In hospital waiting for re-section - should be today 6/26/12

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Jun 5, 2012
I'm just getting anxious and annoyed at the waiting. Canadian health care system may be free but there's still always a catch.

I've been having multiple bowel obstructions for the past 6-8 weeks (and many over the past year too) ... but most recently it has gotten to the point where I cannot even eat solid food at all without getting an obstruction within a couple of hours of eating. I have a 20cm stricture (about 8 inches) at the Terminal Ileum ... believed to be all scar tissue. I was scheduled to have the surgery out of town (about 2hrs away) on August 3rd. As the weeks have gone by since my consult (May 16), it has become clear that I could not wait this long.

Last weekend, for the first time I went to the ER when I had an obstruction. Before now, I've always suffered through them at home. But I knew that if I didn't go to the hospital, they would never escalate my case and get the surgery earlier. So I went to my local ER, got pain & nausea meds, and then was sent home because the ER doc said my x-ray did not show an obstruction. The next day, a radiologist from the hospital called me after he wrote up the report from the x-ray, and said that there WAS an obstruction. Ugh. By then I was feeling somewhat better, so I just stayed home. Three days later, I chose to eat a little food, and another full-blown obstruction started. The pain was so intense and so frequent that I decided to go back to the ER. This time they took me a little more seriously, because of the misread x-ray a few days earlier, and was treated a little differently. I spent two days in the ER, and on the second day, they asked if I wanted a surgical consult here at our local hospital. I said YES. The surgeon came to see me and agreed right away to admit me and put me on the add-on surgery list. I could go down to the OR anytime. That was Saturday. I didn't get in that day, and didn't even get a room at the hospital 'til very late that night (1am). The next day I was 8th on the list for surgery. They never got to me. At about 10pm they came and told me that I was cancelled 'til the next day. So I had been NPO since Thursday night when the last obstruction started. Was starving and thirsty. So between 10pm and midnight I was allowed to eat or drink. I chose clear fluids only because there was NO WAY I was going to get obstructed again, surgery or not. So all day yesterday I waited it out, and this time was 4th on the list. I was sure I'd get in. Well ... again at about 10pm I got the news that I was cancelled. The way it works, they have their regular day surgeries which are pre-scheduled. Then at 5pm, they start the add-ons. And in between, they do the emergency surgeries. So if 5 emerg cases come in, the day surgeries and add-ons get bumped. That's what has been happening.

So, here I am on day 5 in hospital, and still no surgery. The part that gives me the most anxiety is that my kids (age 1 and 3) are with my brother and his wife and kids, and they've already been there 5 friggin days and I STILL haven't had surgery! And I miss them! My surgeon came and saw me this morning and thanked me for my patience and said it SHOULD be today, and I'm getting ranked higher now because I've waited so long ... so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. It still probably won't be til after 5pm, unless there's a day cancellation and I'm at the top of the list. Who knows.

On the bright side, because I haven't eaten anything in days ... I have no pain or symptoms (although that's probably not helping my "urgency" ranking with the OR people). I feel better than I have in months other than the starvation!

thanks for listening ... hopefully I get my surgery TODAY!

p.s. while I was writing this, the nurses came to see me and said that I'm ranking higher now, no longer an add-on, and it sounds like for SURE I'm going today, and it might even be during the day! Yippee!

Good luck with your surgery. The relief of seeing your kids again after so many days will be the best post-op anesthetic!!
Good luck! Hopefully you've had it already by now. Keep us posted if you get a chance but I imagine we wont here from you for a couple days. I know I was completely wiped out after mine. So take care of yourself. :)
I've had 2 re-sections since 1995, and it is the BEST thing ever!!! It will be worth the wait, I promise. :emot-dance:

I'm in the US. They gave me an epidural so I was able to get up and walk <24 hours post-surgery. This seemed crazy at the time - I was so scared my incision would split - but it didn't, and I credit all that walking with a) getting my bowel to 'wake up' and start moving fast, and b) minimizing the scar tissue adhesions that can be uncomfortable later.

I have made it an average of 5-6 years completely, 100% symptom-free after each surgery. I was diagnosed at age 9, first surgery at 21, second at 30, and I'm 39 now. (After being on a regimine of Asacol and then Azathioprene since 2004, I have not developed any strictures or scar tissue - just some flares with inflammation starting in late 2009 - hallelujah!)

Be vigilant, of course, and continue the meds - but also enjoy the freedom of being pain-free again... best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Good luck, hope everything went great! I can relate to almost everything you said! I just spent the past 3 days in hospital waiting for a CT enterography to figure out the cause of my excrutiating pains (pretty sure its a stricture in my terminal ileum caused by scar tissue...same as your problem!) because I went to the ER Friday in so much pain. I already had a CT scan scheduled for this coming Friday but they kept my in hospital so I could get it done sooner. Well, I spent all weekend there waiting for Monday to roll around only to be told I had to wait as the nurses had prepped me wrong!!!! frustrating! Like you though, I was starved all weekend so felt great which I think only made things worse for me because I was no longer deemed an 'emergency'!! Now I'll go Friday and hopefully figure this thing out...probably ending up with my second resection to fix it!

Bec215 - that's great! I too was symptom free for about 6 years post surgery. Now I'm on Remicade and hoping that once I get this stricture/scar tissue dealt with I will be symptom free again...hopefully for even longer as the first time I wasn't on any maintenance meds!!!
thanks everyone ... your comments and support are most appreciated.

Unfortunately I was cancelled yet AGAIN for the third night in a row. I'm so frustrated I don't even know what to say. I've been away from my kids since Friday and it's killing me. And I haven't even had the damn surgery yet. I have to remain here in order to be on the OR on-call list ... I need to be ready to go down for surgery at any moment. I just can't even believe it.

trying to hang in there but it's hard staying positive day after day ...
I wish I could hold your hand, sit by your bed, read to you, give comfort. You are special and always remember that as God has great plans for you. LOL, Rosie!
I'm sorry angiemitch. Maybe tomorrow (hopefully)? Everything will start going by fast and you will be with your kids again soon! Good luck!
Here's hoping today will be your day. You must be tired of being nil by mouth, I hope they are keeping you well hydrated.
Well I finally got the surgery on Wednesday night at around 8:30pm. It went well, the doctor said that they removed about 8 inches of small bowel at the terminal ileum, and had to repair a fistula running from the sigmoid colon to the small bowel. Also, one of my fallopian tubes was completely adhered to my small bowel as well (explains some of the "female" pain I knew I had been feeling -- I assumed it was one of my ovaries). All of the repairs went well and he said my colon was completely clear of any disease. The disease was all limited to that one area.

Yesterday was a write-off, I was so tired all day I could barely keep my eyes open. Belly is sore at the incision, but it's pretty small (the incision) -- it's vertical, and maybe 4 inches if that. They took the catheter out this morning and now I just have the IV for fluids and my morphine pump. They never did ask me which I wanted (morphine pump vs epidural) ... so I ended up with the pump. It's fine, it seems to help when I'm in pain. I've been out of bed several times but still haven't gone on a real "walk". Just back and forth to the chair and stuff. I got a clear-fluids-only tray today, and I'm not even interested. I tasted the jello and it's so sweet I think I'll barf if I eat it. And black coffee, which I don't drink (no coffee at all), and an apple juice which I'm trying to sip. For some reason the sweet stuff is really not tasting good. Maybe at lunch I'll be able to handle some broth or something. I haven't eaten in a week, and I have zero appetite.

I'm practically falling asleep in this chair ... need to get back in bed. Will write more later.
Hi Angie, glad surgery went well. I know what you mean about sweet stuff when you have minimal appetite...yuck. I found that water and weak black tea were better than black coffee. Also weak bovril (beef stock) was better than the sweet stuff.
Hope things continue to improve.
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Hi angie.

I'm glad your surgery went well! I hope your appetite comes back soon. It took me about a week or so to really want to eat again. I just never felt good enough to eat, until I did! Then I wanted everything. :)

I hope you recover quickly and get to go home soon!
thanks guys! Yesterday did get better. Still on clear fluids, but I got tea and soup broth for lunch, and managed to get some of that down. Same at dinner, and again it went down ok. Still no appetite for the sweet stuff. The nurses say that my bowel sounds are very faint ... I need to pass gas! I have gum and yesterday after lunch I probably walked about 5-6 times, decent walks too. Still no gas though. I don't think they'll bump my diet until I do. I got unhooked from the IV and the morphine pump, no more ball & chain thank god. I can finally get up to go to the bathroom without unplugging three huge cords and hauling a 20-lb cart with me! Praying for some gas!
thanks again for your words of encouragement!
Glad the surgery went well angiemitch and that they fixed other issues while they were in there. Hopefully you'll have a speedy recovery. :) Eating, or slurping rather, your "food" should help things move along quicker. I know it did for me cause I also didn't pass any gas for around 4 days after my surgery. I dunno if anyone can help you but my dad took me in a wheel chair out to a garden area at the hospital I was at (most hospitals I've been to have one) and let me walk around there and if I got tired I'd sit back in the chair and he'd wheel me back. Having someone around to push your limits and motivate you definitely helps with the walking. :)
Hi all;
I thought I'd post an update for anyone following my story ...

I'm still in hospital, it's day 6 post-surgery. My bowels have been slow to wake up, and only started passing gas late on day 4. Yesterday continued to pass some (although not the "trucker farts" that my nurse sister-in-law said I should have!) Still have had no BM. I am also still on clear fluids only. So tired of seeing juice, coffee, jello on that friggin tray every day! I'm really craving toast with butter. Can't wait to be upgraded. They suggested last night that today I'll probably get a suppository to try and get things moving. Not my favourite thing, but if it works, I guess it's worth a try. I still do not understand how I can have a BM when I've had nothing by mouth (other than clear fluids) for over 10 days now. And I was pooping clear fluid during the first couple of days that I was here. Ah well, they say you still produce "waste" and something should be coming out, so I'll trust them.

I got rid of the pump and IV for a day, but then had to have it back for a day on day 4 when I wasn't producing any gas yet ... then taken away again yesterday. Right now I have no IV at all, and can move about the hospital freely, thank goodness. I'm taking percocet (1 pill) every 4-6 hours and it's keeping the pain under control. I've been in this room since the 23rd of June ... the nurses are wonderful and I couldn't ask for a more positive hospital stay. Just wish my body would have come back quicker. My kids have been up to see me and they're just fine with my family, so I don't have to worry about them. Hoping today will be a breakthrough and I can have some more stuff in my diet and start making moves to get discharged! C'mon new bowel! Do your job!

thanks for your support,
Thanks for the update Angie.
Hope your poop shute gets it's shit together soon!!
The bowels can be a bugger to get moving again.
Glad to hear that you are doing okay! I hope things get moving along for you!

when I had my resection done back in January, they gave me a pill right before surgery, and then 2times a day after surgery until my bowels starting moving again. it was suppose to move things along quicker, an sure enough, like 36hours after my surgery I was pooping like crazy!! Don't be surprised that when things do start moving, you'll probably be running to the toilet a lot at first. A LOT.

glad your kiddos are doing good! The hardest part was for me to be away from my little 9 mo old at the time. Gotta love em'! When she did get to visit it sure mad my day :)

Hope you get some buttered toast soon!
Finally HOME! I came home on the 8th day post-surgery. I finally passed normal gas (it was painful to push out, it was like my lower/pelvic muscles were involuntarily fighting against it or something). Same with when I went to have a bm. But once I "pushed through it", it was fine. Weird. My first bm's were very loose, and a pinkish colour. The last two were still loose, but extremely dark, almost black, and very sticky. I didn't have one at all yesterday, but still don't have much of an appetite so eating and drinking is forced right now.

I was sent home with Tramadol for pain ... doesn't seem as powerful as the Percs I was taking in the hospital, but my pain isn't too bad anymore. Mostly just isolated pains, near the incision. My incision is still weeping a bit in one spot too. Seems like a long time for it still to be leaking, but it's not a ton, it's not constant, and it's just a light clear/pink fluid. And the incision isn't swollen or hot or anything, so I'm not too worried but I do wish it would stop, as I'm changing my dressings way more often than I expected to and those Tegaderms are friggin expensive.

Now I just need to get my appetite back and start enjoying food again! I haven't tried a lot of foods, but most things are turning me off right now. I don't even want the toast that I was craving so bad in the hospital!

that's the update for now! thanks for listening!
Keep an eye on it for sure angiemitch. Infections aren't fun (mine got infected). If you start vomiting or have a high grade fever, go to the ER. My vomiting broke my stitching open and the healing time for all that tacked on another month. >:p Hopefully yours will be fine. Glad you're finally home. :D Keep us posted on how you're doing.
hi all ... thanks for following along. It's been 2 weeks now since surgery. My bowels certainly woke up after I got home. Now I'm dealing with a lot of diarrhea. Ugh. Something that is somewhat new to me. Most of my issues with Crohn's were obstruction-related so I rarely had the D. And now my poor bum is on FIRE! I'm having D about 6-7 times a day, and I'm still really staying mild on my diet (low residue, low fiber) but it doesn't seem to matter. From what I'm reading, this might last a while. Eek. My surgeon prescribed 2 stool softeners per day (I'm assuming so I don't get backed up into my "new" bowel), but I'm not sure whether to cut it out entirely or just in half or what. This might be contributing to the D, not sure. I don't want to cause myself any problems by going against the doctor's recommendations, but it seems silly to take a stool softener when I'm going D 7 times a day. Not sure!?

thanks for listening!
Hi im glad ur surgery went well, i had surgery for an obstruction a month ago and still had D every time i ate, maybe u can ask ur gi for something to help with that, my doc put me on colestid but yours might give u questran or something like that. I didnt yhink it would help but omg it helps alot. Make sure and take it easy
hi all!
I'm now 2 months post-surgery and feeling great in terms of my gut and bowels. I'm eating whatever I want and not having any pain at all. I've gained back a lot of the weight that I lost (about 15lbs), and my incision is all healed and I'm not in any discomfort from the procedure.

I do still have loose bm's. Not always D (rarely), but loose. And usually not long after eating, so I'm going quite a few times a day. Sometimes it comes on quickly and is quite urgent. I think this is all normal and is actually quite welcome compared to the way things used to be. I just need to be aware of where the toilet is at all times and expect it after I eat a meal. I'm so glad I had the surgery.

I only have one new issue which started a few weeks after the surgery and has been going on since, and that's extreme joint pain. In my shoulders, neck, hips, knees, ankles. It came out of nowhere, is completely new to me, and has not let up. So bizarre. I'm seeing my family doc next week and am going to ask about it. I also posted in the Arthritis board ... seems odd that I developed arthritis all of a sudden like this, but who knows. Seems common with Crohnsies from what I'm reading on here.

Anyway, just checking in for an update since it's been two months now. Take care all!