Is there any hope?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 6, 2012
South Africa
Hi Everyone

I'm new to this forum and fairly new to Crohns disease (misdiagnosed for 7 years with IBS!).

So I'm now on Pentasa (x 6 daily), Prednisone 35mg daily, Anti-biotics: Flagyl & Ciprabay, Nexium (Omprazole), trepiline x 2 evenings.

The Pred and antibiotics were added very recently and they are making me feel so ill.
Nausea, dizzyness, hot and cold at night, headaches, body aches, major lower back pain.

I've started doing research as I'm sure most newly diagnosed people have and am getting no clear answers. Many say there is nothing you can do to help your symptoms. Then there is going vegan, food combining etc.

This is not going to be an easy ride is it?
It gets better for most eventually, and it gets worse for some eventually.
Stay strong. Its very hard to. I was misdiagnosed as well.
The worse thing I can remeber was me being told, that I will have to deal
with IBS for the rest of my life.

There is plenty of research going into finding a cure. Wether it will be found we dont know. But we can stay positive. Alot of people try SCD, and many other things. But im sure the members here who have it longer than I have should be able to help with thier experience.
Nope AliceBee - it's not going to be an easy ride!
But it's not all horrendous. I've had very very long periods of remission.
There are many things you can do to help with your symptoms - you just have to work out which ones work for you. And that can be pretty random - so have fun trying them all.
And the medicines get better all the time. I remember when Infliximab appeared. It was amazing and gave me full remission overnight - and delayed my ileostomy by a decade. And wow - the things I did during that remission time were amazing! Working on getting my next remission right now! I've got things to do and places to go!!

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