Is this usual for Crohn's??

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Jul 18, 2014
Hi all,
Since mid May this year, I started getting diarrhea along with this strange generalized abdominal pain. Sometimes under left rib, next day to right of belly button, then sometimes a few inches below right rib. I've never had pain like this that just moved to different areas depending on the day. The diarrhea would often have mucus, lots of gas too.
Started in May gradually with diarrhea and the pain, got worse then gone three weeks and back again even worse. Then the last month it has gotten better. I'd have maybe 3 to 4 days straight no diarrhea or pain, normal looking BM. Then one day back with pain and diarrhe and then again no pain or diarrhea. The last week or so loose stool just one day along with abdominal pain through the day and the rest of the time, perfectly fine.
Have had many tests, one more to do next week CT enterography on small bowel.
Just wondering, is this typical of Crohns with days of pretty much normalcy and then one day abdominal pain and diarrhea/urgent loose stools with mucus and gas and next day totally normal for a week ? I'm not taking any meds for any of this since I have no diagnosis yet.
Thank you all for sharing your stories.
I have Crohn's and I have had what you describe. Now I have more bad days than good days though, since my disease is pretty far progressed. But really the only way you can tell if you have crohns is to get a colonoscopy or MRI done, and it looks like you have the appt already so that's good. It is also possible to have the symptoms that you are having and NOT have Crohn's. Good luck! Keep us updated on your results.
Thank you for the reply. I feel sometimes like I'm going crazy because everything comes back normal. I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy last month with the various biopsies. Terminal ileum and duodenum normal, colon normal, endoscopy normal (all biopsies normal). Tested negative for parasites, celiac sprue, h pylori, c diff (also negative c diff on PCR), negative fecal occult, and various others. Had 2 abdominal CT's (one with IV contrast and one without), and ultrasound on gallbladder, all normal. I've asked for a HIDA scan for gallbladder function but first will have the CT enterography next week.
It's almost worse not knowing than getting a diagnosis because there's no process of acceptance or treatment. Not that I want to be diagnosed with Crohns.
I really feel for everyone suffering from this disease, never imagined what it could be like.
Have you tried keeping a food diary to see if anything you eat tends to cause discomfort or diarrhea? Big triggers for me are coffee and red meat
Yes, the only thing I've found to be a trigger is French fries or potato chips. I rarely eat those but the few times I have, I had a lot of crazy stomach noises and some mild pain that went away pretty quickly. I've eaten potato chips twice since May and I only once had that reaction that I thought could be the chips. Otherwise, I haven't been able to identify any trigger foods.
About 3 weeks ago I had eaten at about 8pm on Thursday. I did not eat a again until the next day at 6pm. This is not typical, I was having some blood work done Friday. So when I ate Friday at 6pm, it was a grilled small chicken wrap with no sauce. 10 minutes later, I had diarrhea that literally looked like a yellow highlighter had exploded in the toilet. Sorry for the TMI! My guess was it was bile....that made me think gallbladder. At this point, I'd e thrilled with a malfunctioning gallbladder.

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