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Jul 3, 2016
My GI doc has me on 50mg daily of imuran and 400mg remicade every 8 weeks. I'm 23 weeks pregnant so far feeling good. Today was the second comment from an OB Doctor telling me he can't believe I'm still taking imuran while pregnant. I'm already scared. Hearing 2 obs say this doesn't help ease my worries. Any good stories would be helpful right now please. I'm feeling incredibly low and sad.
Well, I can't help with success but I can tell you that i am currently 11 weeks and on imuran and Humira. Imuran is a class D drug but all 3 of my doctors ( I have my OB, my specialist gastro and regular gastro) agree that the benefits out way the cons on this. It would be worse for the baby for me to come off the meds and go into a flare. They all state there are risk but it's less than 3% that were on the drug. They said by normal population standards it's exactly the same if normal deformities/issues. Good luck rest easy your baby will be fine.
I am worried about this issue as well since i got same but I can see lots of moms that were on imuran during pregnancy and it turned out well ..
Thanks for the reply. I'm gonna trust my gastro doc but I'm still terrified :(. I need to hear good stories I think

It is not easy at all! I am terrified as well!! Is your baby doing well after checking on ultrasound? Did you take imuran since before getting pregnant and during first trimester?
You can check good stories on babycenter website, there is a forum about Crohn's and colitis mommies .. I hope it would make you feel better ..
Thank you! I did take imuran and remicade a year prior to getting pregnant and my entire pregnancy I have had 3 ultrasound and all look good. My anatomy scan showed kidneys just borderline enlarged but doc doesn't seem concerned. I'll be having regular ultrasounds starting at 28w.
Thank you! I did take imuran and remicade a year prior to getting pregnant and my entire pregnancy I have had 3 ultrasound and all look good. My anatomy scan showed kidneys just borderline enlarged but doc doesn't seem concerned. I'll be having regular ultrasounds starting at 28w.

I hope everything goes well for you and your baby ..
I got a bit lost about the kidney, yours or the baby's?
Babys kidneys are borderline enlarged. Apparently it's fairly common at the 20w ultrasound and it sorts itself out later. Doc didn't think it had any correlation to my medications but I'll be monitored closely regardless. Thank you very much.
I am currently 14 weeks pregnant with baby #2 (undiagnosed CD in first pregnancy). I am on 200mg of Imuran and did not expect this surprise baby. My GI decided to see if we could lower my meds to 150mg to try and reduce the amount of medication in my system while pregnant, unfortunately I did not tolerate that well and so GI and high risk OB have decided I need to stay at this high dose throughout the pregnancy. I'm pretty worried since I had pre-term labor after what I now know was a flare in my first pregnancy and was put on bedrest at 31 weeks. I carried to term, 37w2d when preeclampsia hit hard and I was induced. I had a vaginal birth but now am being told due to CD I must have a C-section (even though I have no perianal disease).
So far, 3 ultrasounds have looked good, strong heartbeats and I'm being watched closely. I start biweekly growth scan ultrasounds at 28w as well so I'm going to be following you closely Ericahairica, since you're 9 weeks ahead of me!
That's great that you're doing well!!! I was diagnosed with my first but against my GI orders I went off my imuran felt great my whole pregnancy great delivery but got outta control 6-8 months after and ended up needing big surgery to repair fistulas and a severe stricture. I'd love to hear how your anatomy scan goes!!! I start my growth scans in a month so I'll keep you posted :)