It Never Goes Away

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 21, 2014
Hi Everyone,

I am new to the forum so I thought I'd just introduce myself and share my story with you. I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disaease when I was in college back in 1990. It not only affected me physically, but also academically. I went from being a Dean's List student to being placed on academic probation. I got so sick and was so depressed, I just picked up and left college two years into it. I was so distraught that I never even filed for a medical leave. I finally went back to finish my degree, but my GPA was severely affected.

Needless to say, I went on to have a re-section of my ileum. They removed two feet of intestine as well as 1/2 of my bladder (now I have to pee what seems like every 20 mins.). I have been in remission for almost 20 years and live med free. I practice yoga every day and also do a cardio/strength blast workout 3 times a week. Despite this I hate the fact that Crohn's never goes away - and I mean that in a lot of ways.

I still get flare ups. Sometimes I have to go 3 times before I even leave for work. Now I have hemorrhoids to boot (BTW some of your posts on the dreaded hemmies not only made me feel better, but also laugh out loud)! The other thing is, I am a music teacher and am trying to get my certification in the state where I live, but my GPA is just below the requirement. This has nothing to do with brains. I have a degree, passed the state exam, and am being recruited heavily by a school for at risk inner city kids. It's all because of Crohn's. My grades were so affected when I was sick that my overall GPA makes me look like a total slacker. I now have to appeal to the state. Again - it NEVER goes away!

I'm excited to be on the forum. Looking forward to exchanging poop stories as well as stories of inspiration. Thanks for letting me introduce myself/vent.

Welcome Patrick. It looks like you are finding your way being a veteran of Crohns now for almost 25 years. Wonderful to hear no meds and a 20 year remission. Do you think surgery was a big part of that? Yoga sounds like a great idea to try too.
I do think the surgery helped a lot. For me though, I believe that exercise as well as a positive attitude are the two bigger pieces. I don't let the disease define me. I'd like to think that I define the disease and how it affects me. Yoga is huge. It's the time in the morning when I line my mind and body up and I love that. Plus the stretching and poses have given me more body awareness. The other exercise is great too. When I'm at the gym dripping sweat it helps me remind my body that I'm in charge - not Crohn's!
I've been eating the same things every day for the last 20 years:
- Breakfast: Whole grain toast with some olive oil and a tomato slice followed by some yogurt with blueberries and/or strawberries.

- Lunch: Turkey sandwich on whole grain bread followed by a banana, pita chips, and more yogurt.

- Dinner (I get a little crazy and vary a bit here between the following): Chicken, pasta, veggies, pork, fish.

- Snacks: Organic almonds, apples, carrots, pretzels w/hummus
That sounds eerily similar to the diet I followed for years and years. Recently I made a drastic change and started following the Paleo diet with low FODMAP diet as well. It has made a huge difference in my day today symptoms. The research behind why it works is complicated, I won't try to explain it you can research it yourself if you're interested. I know that not all people have similar results with diets, but it maybe worth a try. For me I can't overstate the difference it's made. Basically I cut out all dairy, except eggs, and all wheat/grains/pasta/flour. Let me know if you have any questions.
Good luck to you. And if you try this diet, at some point follow up and let me know if you had any good results.
Thanks Justan. I often work elements of other diets into my routine just to change things up. A few friends have mentioned the Paleo diet to me as well and I have been looking into it. One diet that has a lot of elements that works for me as well is the Men's Health Abs diet. There are just a lot of foods I was eating anyway in there, but it added some variation.

If I try the Paleo, I will let you know. Thanks again!

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