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Jan 12, 2016
I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease in 1986 so I'm at the 30 year mark this year. I was diagnosed very quickly and put on a strong dose of prednisone and then asacol. I had a couple of flare ups during the first two years, but have not had any flare-ups since then. I was getting colonoscopies every 5 years, and last year, the doctor could not get the scope through the ileum because it is too narrow. So, even though I am not having flare-up symptoms, I have active disease.

I tried humira but had an aniphilactic reaction to it. The doctor wants me to try Cimzia if my insurance approves it. Kind of afraid of that but hopeful too.

It is amazing to me how many more treatment options are available now apposed to 30 years ago! I feel blessed that these options are available and so much has been learned about the disease. I'm also happy to have this forum!!!!
Hi and welcome.

I hear you on the treatment options being so much better now. I had very little success with those treatment options.
Welcome remann. Yes things have moved on from back then. Thank goodness much more of a range of meds to try. Wishing you all the best n hoping that you find the right one for you. Keep us posted.. đź’•
I went to my new GI yesterday. I had to change due to insurance. My previous GI was planning to put me on Cimzia. The new GI wants to do a balloon dialation. I have no idea what the right course is and which is the least risky. If anyone has had experience with this, I would appreciate your story. I tried Humira and had an allergic reaction to it 1 week after the first dose. That is why the previous GI wanted me to try Cimzia.
I have no problem with a balloon dialation being done to attempt to wide the intestines, but you also need to be on something like Cimzia or Remicade, or whatever to stop the active inflammation.
Yes that is what I thought so a more conservative approach would be to see if the Cimzia would work without having to do the dialation + Cimzia or whatever. Makes sense to me now. THANK YOU!
Well, the narrowing is likely a combination of scar tissue and inflammation. The Cimzia can reduce the inflammation, but not the scar tissue. As such, if there is a lot of scar tissue, the balloon dilation + Cimzia or other biologic would be the better approach in my opinion if this GI feels the balloon dilation is a good idea.

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