It's been a while...

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Jun 6, 2018
So it's nearly a year since I've posted. Last time I posted, I was being referred for either a LIFT or advancement flap.

I was supposed to have a LIFT in February but due to corona, it was cancelled. Cancelled again in September. I'm scheduled to have it done on Wednesday pending a negative covid test. I've had a seton in place since July 2019 that was meant to be removed in January 2020.

So... I've kept mostly healthy during rona. Unfortunately, I developed another perianal abscess right at my seton site a week ago. I'm on heavy duty antibiotics and am in a fair bit of pain but the general physician I saw is optimistic the antibiotics will tide me over til my LIFT.

Juar thought I'd update because you've all been so helpful and encouraging. I'm very scared and I'm not hopeful because everything that could possibly go wrong has gone gone, but I will update once my procedure is done. :)
Update -

They couldn't do a lift procedure. They left me without treatment for so long that I needed some kind of stitches (not a seton) inserted first. The surgeon refused to answer most of my questions, I've been fighting with the hospital since I woke from my surgery for answers and they won't give me any.

I'm now scheduled for more surgery in 6 weeks, they're confident it'll be a LIFT this time.

Unfortunately they also found lumps that shouldn't be there so they had to take biopsies while I was in surgery because now there's a risk of cancer because of the lumps.

I'm very upset, angry an disheartened, but all I can do is stay positive, keep going and hope one day I'll be free from this. I can't give up. I'll get some nice takeout tonight and then back to my usual healthy eating, stay off cigarettes as I have done, stay away from alcohol as I have done, and just focus on being as healthy as I possibly can be for the 4th surgery
Oh... so sorry to hear that. I’ve learned surgeons don’t like to talk much :/
You have every right to be frustrated. I’m praying for the lump to be benign. Takeout sounds good. Stay positive and before you know it the 6 weeks will be over.
Take care.
Scheduled for surgery on 16th December. No biopsy results yet but I have an appointment with the surgical team in two weeks, so I'll query those then.

I'm unsure what exactly they did to me still, my nurse doesn't even know! So I'll demand (politely) answers in my consultation and I'll be insisting they chat to me about all of my options and about more testing for Crohn's and colitis.