Insurance and Ostomy supply's

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Dec 8, 2011
I am so afraid I am going to end up with out supply's :( does anyone else s insurance have a cap on it??
Mine only aloud $2,500.00 per year an the supply's are so high....I have all ready reached like $1,900.00
What do I do when I run out of my supply cap??... its like them saying you are sick but you can only be sick for this much money CRAZY :ywow:
I don't have insurance and have to pay for my supplies out of pocket; it really sucks, but you do what you have to do. I shop around and try and get the best deals I can. I also don't use products that aren't absolutely necessary for me. Sorry this hasn't been more helpful....I hope you get it sorted out..
Wow I am sorry I have no idea how you do it :( but please know there are places that will GIVE you supply's I found them ... but they will only help people with OUT any insurance at all.... you should contact them :)
The products I just got were $1,000.00 for a 5 month supply some bags are $40.00 a bag. If I didnt have insurance I would be in trouble.

My insurance only covers necessary products ( or what they call necessary ?) bags.... and some paste and flanges and some powder. nothing else really...
I am thank full I have insurance I know people dont. I just dont think it makes sense all the money we pay our insurance they can have a cut off when its no different then a diabetic or blood pressure med....
At the moment I pay $44.24 for 5 flanges, $59.64 for 10 bags (which last me a long time because I reuse them), and $88.99 for bag liners (which also help keep the bags in good shape). Over all, I probably spend $1000 a year in supplies. I don't use paste, or powder, or rings, or any of that. Fortunately I have a colostomy so I can get away with just flanges, bags and liners.

Just to break it down a bit more...10 bags last me about 6 months, and a box of liners lasts about 3 months, so I'm really lucky that way.
I forgot to add that a flange lasts me about a week as well. I can sometimes get 8 days out of one, but that's pretty rare these
I forgot to add that a flange lasts me about a week as well. I can sometimes get 8 days out of one, but that's pretty rare these

Your prices are pretty good.... yes I have a eliostomy so I cant get away with all that. I have to use rings to or I leak I am all water :(

I will say one of the BEST products I ever found was the sure seals I pay for them my insurance wont but they give me at least 2 if not 3 more days wear time :)
That's's all about getting more wear time out of our appliances :)
I don't understand how your bag cost 40$ a piece... ! I suppose that was for a box? I will try finding the website of I don't know what drugstore that seemed to have great price. I made the calculation it would be cheaper for me to go buy my supplies in the states (including gas) than buying them here (they are technically much more expensive here than in usa, so I don't understand how it can be that expensive.)
I'll come back with the link if I can find it back.
Yes they are and we are only aloud to order from certain companys with our insurance BUT I think the company my nurse sent me to is WAY to high and I need to find a new one.
They dont have prices in their site. But it was 9 boxes of flanges 5 in a box and 5 boxes of bags 20 in a box and they charged my insurance $1,000.000

That one is closer to what I was thinking:
Are these prices better than the one you got actually? I don't know if it could help... But on the overall, let's be honest, ostomy supplies are a pretty much a rip off...
By my calculation they overcharged you by about $300.00. How long do those supplies last you?
By my calculation they overcharged you by about $300.00. How long do those supplies last you?

I am not sure yet Cindy since I am new and I just now finally go the RIGHT ones I have went through some serious trials finding what was the right fit for me with leaks and comfort and etc... these are the ones I like and can get more time out of. So I would say if things stay this was the bags I can get almost 6 months out of. BUT the flanges they didnt send me as much ( weird) they must think I am just pitching bags since its a 2 piece system ??

I have only had my Clover since January :)
I know the insurance didnt pay the whole $1,000.00 either thank heavens they have their deals they make I think they paid them $600.00 ??
I change my appliance and bag twice a week. My supplies (flange, bag, barrier ring and Remove) come to about $1200/year. I take into account that I may have an unexpected leakage and change over and above the two I use. So, I figure I might have one or two leaks a month (I haven't had a leak for about four months now), and overall, my costs run to about $100/month.

Your costs sound fairly high, even if you're changing three times a week.

I tend not to buy a whole lot of supplies at once in case I decide to or have to make a switch. I buy a month's worth of supplies at a time.

I would look in to some other suppliers and get some quotes. When I stop to think about it, I am usually quite appalled at the prices of ostomy supplies. Then again, I'm appalled at the price of tampons, too, so maybe I just get upset rather quickly!

Good luck and I hope you get some decently priced supplies soon,

I have found some additional supplies much cheaper on For instance, Coloplast strip paste on Amazon is around $12 for a box of 10, whereas most supply companies are charging $20-$30 for the same thing.

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