Is a high temperature common for crohns kids?

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May 3, 2011

Oli seems to be running a bit of a temperature at the moment (nothing major) but I was just wondering if this is common in crohns kids.

This is probably a really stupid question so please forgive my ignorance.


Treen a
It's not a stupid question mom!
Yes, fevers are "common" with CD, but in my opinion I never say they are "normal".

I usually never give Gab any tylenol for it unless it reaches over 100F, so her body can try and fight it off. If the fever does not break with Tylenol then there is cause for concern, and you should ring your doc.
If it lasts more than a couple of days, and there are more symptoms to go with it I would also call your doc.
I'm sure you already know this, but just in case you don't, stay away from advil, motrin, etc. as they tend to aggravate the CD symptoms.

I hope this helps ? :) I'm no Dusty but I do have 3 kids who always ran fevers of up to 103+ and scared me crazy when they were little ! :ytongue:

Let us know how Oli is doing please :)
I remember as a child having them frequently. By frequently, I mean, I considered them a symptom of crohns, and not abnormal to have every now and then, and not an immediate cause of concern. I have NOT have fevers as a teen/young adult. Only as a child between ages of 9 and 14 I would say. I remember the the most when I was youngest. I would also try to give the child tylenol, tell your doctor he is feeling this symptom to see if he prescribes anything to help him. I'll tell you why I was told I got the fevers. Crohns is an autoimmune disease so our immune system sees our intestines as a threat and attacks them, causing the inflammation from crohns. Occasionally our immune system thinks its a sickness and needs to treat it like a sickness and gives you a Fever, which is what our immune system does to kill sickness and germs naturally, but is mistaken when it does this because it does not help this "sickness" - give search engines a shot and let us know if youve found any other useful info.

Hope your child feels better soon. :) I was dxed when i was 9 too. I think its not a bad age to get DXed durring. I wasn't too young to not understand what was happening, but I was also young and innocent enough to accept it was happening. I would never wish this upon myself or anyone else. I hope he feels better soon.

Good luck
When I flare, I usually run a low-grade temperature - 'normal' body temp is around 96.8 so 99 really is a temp for me....I think it is part of the body trying to fight off the problem.....
Thank you all so much for your help. He has loose bm's now, so thinking it's a start of a flare, hope we can nip it in the bud. It always happens just when you start to think things are going so well.

Many thanks

Treena x
I don't know if it is common for Crohns kids to run a temperature but to me it would mean an indication that something isn't right. The trick would be determining if it was Crohns related or not and the only way to tell that would be observation. What are the accompanying symptoms and does anyone else in the house or neighbourhood have something similar. I see you are already onto to that...I hope if Oli is flaring you can nip it in the bud pronto! Everything crossed that it all settles down...:hug:

Keep us posted!

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Hope you get it sorted soon Treen-a! That's never been a problem for EJ, but I wouldn't rule out crohns as the cause!
Thanks dusty & Dexky

Oli still has loose bm's with a little blood, at the moment he is really happy in himself and has not lost his appetite. We're in between meds at mo because we saw consultant on Monday but oli's GP has to write prescription which can take just over a week and here in the UK it is another bank holiday weekend so we probably won't have meds until wednesday possibly Thursday!!

That's really annoying having to wait so long while your child is bleeding. I don't have kids yet but I'd probably be going mad. My mom always took me to the ER if the doctor's offices were closed. If its the only way to get treatment, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

I have fevers when I'm in a flare, didn't matter if I was a kid or not. My flares consist of flu like symptoms along with bleeding and occasional vomiting along with abdominal pain. It could simply be a "normal" flare symptom but that doesn't mean its normal in general as you can see the course that happened, started with fever, then diarrhea, now there's blood in the stool.
Hi. If the fever lasts over 3 days or so, I'd call. Claire does get fevers with her flares. But long ago the fevers accompanied a c diff infection. Thaw why I. Ight suggest checking in if they persist.

Hang in!

Oil's high temp has gone! Still has lose bm's,but dare I say it, I'm feeling a bit more positive this morning as he didn't wake in the night to go to the loo.

@crabbyrelish -it is very frustrating (that's our local GP's - always helpful - NOT) but we have a great team of gi paediatric docs and nurses and oli has open access to the children's department at the hospital which means if I'm really worried I can just call them and take him in and during the week we have direct access to the gi nurses, but I don't like to be too much of a pain to them!

Many thanks to everyone for their help and advice - this forum is great!

Treena x
Thanks for the update Treena!

That is fab news about the temp, YAY! I hope all continues to settle for Oli...fingers and toes and everything else crossed hun!

Sending healing (((HUGS))) and (((THOUGHTS))) your way...:hug::hug::hug:

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
HI Treena :)

How's Oli doing? Just checking in and seeing if things are better, fever gone? etc...

Hope all is going well !

Hi Tracy

Oli seems to be great at mo (hope i haven't just tempted fate!) fever has gone and he has just started Asacol and Omega 3.

We are also trying to go organic, not sure if this will help, just thought if the food is produced with less chemicals it's got to be a good thing. What are your thoughts on this? Does your family eat organic?

Hope Gabs is doing well.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Hey Treena, good to hear Oli is doing so well!! We certainly try to keep EJ from eating as much processed stuff but the better they get and the more time goes thing you know!!! I frown at what he eats but I don't want to overdo it either. I'm afraid he'll rebel whenever he gets the chance.
No we never ate organic foods. We were pretty poor growing up and ate bag line food pretty often. Bag line food is food collected from random grocery stores that's close to if not already expired. The food isn't what made me sick though. Just saying that food plays less of a role than people think.
Honestly, I'm with Dex...we try to eat very healthy. But, reality is, I have 3 teenagers now that pretty much do as they please. They love the healthy (sometimes vegetarian) takes on the dinner meals I make, but, they pretty much take care of themselves for breakfast, lunch, and snacks. We go back and forth, and through phases A LOT. It's so hard to try and eat completely organic or vegetarian when your trying to please 5 people at once :ywow: Gabrielle is becoming more and more aware of what her body needs and dislikes and she responds accordingly. My boys however, I said before...they're teenagers ! LOL
Also, I'm not convinced that's the answer ?? I sway back and forth on my "food opinions" and it's relativity to this disease.

I'm really glad to hear Oli is doing so well. Let us know how your organic trial goes !
Hey Crabby I am all too familiar with the bag line foods ! My brothers and I used to fight over who's turn it was to guess what was in the can for dinner when we were kids ! (we always got the dented, no label cans from the churches, or wherever ) LOL ... thanks for reminding me of the funny little memories :)
We got a donut bag and my sisters and I would fight over who got to get the donut with the most frosting still on it (the bag was basically slime covered old donuts). They really all tasted the same. :p

Sorry for the slight derail!
Thanks Tracy & Crabby for your really interesting comments.

We haven't gone totally organic and he still can't have a lot of veg at the moment. It's really difficult because this bloody disease sends me into a flat panic and I never know if I'm doing the right thing for oli, he can be perfectly fine one day and then the next he'll be running backwards and forwards to the loo and I then have to try and work out what it was that we did different.

Have found a really handy free app for iPad where I can log everything he ate, symptoms, etc.

Think I probably obsess about this whole thing too much and should probably relax a bit!

Sorry I'm rambling now!

Best wishes


Ps. Oli still does eat sweets, biscuits, etc - I'm not that mean!

Hey Treena,

When Sarah was diagnosed 5 years ago we didn't really change our diet that much. We rarley eat take away and so continued much as we always had.

Sarah has short bowel syndrome and eating following her surgery was problematic due to the need to use the bathroom. For the first 3 years she didn't seem to recognise within herself what was particularly problematic and what wasn't, but this has changed in the last 18 months. During that time she gravitated toward a vegetarian diet and finally 9 months ago moved to a vegan diet.

She now eats very little processed food and her diet consists primarily of fresh fruit and vegetables. She cannot tolerate oils very well and when she does eat processed foods she feels the effects for the next 12-24 hours...cramping, pain and excessive diarrhoea.

In Sarah's case the no processed, no chemical organic vegan diet works very well. But I think this then highlights just how different everyone is when it comes to diet and what suits them. What Sarah is able to tolerate and thrive on I know full well would send others here to the ER!

You are definitely on the right track...Keep adding data into the app and go from there. You will have good days and bad days and all you can do is chalk it up to experience and move on, even those of us without IBD have foods that don't agree with us, it's just one of those things, ay?

Hang in there Mum, you are doing a fab job!

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Thank you Dusty, once again you make absolute sense.

I have never been one to panic and always 'go with the flow' but having Oli diagnosed with crohns and not being able to take his pain away really floored me, so I suppose I became obsessed with what he was eating, how bm's he has in a day, etc. It sounds absolutely mad now I'm typing it so I think from now on I'll just have to relax a bit and let Oli lead the way more.

Wow, it sounds like I really smother him doesn't it? I don't honest!

Treena x
Relaxing is easier said than done when your baby is ill :hug:
I have been down the road of "obsessing", and still do now and then. How can we help it? There's nothing we can personally do to make it better, and take it away, so this is our way as mommy's to help. You are doing a great job and just trying to make sure that you are doing all you can in your power. Don't beat yourself up, you're allowed to be a little crazy while you try and figure it all out. I'm quite sure little Oli feels the love ! And, in my opinion, smother away! (while he lets you :lol:)

Hang in there mom, it does get easier as you educate yourself more, and become more comfortable with what does and does not help your son.

much love,
T is so right hun.

How do you not obsess, worry and over think about that little guy that means more to you than life itself. A little guy that you would give your life for and would in a heart beat take away all his pain and illness and take it upon yourself? You don't, it will ebb and flow over time but it does ease and you do settle into a new norm.

As to the smothering...well I have smothered mine so much I'm surprised they have lived to tell the tale! :lol:

The one thing you don't need to worry about is that what you are doing wrong, it's not hun. We are all doing or have the same thing. What it does show though is that you are a fab Mum that loves her little guy to bits and is determined to be the best darned advocate for him that she can possibly be! Oli is a very lucky little boy...:hug:

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Wow! Thanks everyone for your fantastic comments, you have really put me at ease.

I'm choked up now, need to go and get some tissues.

Big hugs

Treena x

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