In remission, is a baby possible?

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Jun 6, 2012
Hello all! Hope you are doing well. I am please to announce that I am in clinical remission! I have been in remission for a few years, however, this is the first time my labs have been absolutely perfect! My hemoglobin was 14.6 and my CRP was only 0.9! I am so unbelievably grateful! Anywho, now comes the question. I would love to hear from the moms/moms to be and dads out there. I am luckily in remission, however I will continue on Remicade, AND I do have an ileostomy. Any experience with pregnancy and a similar situation? I do have to have a C-section because of my history of recto-vaginal fistulas (healed now) I still have an IUD in, and my GI told me that he has absolutely no doubt that I will be able to have a baby. Needless to say, Im very nervous and excited. Im not so nervous about the Remicade, Im more nervous about going into a flare during pregnancy or post partum. I know the 1/3 rule for Crohns and pregnancy, but in your opinion would now be the best time? Also, Im only on the maintenance dose of Remi, 5mg/kq every 8wks. No other meds :) Thank you for reading!
Hey there,

I would say that no one can really say if you would go into a flare or not when pregnant. It is always a possibility. But then again, you may not, and everything may go smoothly. I would be more concerned of how much work is going to go into to raising a baby, especially while being ill. I have 1 son which I had before I got really sick with the health issues I have now. My husband and I wanted to have a baby but decided against it due to the fact that I am sick, and raising a child is a lot of work and a Huge responsibility. For me, I was just afraid I would get so sick to the point where I could not give my 100% to the child. But that is me, and everyone is different. When I had my son years ago ( I was really young, like 18 years old) I was healthy. My son ended up having health issues that were very demanding though. I remember being at the ER a lot due to his breathing issues and asthma. I had many sleepless nights too. That being said, I know there is No way I could deal with that now with having a chronic illness with all the stress that goes into raising a child. It is just something to think about. Sorry if sounded negative, that is not my intent at all. Like I said, you could have a baby and everything will turn out great.