Is it Crohn's or colitis? (positive lactoferrin)

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Oct 15, 2015
Hi all!

I just got some test results back and I tested positive for lactoferrin, so I officially have either Crohn's or colitis. I need some help figuring out which it is.

Based on symptoms, I think it's Crohn's. During a flare up I get pain in the lower right part of my abdomen, night sweats, an all over inflammation feeling, particularly in my joints (ankles, wrists, shoulders) and I just developed scaly dry skin patches on both knees, to join the one I've had for ages on my ankle. Oh, and a history of depression, thankfully currently not affecting me.

I also had micronutrient blood test done last week and am deficient in B12, chromium and magnesium, as well as really low in 11 other vitamins/minerals. My teeth recently developed a ton of new cavities, which is actually what lead me to the nutrient test. (Just started B12 shots).

I also have Celiac disease and pancreatic enzyme insufficiency, both of which I have had under complete control with dietary measures for the last 5-10 years. My recent Crohn's-esque symptoms are different to the ones I had from Celiac.

So, what would be the next step to confirm which IBD it actually is? Pillcam? Colonoscopy?

Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi 1975,

Forgive me if you're already aware of this...just to clarify.

Crohn's can effect the entire digestive track (mouth to anus). Colitis is simply inflammation of the colon.
That could be any number of things.

The gold standard for diagnosis is a colonoscopy with biopsies.
That will give the GI doctor a what next starting point.

Sending you my support.
Thanks Mandy, thanks Dave!

I had a fecal lactoferrin, which is apparently comparable. Positive result = marker for IBD.
Ah ok . So just got to find out which you have then.. ye probably pill cam colo or a ct/mri scan. Colo didnt show mine but my crohns was in the ileum n colos cant always go that far. If u can get scan probably best n easiest. Tho cant always get one till a colo is done 😕
crohn's and ulcerative colitis can have very similar symptoms. Drs will treat these diseases in very similar ways with same treatments.

did you get a referral to see a gastro-enterologist? This is your next step.

probably a GI will then start with a colonoscopy to verify if there is truly disease activity in your colon and/or ileum. let us know.
crohn's and ulcerative colitis can have very similar symptoms. Drs will treat these diseases in very similar ways with same treatments.

did you get a referral to see a gastro-enterologist? This is your next step.

probably a GI will then start with a colonoscopy to verify if there is truly disease activity in your colon and/or ileum. let us know.

I agree.
