It's snowing in England.

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Nov 5, 2009
It's snowing outside ....... am I the only one who is excited ?

I know the entire country is going to grind to a halt - it will be the top news story all day tomorrow and the rest of the world will tell us they cope with it all the time and regard us as pathetic - but I just love it anyway.

I'm gonna go outside and make a snow man with my kids in the morning and take lots of photos and it will be a magical day.

Anyone with me on this ?
I with ya. We hardley ever get snow, but when we do I HAVE to play in it!
kimberlie said:
NC comes to a halt also, right Farm?
If they THINK we might get snow or even a flurry we shut down and you can't find any milk or bread at the grocery store. (Guess everyone is eating milk sammichs)
Enjoy the snow. I assume it is unusual in your neck of the woods.

I will get several months of "enjoyment".

Maybe we will get enough to run the Snowmobile this year.

Know what you mean, Chelli. In MA, we laugh when people freak out about snow. They forget how to drive. A foot here is a dusting LOL
1/2inch here in the flatlands of Cambridgeshire is a major alert!

And yeah, i'ts snowing a little bit of a blizzard.
Check it out, we will get 4 inches! Shut em down!!!


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Wow miss rose, do you have that much? Where are your from? Im in bath atm and havnt seen any snow. I dont have a TV or see many news papers, so I find it hard to believe there rly is any (obviously I know there is but i feel oblivious to it.....if that makes sence?)
x x x x
Snow in my street
6 inches outside our front door, and in the drifts it goes over the top of my wellies!

We got stranded for three hours on the motorway last night! I was really worried - lorries sliding all over!

I have spent the day cooking hearty meals for the freezer, may bake some bread later, the kids are building a snow man, and when they get in its time for a hot bath and a movie!

They say we can get 15" over the next two days. I don't believe it.
I live in the Pennines, so we have our very own weather system here... and that often involves something or other dropping on us from the sky. We've had quite a bit of snow, but gratifyingly less than they appear to have had in the south.
This is the bit where I could go on about "southern softies" not being used to a bit of snow... but I'm too polite to do that.
Poo, the roof fell in at work due to the snow so I had to go in and spend the day cleaning up while my kids were outside playing. There is still snow here - about 6" so I am going to go out and play tomorrow.

Despite having a sh***y day I actually think I am starting to feel better (two weeks on pred and pentasa) and I deffinately have more energy today - despite working quite hard physically - I still had the energy to cook at roast dinner and clear up afterwards - a bit of a miracle compared to how I have felt lately - and I ate it all with only a few twinges so far. Things are looking up - ho hum - tomorrow is another day and I have the weekend to play in the snow.

I'm just outside High Wycombe, Bucks by the way - we always get a lot of snow here in the Chiltern Hills - everything comes to a complete standstill.
We meed snow in Canada!!!
No snow in sight up here in the great white north.

That's a beautiful pic Beth.
I have a friend in Suffolk and with two inches of snow they closed the schools.

They never close them here ...unless there's a blizzard...the kids are used to it. :)
i'm in the North of England... we had no snow until about mid-afternoon yesterday..... by dawn this morning you'd think it had been snowing for weeks, it was so thick!! it's stopped for now, but turned icy.
I am in MD also so i am very excited about our expected 20 inches keep running to the window to see if it has started yet but no sign of it. I have seen a white christmas since i was a kid.
>>Imisspopcorn sister moved out to vegas about ten years ago and was joking with me about how she was going to be laying by the pool while it was snowing at our house ...It snowed there about a week after she moved just a coating but i thought it was hillarious!!
I didn't realize it didn't snow that much in the UK, I thought with the proximity to all the water and the latitude of the region, it would be similar to us, but it seems you guys tend to get less over there than by me.

We've had systems coming in about twice a week with about 3-8 inches each time for about 2 weeks now. That's pretty normal. We have a weird lake effect with the Chicago area sometimes with temperatures (Lake Michigan), but tend to get a lot of Canada's system's heading slightly south and into us. I think they are illegally crossing the boarder.

I only like lots of snow when it doesn't stick to pavement/driveways if I have to drive somewhere (nobody around her drives well, snow or not, the snow just makes it more dangerous, despite being very common this far north), but it can be piled on high (record this century is like 3 feet or something a few years before I was born, if I'm not mistaken) as long as I can stay home and admire the view and scenery, and especially if it's Christmas. As a boy, I loved making "forts" from the snowplow's aftermath on the curbs, we had tunnel systems and everything, I was quite the little engineer.
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No we don't get a lot of snow here but it causes havoc for a couple of days when we do. I just love the way it gets everyone out of doors - people smile and say hello.

Here's near where I live - it looks beautiful in the snow.

Sorry - can't work out how to upload a pic - how do I do it ?
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Miss Rose said:
No we don't get a lot of snow here but it causes havoc for a couple of days when we do. I just love the way it gets everyone out of doors - people smile and say hello.

Here's near where I live - it looks beautiful in the snow.

Sorry - can't work out how to upload a pic - how do I do it ?

Rose.. if you haven't got one already, sign up to Photobucket for a free account.. it's easy, once you have the account, it tells you where to click to upload a pic from your pc, and then once it's uploaded, it gives you codes below the picture in your Photobucket file, which you copy and paste in here.
we hav just come back from butlins, afor a pre xmas break. and thiss is the first year they didnt need to put fake snow everywhere. but it is now bloody dangerous. as its all icey.
merrywidow said:
we hav just come back from butlins, afor a pre xmas break. and thiss is the first year they didnt need to put fake snow everywhere. but it is now bloody dangerous. as its all icey.

i was going to say, how did you manage a holiday when there's so much to do for xmas?... but then i remembered you were organised months ago! :D hope you both had a lovely time at Butlins.

yeah, it's icy here too... and as per usual the council do the bare minimum.. if your street isn't on a bus route, it doesn't get gritted.. and they don't even do access drives or pathways to sheltered housing for the elderly!! we had to do it last year for one of our relatives.. not doing it again - it nearly killed us.
Haha! Sorry! I didnt get it untill I had re read it three times!
I'm Leaving it as it is! If you all want to twist it then thats your doing! I ment it completely innocently! :p
x x x x x
Am I missing something?? I don't see it. I must have read it so many times. What is it?
mwb3779 said:
Am I missing something?? I don't see it. I must have read it so many times. What is it?

Take that halo off Mike, and think of Glen Quagmire or Seth Rogen hearing that sentence that Holly typed, and how would THEY hear it....:D
BWS1982 said:
Take that halo off Mike, and think of Glen Quagmire or Seth Rogen hearing that sentence that Holly typed, and how would THEY hear it....:D
LMAO! I get it now. Thanks BWS for bringing it down to simple cartoons for me. I don't always wear a halo. :D
Just got a pair of these: Kahtoola Microspikes so I dont slip around any more, and they aren't too vicious to wear when out on the usual dog walk - ie when he has to be on the lead and therefore near me. Normal crampons are just tooo nasty to wear round doggy paws!

Still got some ice and snow to test them on. But it'll ensure it all melts now.
Glad you've changed the subject, Beth.
They look really good, like snow chains for your feet. I get around with a walking stick and don't manage very well, even with my walking boots on. I've seen that the internet company I get my funky walking sticks from (Emily Hannah) now make a little crampon to fix on the end of the stick... how cool is that? Or I could just use a hiking pole which has a spike on it anyway, but that wouldn't be as much fun.
Well collies are pretty clever but letting walk himself is probably asking for trouble. And I like to get out in the ice and snow. Just don't like falling arse over tip.
I still have well over a foot here in Maryland, they're expecting a storm this weekend starting on Christmas. Just not sure if its gonna be freezing rain, sleet, or snow yet.
Thunder bay doesnt get alot of snow and today and tomorrow we will have over a foot. We are not going out , only to walk on our trails in the bush... a winter wonderland! It is very mild out -5c or 20F. Nice to get alot of snow for Christmas.
We got snow here in the Bay Area of California. Hasn't happened here in years.
Pretty cool. But glad it doesn't get any more than a light dusting. I, like my reptiles,
am not fond of cold. :tongue:
well we wake up too tonnes of snow. my son is due back too school tomorrow but school just called and have cbeen forced to close until monday.
roll on the summer when we can moan about the heat!!!
Got 8 - 9 inches of snow in Manchester yesterday!

Honestly, this is the most snow I have ever seen in the UK. Y'know, for me. :eek2:

More to come apparently... Siberian coldness. Awesome. :ybatty:
I have been watching the news and heard Uk is bombarded with more snow and cold... how bad is it where you are? Anyone?

We still have a cold snap but this is Northern country!
Said on the news here that it's been 1 degree C in Florida. Iguanas have been falling out of the trees... is that true?
Also said that parts of Britain have been as cold as the South Pole... But it is summer there.
Yer I had 10inches at home in Reading. There was only about an inch in Bath. Aparently there is guna be more this weekend and my parents are supposed to be driving me back to bath for the term :/
x x x x x
You guys are so lucky. Here we get snow probably 5-10 days a winter and I live an hour from our mountains and I have a season's pass for snowboarding this year and this is one of the worst years on record for snowfall.....I dont care too much for you guys stealing all our snow haha. Your making some very rich people here and our government worry lots about our very precious olympics coming up :p
Hi crazycanuck.
Can you put some photos of ice around you ?
Olympic is also coming so what you are preparing for that ?
Ice around me? We only have our lakes/rivers around here freeze oh every 5 or 6 years....if we are lucky. Mostly rains here. The city is hectic here. Vancouver is nuts, half the people are excited and half are mad that tickets cost to much and their roads are being shut down haha! I live in a suburb so I'm super excited. I'll try and post a pic or the two mountains the Olympics will be on.
we, on the south coast wil be digging ouselves out tomoorow. it hasnt stoppd ssnowing since 11.30am. the council have 1 day of rock salt left. and the temp is about minus 10.even my son has now got bored with playing in th snow, "its too cold mum"
Ha, get him to make an Igloo like my 22 yr old daughter did, it looks way cool! Took her all day but it looks great!
I SOOOO want to make an igloo in my garden... but it has been -15C (3F) here, just a bit too icy for me now.

Some fresh snow is on its way over this weekend I hear on the weather forecasts. Maybe I'll have a go after that has fallen. If I do it i'm gonna be posting pictures! Promise :thumleft:


:emot-dance: :emot-waycool: :duh: :banana: :runaway: :applause: :yoshijumpjoy:
:ylol2: Becareful there, NOt everyone likes the cold and snow like we do, someone may come and take you away ! :lol:
here is what we did this afternoon. will finish it of tomorrow. i need time to defrost.!!!
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Jettalady said:
Great job, I bet the kids loved back to school lol.
my son aint back to school yet. his school is in the countryside and they cant clear the roads. where we are is still bad. we have had no binmen since before xmas. i have been taking mine and our elderly nieghbours rubbish to the tip.
We have our dump site in deep snow but my husband has all the toys to get us out of here. Backhoe, dozer, 4wheeler with plow and his Ford truck with 4 wheel drive and my Jetta has a triptronic thingy, havent used it yet. Hope your son gets back to school soon.
we dont normally have snow like this, which is why it has caused so much chaos. i have never ever made a igloo in my life and i am 40 years old. and i dont think i will be making another one until i have grandchilren.
It may be a once-in- a-life-time thing to do is making an igloo, but I bet your son will never forget.

The natives where my husband works, they know my daughter (summer employment) and they call her "Koon Ekwa" which means snow woman... she thinks it is cool!
we were meant to go to school today. it at last opened today. but due to a large dumping of snow last night it had to close argghhhhh
Yer my uni is closed today! It has only snowed about an inch or two here! But there is a long drive way up to the uni which i guess is dangerous. Oh well, nice to have a day not going anywhere, I can get started on my next assignment!
x x x x
Your igloo looks awesome MerryW! I still remember *cough*too many*cough* years ago when we built one, and then we ate soup sitting in it. It's all about the memories =)
love the igloo Sharon - you're brave, i stayed outside in the snow just long enough to make a snowman then came back in to defrost my hands and feet!

today we have the most treacherous black ice i've ever seen... on top of the snow already fallen over the past week or so. it's crazy out there.. everything is covered in this thick slippery ice - my walking boots act like they're ice skates, my car just slips and slides - there's been numerous accidents and road closures, school closures.... i hate this winter :(
sons school i closed now until monday grrrrr.
binmnen were due today, but again have not turned up. i dont blame them. bloody dangerous out there.
when are we gonna get a thaw?
Don't you just love all that global-warming? How many feet of global-warming have you shoveled this winter?
Well I gotta tell ya, we were in the coldest snap and now we are the mildest around! It will go up to +4c by Sunday :eek2: that is almost unheard of here! It shows we will be in the plus or near 0 pretty much the rest of the month? I am NOT holding my breath, it is January and Feb is cold too! :tongue:
Ten out of ten for the UK Parcels guy who managed to deliver my new computer keyboard on time. I can't even walk up my road, never mind drive a bloody great van up it. He was really cheery too... if you could put some of that in a bottle I'd go for it.
my elderly nieghbour has her milk delivered, and the milk as frozen, the top was of and it look like it has exploded but froze and the same time.
the snow is melting now. at last.ut we have febuary to face yet.

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