as needed. Middle of the night when none of the medical residents could be reached in case there was an issue so I suffered all night because the night doc only left a note for the day team because he wasn't going to change what the day team had done. Im off morphine but reliant on Percocet which they switched me to. And then they double the dose of that. They were puushing me out the whole time. I was there a week. And I probably should have been there longer. Sorry I just took my Percocet cause my first night out of the hospital was rough for me. Anyway. The reason I went to the hospital was severe pain. Basically I was in tears and I had to have my gf drive me (I drive no matter how bad I am so you know I was really bad for her to drive me). They found that my white blood cell count was dangerously low. And they found that I had c-diff which is an infection of the stool. Has like the same symptoms as crohn's. Because of my immune system running away I got it. They said I should be good now and stopped my antibiotic that was used to treat it which they only had me on for about a week. Even though they said that it could be 14 days before I'm good. But I should be fine as long as I don't have diarrhea. Overall the hospital experience was me battling medical residents that were idiots. And them treating me like I was an idiot even though I know what I was talking about. The first few days the senior resident was actually knowledgable and she was basically the only I wanted to talk to. The others were morons. I didn't want to talk to them at all. Then the team switched and I got a moron that truer to switch my pain meds for release which would prob have landed me back in the hospital.
Sounds like an awful experience! I have had the first blood test to test the tpmt level or something but i will definitely make sure they continue to do regular blood tests!

I have got a job interview later and I really need a job but i dont know if starting a new job at the moment is the best idea!
Hey if they deny you a job based on your health. Specifically for crohn's you can sue them. The court case dealing with this is "EEOC v. Browning Ferris, Inc."
Yer true but i dont know whether it would be fair to accept a job and then be ill on a new drug and take time off when someone more capable could do it better?

Its just a part time job so not the end of the world if i dont get it and to be honest i dont know if im going to be able to keep a job at the moment!
It all depends on how badly you need the job I suppose of you have family that can help you through this flare then you should be fine. If anything you could go ahead with the interview. If they offer you the job then say I need you to keep me in mind for the future because I am dealing with health issues that I don't want to instantly start taking time off for.
Sounds like a good plan. What I found out for my situation from the gi at the hospital that there is basically 5 treatments for crohn's. Each at a different level. The first level is pentasa. The second is steroids. The third is immunosuppressants. The fourth (which he said was what I'll have to do but I'm getting a second opinion first) is biologics. And the dreaded
I really hope the aza works then because i really dont want to get to 5!! I cannot wait to get off the steroids though, i think the side effects have been worse than the Crohn's!
Well you have one more step in between surgery than I do. Biologics. The steroids worked for me. But he tapered me down without anything to go onto. And that's when I flared again. So the steroids basically masked my symptoms since last spring. I just feel like I'm a burden to my gf. And that I'm going to let her down next weekend if I can't have something to control my pain so I can got to her sororities formal with her.
The steroids seem to be just masking my symptoms as well, and i have the same problem with my bf! He is being so supportive but i hate the fact i just complain to him all the time about how im feeling! I tend to just try and tell him the basics and stay keep my self to myself when it gets really bad!
My energy level is always directly connected tomy Iron Saturation levels. I'm on Cimzia and 100 Imuran and with exception of constant nausea, I guess I'm doing ok. But if my Iron Saturation drops below 12%, I begin really dragging. Don't be fooled by the RBC, it's the iron number that drives the energy train, in my case. Good luck.
My energy level is always directly connected tomy Iron Saturation levels. I'm on Cimzia and 100 Imuran and with exception of constant nausea, I guess I'm doing ok. But if my Iron Saturation drops below 12%, I begin really dragging. Don't be fooled by the RBC, it's the iron number that drives the energy train, in my case. Good luck.

I guess while on imuran I was a little more tired than usual but I still kinda chugged along. Now I'm just exhausted cause of pain meds. I was able to get an appointment with my doc for Monday instead of the one I already had scheduled for Thursday. Worst part is about all of this is I was told I can't drive because of my pain medication.
hello, just been told today that I am being put on azathioprine and that they are having a meeting tomorrow to see if i need surgery for a "collection of fistulas i have" anyone know if azathioprine helps fistulas?
Imuran makes for nausea and tiredness, the Remicade also makes tiredness and aching. Supposed to close fistulas - but even the combination takes a very long time apparently. A fistula since Sept and still draining, seems to be getting a little smaller, if this doesn't work, next step surgery again. Taking Imuran at night before bed helps a little with the nausea.:)
Re fistulas, I would think where they are located would have something to do with whether or not imuran can help or not. I didn't with mine, but mine were with perianal disease and were in the rectum. Ouch!! Those are horrible!!!
Re fistulas, I would think where they are located would have something to do with whether or not imuran can help or not. I didn't with mine, but mine were with perianal disease and were in the rectum. Ouch!! Those are horrible!!!

When I was first diagnosed with crohn's in jr. High I had perinanal...I'd much rather have that than illitus or however it's called this time.
Yeah mine are perianal too, fun times. also got crohns in my terminal ileum. only been on pentasa and budesonide so far which didn't help so hopefully imuran will do something!
Has anyone experienced dry mouth with Imuran? I used to get this on Cyclosporine, but have never had this before with Imuran. Only seems to have started this past week.
Not that I've noticed. I have just noticed since I got off of my iv at the hospital I have been drinking a lot more water.
On my 4th week of 50mg of Aza and have finally got my first side effect. Nausea and an almost constant hunger pain is what it feels like.

Anyone have these that had them fade eventually?
Only 50mg??? They had me on 200 with me being only 115lbs and my immune system was shot. When I went to the hospital they admitted me on white bloodcell count alone!!!
Ouch, I told my Dr. I would only take it if I started on a low dose. Which is probably why side effects hit a month later.
I just want to get better. I just got out of the hospital wed after going in the previous Tuesday. I did not have the best experience with the medical residents there. So even though they were pushin me out the door I'm glad I'm outta there. But I'm reliant on Percocet every 4 hours to make pain bearable. I see the doc Monday. And hopefully the 30 Percocets I had to get from he doctors because the idiot resident that was releasing me was trying to only give me 10 pills of a lower pain med that was less effective that I'd have to wait longer to take. Which would thus land me back in the hospital.
Hi Everyone,
I've been on Azathioprine for 5 years now. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for 9 months now with no success. I was wondering if anyone else who has been on this medication has had problems getting pregnant? I am worried the radiation from getting diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and the Prednisone I was on for 6 months might be the problem. My GI doctor told me that there should be no problem with azathioprine and getting pregnant. I am just frustrated and hoping to see what I could find out from other people in my situation. I am the only female in my family with Crohn's Disease so I have no help there.
You could try seeing a fertility doctor. They could definitely give you an answer. And maybe even find out if the radiation effected you.
We don't want to go there yet. Our insurance doesn't cover infertility and it has not been a year yet. That is when they recommend you go. It just gets frustrating every month that passes with out getting pregnant.
What birth control were you on before? That might be influencing it, too. (I know with the one I'm on, it sometimes takes a full year after stopping before most people can conceive.)
I was on trinessa a generic brand of othro tri cyclne for a while and then right before I went off birth control they had me on a different one for like 6 months. I cannot remember the name of that one. They quit making trinessa so this one was suppose to be the samething just a different name.
I'm new too, miry, but I see you figured it out! I just joined last month, but it's been a godsend! Welcome to the club no one wants to be a member of, lol!
You might visit and learn to monitor your temp. Most fertility drs or even just ob/gyn will want a couple months or charting to get an idea of your cycle.
Hello Jenninmn,

I noticed you are new to Welcome! :) This forum is full of information, comfort and has proved to many that they are definitely not alone in their struggle with IBD.

While I do not personally have any advice to offer you on your situation, I am attaching a link to a sub-forum on this site for those Trying to Conceive with Crohn's. I would suggest you also create your own thread in that area for help. This sub-forum contains a number of people who have been where you are and can offer advice based on their own personal experiences of trying to conceive and pregancy while dealing with IBD:

If you need any help creating your own thread just shoot me a message and I can assist you. Wishing you all the best. :hug:

Hi Everyone,
I've been on Azathioprine for 5 years now. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for 9 months now with no success. I was wondering if anyone else who has been on this medication has had problems getting pregnant? I am worried the radiation from getting diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and the Prednisone I was on for 6 months might be the problem. My GI doctor told me that there should be no problem with azathioprine and getting pregnant. I am just frustrated and hoping to see what I could find out from other people in my situation. I am the only female in my family with Crohn's Disease so I have no help there.
LCATC945: If Imuran is not helping, then biologic meds really are the next step for treating Crohn's. I would suggest you look at our subforums on Remicade, Humira and Cimzia to find out more about them.
I have looked. I'm waiting for my colonoscopy and my white bloodcell count to come back up. So must wait. And suffer like always. P
I was on trinessa a generic brand of othro tri cyclne for a while and then right before I went off birth control they had me on a different one for like 6 months. I cannot remember the name of that one. They quit making trinessa so this one was suppose to be the samething just a different name.

You mentioned being on prednisone. That may be the culprit. It stopped my periods and there are links to it messing w cycles.
You mentioned being on prednisone. That may be the culprit. It stopped my periods and there are links to it messing w cycles.

Prednisone definitely messes with my cycles, too. I'd either stop getting them entirely or I would get them unexpectedly early. Either way: worrisome, but not the worst thing in the world. It would be nice if that might be the explanation, though!