Infliximab, Azathrioprine for fistulas

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 2, 2012
Hi, I have had Chron's for 10 years. More or less it hasn't ever really caused me any problems. I have done all the sports and social things I've felt like doing and I haven't let Chron's prevent me.

I have experienced mild and severe flare ups which have always settled down. These have always been caused by things I have done (eaten, drank, exercised) and I could have avoided almost all of them by excluding these things from my lifestyle.

I've taken Cemetedine 200mg twice daily for 10 years which has worked for me. In February this year I went to get a check up with a specialist as I hadn't seen my previous specialist for two years because she said there was no need as long as I was feeling well. I was still feeling well when I went in February, I just thought it would be a good idea to see a specialist again.

After giving some blood and stool samples and having an MRI my new specialist discovered I have a fistula between the large and small bowel and has confirmed Chron's in the lower bowel. He has recommended that I start taking Infliximab and Azathriopene to heal this fistula.

I've read about the side effects and I don't want to take them although he has told me from the tests they've done I shouldn't have any serious side effects.

I know that if I controlled my diet and other things that aggravate my condition I could feel totally well almost all the time. I want to ask if anyone knows of a natural way to heal a fistula? and is the method of healing the fistula by making the disease go into remission?

If you have any ideas about this that would be great.

Thanks for your answers, James.

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