Is Your Gut Making You Sick? - Podcast

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Oct 1, 2011
Podcast, worth a listen.......

"In today’s podcast, Jordan & Clark discuss:
The specific carbohydrate diet lifestyle
The most common gut health issues (and how to fix them)
How to heal Leaky Gut (and what it is)
4 foods that cause havoc on your gut! (DO NOT EAT THESE!)
The best FOUR hacks for the perfect poop
Why gut issues are MORE than JUST gluten
One supplement that can make you instantly feel better"

At 14:30, starts talking about 'the four horsemen' and what to do if diet is not working......

Jordan Reasoner – Is Your Gut Making You Sick?
This isn,t new and has never been proven to be a medical condition.if you google leaky gut syndrome it,ll take you to the nhs website,there's a good article there and some from America as well.
This isn,t new and has never been proven to be a medical condition.if you google leaky gut syndrome it,ll take you to the nhs website,there's a good article there and some from America as well.

Leaky gut isn't in doubt,
Whether it qualifies as a "syndrome" or not is what is in doubt

"“From an MD’s standpoint, it’s a very gray area,” says gastroenterologist Donald Kirby, MD, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the Cleveland Clinic. “Physicians don’t know enough about the gut, which is our biggest immune system organ.”"

"“We don’t know a lot but we know that it exists,” says Linda A. Lee, MD, a gastroenterologist and director of the Johns Hopkins Integrative Medicine and Digestive Center."

Googling (or even better -google scholar) 'intestinal permeability' or 'leaky gut' will lead to a vast array of the theory, observations and proofs of leaky gut as a real condition.
The doubt is about the extent of the of diseases that might be caused by leaky gut.,5,5

I agree that , along with disbiosis, it is flavour of the month with alternate health care practitioners but to disregard it because the 'old guard' of the medical profession are unable to admit their ignorance and are threatened by the loss of authority that this would entail is pretty foolish.

This doesn't mean one should believe all the claims made, or buy any of the products making claims to cure or treat this condition, but a basic understanding of the mechanism of entry for undigested molecules along with common sense strategies to prevent or minimise absorption would probably be a beneficial thing (and just as importantly, it would do no harm)

An intelligent person would do their own experiment and make up their own mind (and maybe even listen before making a judgement?)
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The problem is its unproven and as frustrating as uc and crohns is we have to stay with mainstream medicine even though we all find at times it's ineffective which can be exacerbated by finding your average hospital consultant has the all the empathy of a dead fish!if these syndromes,cures whatever they are work prove it scientifically as I for one would be over the moon.
Hi Hugh,

I've been on the site but can only see an upcoming webinar on July 28th...

What are the 4 food to really ban?

im since 3 years on hypotoxic diet designed by Dr jean Seignalet (from France) which ressembles Paleo diet, the main difference is that legumes are allowed in the Seignalet diet and that animal proteins must be cooked at very low temperature (to avoid acrylamid formation) or eaten raw. I choose not to eat meat eventhough its allowed in my diet. Intestinal permeability is at the heart of jean Seignalet theory and diet...

is paleo diet making you in remission?

my diet seems not to be helping me. I have even fasted with water for 7 days at some point, without convincing improuvement... My case of crohns and arthritis seems not to be responsive to food therapy... However, I am highly motivated in cointinuing my pursuit of healthy lilfestyle for prevention of any potential problems or diseases in the future.

if this restrictive/harsh diet isn,t helping why bother with it?must be very stressful

not at all stressful for me. I feel so much empowered since I take care of my nutrition now. I used to eat junk food all the time before and never eat veggies. This change is one of my biggest accomplishment in life and turned me into a nutrition passionate. Theres no way back and feel convinced im engaging in the best prevention I can for my future, not only for my crohns but for cancer as well which is epidemic in north america.

also I must ad that having to take these toxic medications makes me wanna double my efforts on giving my body the best nutrients possible and avoid additional toxins.
I've been on the site but can only see an upcoming webinar on July 28th...
Scroll down a bit further, it's there (when i click the link it's there)

EDIT - five minutes later it is gone, try this one
Another Edit, It's back on the link
What are the 4 food to really ban?
Not so much ban, but the first thing to look at if the diet isn't working well enough
Eliminate all 4 and reintroduce one at a time to test....
Eggs, Nuts, Dairy and Fruit/Starches

im since 3 years on hypotoxic diet designed by Dr jean Seignalet (from France) which ressembles Paleo diet, the main difference is that legumes are allowed in the Seignalet diet and that animal proteins must be cooked at very low temperature (to avoid acrylamid formation) or eaten raw. I choose not to eat meat even though its allowed in my diet. Intestinal permeability is at the heart of jean Seignalet theory and diet...

It must be difficult without meat, and legumes may be an issue.
I view all the diets as a starting point, with tweaking and playing around being required for most people.
Can i ask why you don't eat meat?
I only eat grass fed non-'cafo', but that's pretty easy in australia.

is paleo diet making you in remission?

my diet seems not to be helping me. I have even fasted with water for 7 days at some point, without convincing improuvement... My case of crohns and arthritis seems not to be responsive to food therapy... However, I thxam highly motivated in cointinuing my pursuit of healthy lilfestyle for prevention of any potential problems or diseases in the future.
GAPS disagrees with Seignalet about raw food. According to GAPS, cooked food is alot easier to digest and raw foods should be restricted until a degree of healing has occurred.
Just because something is allowed doesn't mean you should eat it.
It takes a while to work out which foods suit you,
That's the point of doing the 'intro diets with gaps,scd and paleo A/I protocol., to make sure they are tolerated

Most people i've talked with just go straight from Wheat muffins to almond muffins, and eat dozens of eggs without going through the testing stage.

You need to look at all the variations of Paleo/Real food diets designed for GI issues and find what works for you.
SCD lifestyle do offer alot of information free, but they also do one on one consulting if you feel it is worth it.....
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