Hey there GBG.
I can only tell you my own personal story, as I do not know anyone myself who has Crohn's and has been able to keep in remission without any problems and not taking any maintenance meds.
Just one question first, how long has he been on Entocort? As you probably know, steroids are among the meds you should be most careful with and should be tapered off as soon as it is possible.
Ok, so here my story. Got diagnosed aged 18 close to age 19, for the next 3 years I really had quite some problems, but was too stubborn to do much about it and my GI back then wasn't a Crohn's specialist, so didn't understand that real treatment was needed. I was taking Pentasa only for 3 years, which for Crohn's patients is little or not at all better than a placebo. Well, anyway, what happened is that the active Crohn's led to severe scaring in my lower small intestine and I had surgery to remove several stenosis.
Before the surgery, I had switched to a Crohn's specialized GI, who told me what type of long term strategy I should take to get Crohn's under control. He was actually the one who pushed for the surgery, while the surgeon was cautious... but well, my GI was absolutely right, as I was close to having blockages. He started me on azathioprine before the surgery and said this is going to be a long term med for at least 4-5 years, if it works for me. This was in early 2003 when biologics only started to be used widespread. Anyway, between 2003 and 2008 I took azathioprine and in retrospect, it worked somewhat, but I wouldn't say I was in complete remission. I got severe problems with anaemia in 2007 and in 2008 stopped azathioprine because my (then new) GI then thought my anaemia might be caused by aza... which it wasn't, but that is another story.
Anyway, so despite prior surgery and being a Crohn's patient who could back then somewhat manage the disease through diet and sport and stress relief, but generally wasn't in complete remission, I was med free for 2 years. And I have to admit, compared to 2003 to 2008, the period from 2008 to 2010 wasn't that much different, I was "sort of" in remission, but not really, actually gradually things got pretty bad as in before surgery bad. In 2010, I got a wake up call in that my anaemia was really, really bad and I started to have completely swollen feet and my weight had dropped to underweight status.
I went up to azathioprine again after an Entorcort stint, and tried to change how I managed my Crohn's. Things seemed to work much better the next month, but I was still not able to get my anaemia under control, which in turn impacted how I felt generally. So again, I wouldn't call 2010 to 2012 in remission despite azathioprine. In 2012, I got another wake up call, because I collapsed on the street from anaemia on the street. Had to have 4 blood transfusion and another Entocort treatment and then weekly iron transfusions for 6 weeks.
So finally, after 13 years of Crohn's, in early 2012 I got my act together, started working out and jogging 3 times a week, using supplemental liquid nutrition consistently, using azathioprine as prescribed (2 times a day, taking it in the morning and evening, never forget any dosage), used a mix of iron supplements that started to work and also started to take other supplements such as vit D3, vit B6 and B12, zinc, magnesium etc., yoga, stress relief, more positive thinking and being really strict with food I know would get me into trouble. I got my bodyweight up through sport and the supplements and finally after many years, my blood work stabilised again. For 2 years I was for the first time in real remission (I did not even think that existed) with principally no problems at all, no diarrhea, no discomfort, little to no gas etc.
And thus, after 2 years of good remission, I talked with my (Again new, due to moving to another city) GI and we agreed that I would again try whether I could keep in good remission without azathioprine. Phased out aza in early March 2014. The first 2 months, I did not see any difference, but I got into trouble in June 2014. Until now, I don't really know whether it was really caused by not continuing aza. When I say "trouble", I just mean some diarrhea, nothing really bad. But my GI said, let's try aza for at least another year, just to not end a really good remission period. Did that, got back on aza and have felt great since July again.
Currently, I am planning to phase out aza once again this summer and go meds free. Well, maybe the third time is the charm

To sum up, first hopefully this post wasn't too long to read, but second, my advice is that if your son was just diagnosed, has been on Entocort and is now faced what to do next, my strong recommendation is to start maintenance meds. If he can figure out to live with Crohn's and stay in remission for years on maintenance meds, then, while hard, he could still try to get off them. But I sincerely doubt that anyone with more than just really mild Crohn's (I was by the way, originally told I have mild Crohn's, which was then changed to "severe" a few years later and now I am sort of categorised as "moderate", ... which in my few means no one has any idea what mild, severe and moderate means) can manage to stay in remission without meds for years initially after the diagnosis.