In Pain and Awaiting Diagnosis

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 6, 2011
Greetings to all! I'm a 29 y/o female from Alabama and over the past six months I've been dealing with a worsening problem. I’ve been lurking around the forum for a few days, and I suppose it’s time I go ahead and post.

I had my Gallbladder removed in 2006 because I'd developed gallstones and a very large one was blocking the duct. I know that's not really related but I mention it because this seems to be where I trace the origins of all my GI problems. I'd had my Appendix out when I was 14 due to acute appendicitis, but never suffered any long-term effects. After the gallbladder removal, however, I found there were a lot of foods I could no longer digest. Sesame seeds and lettuce were permanently off the menu. Sausage went out when I discovered that fennel seeds bothered me. As long as I stayed away from whole seeds and lettuce, however, I was fine.

Until six months ago.

I can't put my finger on what started it. I was having more and more diarrhea, a lot of times immediately after eating. Remembering my post-surgical experiences, I started eliminating foods from my diet. No more tomatoes, no fast foods, no whole grains. It seemed to improve a little bit, and then nosedived. It seemed like anything I ate put me instantly into the bathroom. The pain was astonishing: I've had serious stomach flu once or twice, and that was nothing compared to how bad this hurt. At the time I didn't have a GP, so I went looking for one. Finally found a DO who has turned out to be both helpful and sympathetic. (If you couldn't tell, I've had bad experiences with doctors long before this.) When I weighed in, I'd lost 15 lbs from my last weigh-in at a walk-in clinic for an eye infection 2 months prior. He gave me antibiotics, a weeks' run of 10 mg Prednisone, a months' Bentyl, and Mobic, prescribed a low-residue diet and told me to come back in 4 weeks.

I was diligent with my low-residue diet. I bought Soy Milk, biscuits, rice, bananas, applesauce, animal-crackers, rice cakes, etc. It didn't seem to make much of a difference. I paid the price for forgetting to take my Bentyl before eating as my GP suggested, and instead took it 4 times daily at set times. The Bentyl does seem to help quite a bit. I don’t have the spasm after eating anymore. The diarrhea continued accompanied by bloating, fatigue, heartburn and pain. Lots of pain.

Went back to my GP last week with continued symptoms. I’d lost ten more pounds. He drew blood, not sure what he was checking for but they only got 2 vials so I assume it was just very basic tests. He said he was thinking IBS at first but that he was very worried about Crohn’s disease. They did an abdominal x-ray and said it came back clear. He suggested that I flush with a saline laxative (which was most unpleasant) then try a gluten-free diet instead of the low-residue. I added a multi-vitamin on my own.

So I went back to the store and bought gluten-free things, but I still didn’t put veggies or beef back into my diet. Basically, over the past week I’ve been living off of gluten-free animal crackers, plain rice cakes, tea, water, juice, and meds. The past two days things have been getting worse. I get hungry every now and again, so I try to eat, but when I do the pain is instant and intense, usually accompanied by nausea. I’ve been feeling feverish but my temperature is very low, 97 degrees as opposed to my normal 98.6. I feel bone-tired and speaking of bones, those ache. My back and belly are especially bad. I’ve been home sick from work today, but I need to go back tomorrow. Our service scores have been down and my boss is really onto me to get back… I guess that’s what I get for being too good at what I do. I’ve missed a lot of work the past couple weeks between feeling bad and going to the doctor. No more PTO this year. :(

I have an appointment with a GI on Monday of next week, and I’m hoping that I’ve gotten some of the basic steps out of the way with my GP. I’ve been keeping a food journal but so far all it says is that yes, pretty much everything can bother me. Ha. Ha. Ha.

So anyway, there you go, my story so far. I’ve not been officially diagnosed with anything but a lot of my symptoms seem a pretty close match for Crohn’s and I’ve got a family history, two of my Dad’s siblings have it. I’m not crazy at the prospect of all the tests I’m probably going to have to go through, but after reading some of the stories on this board I’m feeling pretty lucky. For now I’m keeping my fingers crossed that my GI is a good one and hoping for the best.
Hello Maiden, welcome......

Your story and recent experiences sure do sound like crohns...and your having a flare-up. Its difficult when you are missing work etc because you feel so bad. I truly hope you are able to get the appropriate tests done soon. I think once you know for sure what exactly the problem is, and getting appropriate treatment, you will start feeling much better.
You stated that a couple people in your family have CD. Talking to them may help as well.

Take care and good luck!!
Hi Natalie! I'm ready for them to give me a full-on battery of whatever. I really want to find what's wrong and get it treated so that I can get this mess under control!

One of the relatives with CD is from the oddball branch of the family and won't talk about her health conditions with anyone. I've been trying to track down my Uncle, but he's on a cross-country biking trip with his g/f and I can't seem to get through to his cell. I'm sure I'll get in touch with him eventually.

Thanks again for the welcome!
Hi Natalie! I'm ready for them to give me a full-on battery of whatever. I really want to find what's wrong and get it treated so that I can get this mess under control!

One of the relatives with CD is from the oddball branch of the family and won't talk about her health conditions with anyone. I've been trying to track down my Uncle, but he's on a cross-country biking trip with his g/f and I can't seem to get through to his cell. I'm sure I'll get in touch with him eventually.

Thanks again for the welcome!

Aww.. and just when you need family...they are nowhere around....

Well, you have us here!!
I know, right? I'm very glad I found this place. I hate unloading all my misery on my friends and family: they listen but they're not really sure how to help me. A lot of the folks on this forum have been dealing with Crohn's for a long time and give great advice.
Hi Maiden. It sounds like Crohn's is a very real possibility based on what you've described. I hope your GI is good and you get the help you need. While a Crohn's DX isn't great, it is nice to know what is wrong so you can start treating it.
Hey Linda! I may feel stupid for having posted here when they DX me with something completely else, but then again I'd feel stupid for suffering in silence. I'm reading through a lot of the posts on this forum and I'm really realizing that it could be a long time before I know anything for certain. Kind of daunting.

Anyway, thanks for the welcome!
HI Maiden, Welcome to the forum , your going through a rough patch right now, hopefully the GI specialist will be able to confirm some of your suspicions and get to the bottom of things. i wish you the best of luck and hopefully get you back on track again soon and i hope the pain eases up too. i know it's not easy i have had crohn's for 21 years now and counting and i am still dealing with a nasty flare up. I put myself on liquids only, stuff like any type of broths, boost, ensure or any nutritional drinks. That helps alot.anyway nice to meet you. best wishes.:welcome:
Hi Scott, thanks for the welcome. Right now I am on liquids only... mainly because I can't tolerate solid foods. I've had nothing but tea, water, broth and apple juice today. I'm thinking tomorrow I'll try some jell-o. I have mixed feelings about the GI. I very much want to know what's wrong, but I'm rather anxious about the answers I might get. I'm trying to focus more on taking care of me in the right now. Worrying only makes it worse, right? :)
HI Maiden, worrying about things down the road will stress you out and make things worse for yourself. It may put you in Panic and anxiety attacks. so, please stop worrying. Like you said it's best now you take good care of yourself and give yourself a little more attention and be strong. i know it's frustrating waiting for results, but until then relax if you can. And things will eventually fall in place for you and we are here to support you so keep us posted. Best wishes
Maiden, don't worry about posting here even if in the end it turns out to be something other than Crohn's. Also, have you been tested for C Diff? Sometimes when it is severe, it can mimic the symptoms of Crohn's.
Hi Maiden and welcome! I am glad you are seeing a GI soon. Your symptoms do align with Crohn's, so I am afraid a good deal of testing is in the near future. As unpleasant as it sounds, I suggest going straight to doing a colonoscopy and/or endoscopy. Many GI's want to start out with easier tests like CT Scans, MRI's, Lower Bowel Series, etc. But, in the end, you will need scopes anyways. So, in my opinion, jump in head first with the scopes. Don't waste any time. A colonoscopy & endoscopy provide the best results, especially with the fact biopsies can be taken.

Good luck with your appointment, and let us know how it goes!
Hi Maiden,
Sorry to hear your in such a terrible state right now. You need a good GI doc. I have traveled to Mayo Clinic for treatment and also local docs. Your system seems so stressed right now.

The crappy thing is that CD is not the same for everyone. The foods you listed your eating right now are not things I can eat. Bananas are awesome, but kill my gut. Apple sauce, only when I have had other foods with it. Apples can cause gas, & very loose stool. Apples are a lot of fiber. Jello-the food coloring in it "may" upset your stomach.

I have had 4 surgeries, had to go on very strict diets while I healed. Water, even water with lemon wedge. Tea is good unles it upsets your stomach. Try to see if you can tollorate Gatoraid, PowerAid, or Vitamin Water. You need electrolyes and be careful not to get dehydrated! You have lost way too much weight too quick, they should consider giving you some IV fluids.

Broth is good but get good broth. Kitchen Basics or Emerils are both awesome, they have Beef, Chicken, and Veggie - they come in cartons. The low sodium dont taste as good but are still ok. The packets or cubes may have way too much salt in them. Try to ad some rice to your broth, or even rice noodles vs. the regular wheat ones. You may even want to try Boost or Equate or Ensure. At least you will be getting some good protien and vitamins. Do not take raw vitamin pills during a flare up like this, your gut can not handle breaking them down.

Have you tried Rice Milk vs. Soy? Soy is good, but I fould Rice easier on my system. No raw foods, all veggies should be fully steamed, and no raw fruit. Your gut in this state can not break them down. Canned peaches or pears. I rince them off to get all the sugar off. Once you think your feeling a bit better, start with really mashed and thined out with milk - mashed potatoes and even eggs scrambled.

I love the book: Restoring Your Digestive Heath. I learned a ton in there about how our gut works. Also, ask your doc to test you for food allergies. I found out I was allergic to eggs, after I stopped eating them my stomach was so much better! Its trial and error with what to eat. I have dont lots and lots of reading and dealing with docs. Any questions I would be happy to try and help!

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