Intro new to crohns son is 11

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Aug 14, 2011
Hi! I am writing this intro fro a hospital room. My son was dx with Crohn's may 2011. He was sick from a stomach virus since last jan that never went away. He was 103 pounds and then started dropping weight. He was very pale and at 85 pounds got a referral to a Gi dr. He had a colonoscopy and upper egd and they confirmed Crohn's. He spent 10 days in the hospital in may w a perforated bowel and c. Diff infection he had a great summer and then started weaning off prednisone and then got an abcess. 5 more days in the hospidL on iv antibiotics they started 6 mp and prednisone. He did great until last week and he was weaning off prednisone and now another abcess. The surgeon fiund two tunnels leading from the fistula and said remicade is a must now!!! Yesterday he had his first dose. The dr's are hopeful this will get him back to himself. I just found out he should get out Tom if not then the next day!! He will be on oral anyibiotics not iv. I have to say the kids that I know with crohns are amazingly strong and have such positive attitudes!!!
:welcome: to the forum! You are lucky you have a brave son and I am so sorry you have to deal with this too, scary for a mom. I don't know his age but better to be on Remicade (my personal opinion) anything but Prednisone..wicked drug. Remicade does have some scary reports but they have to report findings in any drug even when they dont have Crohns. Your son's attitude can go along way. Keep us posted on how he does, there are may parents with sick kids too on here, so they will be posting to give you some support too. Hugs to you both!!
Hi :bigwave:

I'm so sorry to hear about your boy...:hug:

Unfortunately Prednisone and immunosuppressants can mask the symptoms of an abscess until you start to taper.

Where are the fistulas and abscesses located?

I so hope things start to settle down for your son now that he started Remicade. Keep us posted on how things are going.

Good luck and welcome aboard!

Dusty. xxx
My son is 11 too. He is on Humira now and it is working for him. Remicade is also a good at helping heal things quickly. Good luck and keep us posted. (Ive been on this forum since first of the year and there are a lot of kiddos, much of them boys, that are 11 and on'll be able to get lots of support here)
At age 28, it's difficult for me to manage my Crohn's. I can only wonder how hard it would be for 11 year olds to deal. Best of luck to your children- may they all come out stronger after beating these flares!!
Welcome! I'm new here too. I am sorry to hear about your son's difficulties. My son is 9, diagnosed with Crohn's a year ago with growth failure. He has had two anal fistulas, one healed with surgery and one with IV cipro/flagyl. Remicade is working for him right now, after 6MP did not. Best of luck to you!

Thank you all so much already! It really helps him and me knowing that there are others out there that can sympathize! He is 11 and was diagnosed right before he turned 11 in May of this year. He is out of the hospital!!!! They let him go today with Augmentin 875 mg every 12 hours. He is still weaning off of the evil prednisone , he is on 10 mg and will go to 5 in a day or so. His abcesses are in the perianal area. His new abcess that he was put in the hospital for was 2 cm from his boy parts area and his other one is close to sphincter. The surgeon is hopeful we caught it in time. I feel positive that this will work. They say he can go back to school in a day or so. I hope for his sake he can! He loves school!
Research indicates that the biologics (Remicade is one) are very successful at healing these type of fistulas so it sounds like you may well be on the right track! :thumleft:

My son had internal abscesses and was on Augmentin to keep infection at bay, it worked well for him.

Wishing you all the luck in the world that this is the key to remission for your boy! Fingers and everything else crossed!...:goodluck:

Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Hello, just to say I hope things are going well at home. I hope the remicade will soon help him feel better and start to get those fistulas healing.

I wanted to say that my son too has crohn's, he is 6, and has had a perianal abscess and fistula. It has just healed. I have to keep fingers crossed for no more abscesses/fistulas for a while.

I hope your son can be back at school soon, and life can keep going on normally while the treatment does its job.

Take care of yourself,
Lily Rose
Hi! My son is 12 and is on Remicade. He would much rather have an iv every 2 months than back to taking 10 pills a day. I hope Remicade works for your son.
Isn't it amazing how strong our kids can be!!!

Take care,
srry to hear about your son. its always so hard to see our kids in pain. just try to stay positive. I hope your son starts to feel better and get the treatment he needs. Wishing you the best. Good Luck :)
My son was dx Nov 2009, he had just turned 10. His 12th birthday is about 2 weeks away now. We came into the hospital for a scheduled colonoscopy and his doc admitted him, ordered a PICC line, started TPN, IV steroids, and clear liquids only. We have tried everything to keep him from Remicade... he was actually just coming off a 12 week liquid/formula diet of Optimental. But tomorrow (well in 6 hours) he will be headed down stairs to get his first Remicade infusion. Agh! I really hope it works for him, it is really nice to hear success stories on this. Any hope this mom can hold on to for healing is a blessing.
Welcome Boyz and Krafty! I hope Remi works for both your boys. There are many happy success stories in the Remicade Club on here. Like all the meds though, you will find detractors and failures. Here's hoping your boys will add to the success side:)
My son went back to school last friday!!! He has more energy and is feeling great! It is almost too good to be true. He goes to the surgeon for a follow up tom and then 2nd dose of remicade on thurs. fingers are crossed and lots of prayers are being said! Our kids are strong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So glad to hear he has headed back to school. It sounds like the Remicade is working. Great news!!!

Take care,
Thanks for the update Mom! :panda::panda::panda:

So fab to hear that all is going so well! Hoping and wishing and praying that it lasts a lifetime hun...:goodluck:

Dusty. xxx

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