It's official!!! I'm a CHRONIE!!

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Nov 14, 2011
Finally, after many months of tests, waiting, more tests, and waiting some more, I have finally gotten an official diagnosis of Crohn's. :dance:

I'm not sure what excites me more, knowing that I have resolution as to what's going on or the fact that I am on my way to (hopefully) remission (optimistic, aren't I?)

My family doc put me on prednisone a few weeks ago, and after seeing the GI yesterday, he switched me over to Entocort (yippee!!). I'll be taking 9mg/day for a month, tapering down to 6mg/day for a month, then 3mg/day for a month - and then with any luck I'll be done the steriods.

I will be going back to the GI in the new year to start on Imuran, they didn't want to start me on it right now, with the holidays coming up, labs and clinic will be closed, so monitoring will be difficult.

Thanks for reading - and I just wanted to share my 'happy' news!
I am glad you finally got some answers. I really hope your new treatment plan gets you into remission.

Keep us posted & good luck!!
Yay for for Crohn's :thumbdown:

Getting a diagnosis is half the battle. :yfaint:
Hi Michelle and welcome to the forum :bigwave: Fingers crossed the treatment plan will work for you, it is always easier knowing what you are dealing with rather then it being an unknown. Good luck and keep us posted.
hi michelle not sure whether to say congrats or not haha , but i hope the meds work for you now you have a diagnosis xx could i pick your brains , when you had the barium xray i noticed you said it hurt in the one spot and they asked about abdo surgery , i also had a simailar barium experience during my small bowel barium , it was ok for a short while then the pain OMG was just the same as the bad pain i get in the exact same area , i wondered if this was the case for you too , i am currently undiagnosed ........hope you dont mind me asking xx
Hi fosterschick,
When I mentioned to my GI doc about the readiologist asking about abdominal surgery, he was a bit 'perplexed' as he couldn't see a reason for the asking. The spot where I felt the pain in the LRQ was the same spot where I would have pain anyway, at the terminal ileum, where the large intestine and small bowel meet - which is where my CD is located (I was sooo excited to have been able to see the images from the SBFT/barium x-ray).
I'm fairly new at the whole CD diagnosis, but, I'm more than happy to answer any questions regarding my experiences.

ahhh thanks michelle , my barium result is normal , but my gp is content that my pain is in small bowel ileum area due to pain ( and is aware we have a pretty lazy consultant who is happy to go ibs route ) but lucky me my gp is great and has refered me to a gastro consultant who can aparantly re look at these images !!! xx just suprised me that the radiographers said not many people experience pain , and kept saying lets have a a closer look at 'that ' then like you asked about abdo surgery xx glad you are getting looked after now , what hard work our bowels are eh !!! xx
hi sorry me again !!! did your crohns get seen on the barium xray at all ???, from your posts am i correct in thinking you got diagnosed via colonscopy ? xx
I was initially diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (and the GI at the time expected to see a CD diagnosis in the future due to the appearance of my large intestine at the time) back in 2007. I had a UC flare earlier this year, and between my '07 diagnosis and '11 I moved cross country, so I had to find a new GI. The impression I got from the new GI doc when I did see him was that I was wasting his time, and that my family doctor could deal with my UC. I pushed to get a colonoscopy after having a flexible sygmoidoscopy, when I had the colonsocopy done, he managed to get through to the small bowel where there were ulcers visible just at the terminal ileum. Once seeing that image he ordered the small bowel follow through, that's when I got the confirmed diagnosis. I was quite interesting to see the images from the SBFT and see where the disease is...(I like seeing those type of things, it helps me understand what's going on)
I am currently taking Entecort, waiting for it to 'kick in', I will be going back to see the GI in the new year so start on Imuran.

I hope you get some answers from the gastro consultant!!
i have some images of my large bowel enema which show what looks like imflammtion , i will have to see if i can get the off a disk and send them to you , like you i find that kind of stuff v interesting , what does your look like ?? mine is kind of nice loopy clear bowels then one area look kind if fuzzy round the edges !!!
thanks again for getting back in england uless you are either needing major surgery for torn bowels or have lots of postive markers and badddd looking bowel they seam to be happy to leave you !!! xxx
is the entercort a steriod ?? lets hope it work for you very soon x