Itchy butt

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Sep 23, 2009
I guess it's the weather but my butt has been itching so much. I use calms calmoseptine, butt paste but they don't help.

The only thing that helps a bit is Aquaphor which is basically potent Vaseline for diaper rash.

When I gently use a wet wipe to the area I generally get red blood spots on the tissue. I know scratching will make things worse so any tips are welcome.
I use Triple Paste - medicated ointment (for diaper rash but fragrance free & hypoallergenic), they also have an Adult Version - Triple Paste Adult Medicated Ointment - made by - I buy it at Walgreens or CVS. It has been a life saver for those terrible times. You can order online or buy at the store.

Good luck!!
I've used it :eek2: It doesn't seem to have done any harm (it was quite cooling) so maybe the one I used wasn't very strong. Thanks for the heads up though, I may look for something else to try in future!
When the weather gets hot and humid, this can be an issue for me as well. I try to make sure I do frequent underwear changes, and I have used proctofoam as well (sometimes a little hydrocortisone cream). Best thing seems to be trying to keep dry.
I use Aveeno baby with zinc and Tucks pads to wipe. The Aveeno cream goes on in a thick layer so a pantiliner is advised!

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