Insurance help in the US

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Oct 8, 2011
insurance help in the US

Hello everyone
its been a while.
i wanted to ask the people living in the US a question concerning insurance plans there. I need a company tht covers crohns nationally,since i ll b traveling there this summer and plannin to stay for 5 long years so i need if anyone has any details it would be much appreciated.
You need to add more detail. Are you working/traveling for a US company that offers group health or are you self-employed? Do you have insurance in Lebanon that would cover your time in the US?
It makes a difference in premium only. You can buy health insurance with Crohn's, although if you pay for it yourself, it is pretty hefty on a monthly basis. However, if you get over the initial hump of finding insurance that suits you, as far as I know, all cover nationally. Again, it is just a matter of fees because once you are in another state out-of-network charges apply, which are usually higher than your "home" state expenses. And, you might have to pay up front and get reimbursed. I know that Blue Cross Blue Shield is a national health insurer and you would have to decide to go for a PPO as opposed to a HMO so you don't need referrals to see specialists.
Hope this helps a bit.
Oh, and initially, with all insurance companies you would most likely have a waiting period of a minimum of 3 months for a pre-existing condition.
Well i traveling there on a scloraship to get my graduate degree. my insurance hear only covers me in lebanon. the fulbright offers an insurance plan that only covers sickness n accidents so i wont b covered for crohns. If possible i would like to know any company that covers crohns in the us and if possible to provide me with their email or website n i ll do the rest. i know its pricy but better safe than sorry right?
There are a lot of insurance companies and it is pretty impossible to list them all. Do a Google search for insurance companies and probably the most effective way is to go with a broker who has more than one insurance they can offer. I know of 3 big ones that most likelely cover nationally, with the restrictions that I mentioned above (out-of network charges when not in the "home" state):
try Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Healthcare, Aetna (although they are not the best for the doctor's network). Probably somebody else can add some more, but I am sure once you search for those on the internet a lot of others will pop up.
Thank you lostnut. i visited the bcbs website and tried contacting the for more info. waitin their reply. hope it turns out to b a simple apllication.

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